Red Tettemer and O’Connell + Partners

My name is Chi Hwan Moon and I am a double major in Advertising and Film.  I’ve been working at Red Tettemer for about three months. Lately, I’ve been working with a video that involves the company Dial.  Being able to work with professional footage and made it a blast to edit and create a story.  I’ve learned that our agency does not do large scale production shoots, but outsources them to other production companies.  Although we do small production shoots, I think that it is more efficient for us to outsource shoots and color correction etc.  While editing, there…

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Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard

In order for companies to be successful in the long run, they must be willing to change the way they do things, even if it’s hard to do so. Companies often have struggled to make the changes they have to since they often get complacent in how things are run. In the book I read for this project, Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, Chip and Dan Heath go through some of the main reasons why companies need to change, even when it’s hard. The Heath brothers used their years of market research experience to point out…

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A Glimpse into the Owl’s Nest (Part I)

Hello everybody!! My name is Carla Bohman and I’ve spent the last few months doing an internship with the marketing sector in the Temple Athletics Department. To be honest I really did not know that I was getting myself into coming into this internship but I’ve been pleasantly surprised the whole way through. In this “part I” of this blog entry I will be describing what my duties have entailed working within the office and in “part II” I’ll be talking about my experiences doing in-game promotional work. Being an athlete here at Temple University, I thought that I would…

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Life, Liberty, and LevLane

I can’t begin to explain what a fantastic experience it’s been to intern at LevLane. Let me tell you about my experiences with the Philadelphia rockstars of advertising this Fall Semester: They know my name. They treat me as a colleague. They challenge me with work that I am able to challenge myself with. It’s been a total blast working in the trenches of an agency that calls itself home to clients including Center City District (providing stunning creative work for Restaurant Week and SIPS,) Rothman Institute, and several major DMAs of the national massage clinic company Massage Envy. Of…

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Photoshoots are Fun! (and Hard)

Being an intern at a small business has its perks! I’m Taja Davis, and I am a marketing intern at In Bliss Weddings– a growing wedding website run out of Philadelphia. This semester, I took part in assisting at a photo shoot for the website’s third online publication. The theme is “Clearly in Love” this time around. The ideas for the magazine’s visual are all based off of goddesses. The University of Penn’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology was the perfect place to go to take the scene back in time. So, at 6:15 am the editors, the two other…

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Closing With Some Suspense

As I began my last week at Comcast-Spectacor, my expectations were relatively low in terms of the work I would be completed or the overall experience I would have in my last hours. After all, what unpaid intern would expect something out of the norm in their final days of employment? Little did I, or any employees at Comcast-Spectacor for that matter, know that the President and Chief Operating Officer was going to resign from his position. What started out as a normal Monday quickly escalated to a frenzy of misunderstanding when news broke that Peter Luukko had resigned. Shortly…

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So far, SO good at The Blockley

I’m about half-way through my marketing/promo internship at The Blockley, a privately owned music venue in University City, and I must say it has been a good time so far. My work load generally consists of writing social media posts, creating media plans and outlines, e-mailing target groups, and other various promoting techniques. Being a fan of live music and a musician as well, it has been quite interesting to gain a deeper understanding of the business aspect of the music industry. Working shows is also a part of this internship, whether that means working the box office, coat check, or…

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You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours: Networking to Drive Traffic

Branding as a whole is a science as we know in the world of marketing and advertising. Small and fresh brands, including self-branding, have the hardest work ahead of them in creating a household name for themselves. But the one thing to remember is each huge-name brand we know today started out as a small, no-name paradigm. Self-branding on social media and in person can also be a difficult task, and networking is something every student learns in college is the most valuable thing. More valuable than grades, GPA, and book-smarts combined, networking will get you where you need to…

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Hosting the Show Every Night

Hi. My name is Philip Morris and I’m a senior studying advertising. This semester I am a Project Development intern with Comcast-Spectacor which is based out the Wells Fargo Center in South Philadelphia. The greatest take away I have thus far from working here is learning how to balance work between several projects at the same time. While there are several on-going projects that get lent attention each day, there are also new tasks that must be accomplished with every event held in the building. The Wells Fargo Center is the main arena for one of the largest entertainment companies…

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Watch Out, Many Products are Getting Macho Makeovers

Hello, all!  My name is Rosa Doherty.  I’ve been interning with Star Group since September and I’ve loved every busy, crazy minute of it.  I’m lucky to be one of only three interns and I get to work with a lot of different aspects of the agency.   My favorite project I’ve worked on is Shop Scape, Star Group’s own shopper marketing blog.  My job is to find articles and research that shed some light on the often murky waters of consumer’s motivations.  Then, and here’s the exciting part, I get to write about it!  I’m incredibly proud than an…

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One Small Step for Star Group, One Giant Leap for the Intern.

Hello all, my name is Rosa Doherty.  I’m a senior Advertising major all set to graduate in May, as I’m very proud to say.  Just a few months ago I couldn’t acknowledge the lurking monster of graduation without whimpering.  Having an internship has tempered the post-grad water, and I’m more confident than ever to dive in. I’ve been an account management intern with Star Group since September and I’ve learned so much about the industry, but even more about myself.  Is Joe Glennon reading this?  I know it’s a cliché, but hey, if the shoe fits. As one of only…

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Art Direction @ PhillyBASS’D

This semester I have been interning at Philly Bass’d Entertainment as a graphic designer.  I have one week to go and wanted to talk about first impressions, projects I have worked on, the atmosphere here and the people I have had the pleasure to work with. As a senior on the Art Direction track, I was excited to participate in my first internship. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but found myself at a place where my work is used and produced for the different clients that Philly Bass’d represents. Some of the work that I have completed so far have…

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Competitor Research at ASI

Hey everyone!  I’m wrapping up my third month as the marketing intern at Advanced Sports International.  Not only have I learned a ton about the bicycle industry, but I’ve also learned a great deal about how much goes into a marketing plan, in particular, advertising. The advertising project I’ve been working on for the past few weeks is competitor research.  I have spent countless hours flipping through a variety of bicycle magazines and browsing bike websites.  To the right is a picture of just a few of the magazines I looked through.  All of this research has opened my eyes…

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Goodbye For Now

I am thankful for the opportunities and experiences I’ve had interning for PHL17. Looking back I cannot believe how much I’ve done in just a matter of weeks. I’ve attended company meetings, sales calls with Streams Companies and South Philly Bar & Grill, and I was fortunate enough to attend the Philly Hot List event which is sponsored by PHL17. During the event, the winners of the 2013 Best of Philly were announced and rewarded for their accomplishments. My favorite part of interning for PHL17 were the sales calls I attended with my co-workers because it gave me one on one time with…

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Don’t Call It The SAC

Hey, everyone! It’s your friendly neighborhood Student Center Marketing Intern, Kelly, reporting for duty! Wait– Student Center? As in your internship takes place right on Temple’s campus? Yes, it does! I’m livin’ the dream. After spending my sophomore and junior years on the front line (manning the Information Desk, that is), I was presented the opportunity to take over the Marketing & Web Intern position within Student Center Operations. Already familiar with the inter-workings of the department as well as the full-time staff, the decision for me was a no-brainer. My experience at the Student Center up until that point…

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