On my drive to Philly this morning I was listening to NPR, and learned that China has created it’s own form of Facebook, in english meaning “everybody.” The irony of the title? They were forced to create this social networking…
The Experiences of Temple Advertising Students
On my drive to Philly this morning I was listening to NPR, and learned that China has created it’s own form of Facebook, in english meaning “everybody.” The irony of the title? They were forced to create this social networking…
I have a job. Sheffield Furniture & Interiors has hired me as their official Copywriter. The responsibilities that I have as employee are basically the same responsibilities that I had as an intern, which is doing almost all of the…
As us seniors come close to graduating and finalizing our career choices with actual jobs, freshman/sophmores come to a crossroads of choosing a major, we all spend much time considering all aspects of a job as it would affect our…
I stand (sit, type) before you completely flabbergasted. The high level of intense media coverage of this wedding is unbelievable. (Just the fact that I didn’t have to mention WHAT wedding I’m referring to speaks for itself. For those of…
My internship at Sheffield Furniture and Interiors has progressed over the course of the semester, and I am so pleased with the amount of responsibility and assignments I have been given! I am writing all of the copy for newspaper…
An advertisement for Zyrtec popped up recently during an episode of Desperate Housewives on Hulu (yes, I still watch that show, ha-ha), and it’s desperate attempt to stand out against Allegra was disappointing. You can watch the commercial for yourself here,…
This print ad for Axe body spray was brought to my attention today, and I thought it might be time to comment on Axe’s advertising which is– surprisingly, clever. Of all the body sprays, deoderants, and male cleansing products, Axe…
I work part time as a waitress in a busy steak house, and it amazes me each and every time I see a child between the ages of 5 and 15 sitting at the table with their parents, completely entranced…
Yes, that’s right. Now you can follow Charlie Sheen and all that he has to say to out loud on Twitter. At 9 am yesterday morning, Sheen decided that he wanted to start a Twitter account to share his side…
I am excited to announce that I FINALLY found an internship, after a very long search! Sheffield Furniture and Interiors has agreed to take me on as their intern Copywriter in their creative department. I am pretty excited about the…
The soda and beer industry are using a variety of new methods to promote their low-cal variations of beverages. Two “cans” that stand out especially are Michelob Ultra, and the newest 10-calorie Dr Pepper TEN. Michelob, known as one of…
I watched something cool on PBS recently, that I think everyone will find to be very interesting! Check out “Art & Copy: An Independent Lens.” It’s an extremely interesting documentary about Advertising in which you “find out how they [the…
As an advertising student on the copywriting track, there is no question about it– I am on the computer ALL THE TIME. Whether I am accessing e-mail through my blackberry, or using Photo Shop on my Macbook Pro, there is…
This super bowl series of commercials was filled with themes of violence, nostalgia, references to the actual making of a commercial (within a commercial), the havock that may ensue while house-sitting, and…. Eminem? The rapper’s first appearance came in the…