The love seat, oriental rug, wallpaper internship (part II)

My internship at Sheffield Furniture and Interiors has progressed over the course of the semester, and I am so pleased with the amount of responsibility and assignments I have been given! I am writing all of the copy for newspaper ads and mailers, as well as e-mails that go out to the client e-mail list. The mailers reach almost 110,000 customers with all three of the Sheffield store locations combined (Penn


sylvania, D.C. and Virginia) and I cannot believe how many people are reading what I’m writing in the mailers they receive. The following is a sample of the kind of writing that I am doing for the company:


The line that separates a house from a home is fine, and it is on this line that Sheffield Furniture & Interiors exists, working with you to furnish and design your home until every last piece of it echoes beauty and warmth. With a reputation as the finest furniture store in the Philadelphia region, an array of design services and furniture choices, and a highly experienced interior design team, you can be certain that your home is in the best hands with Sheffield.”

My responsibility as their intern is to combine sophisticated, romantic writing with information to target Sheffield’s customers. My boss just informed me that we will be starting a blog for Sheffield from the ground up, and I will be the person in charge of writing all of the blog entries. I am extremely excited about this 0pportunity! I am a little nervous, because with blogging it is hard for a writer’s voice not to shine through, and I’m not sure if it will come off as my boss wants. The job is to blog as much as possible, starting with just one blog entry a week and increasing the number as we go. Eventually, we are also going to re-design the website. I have included a link to Sheffield’s website here, if anyone is interested in the furniture and services that they offer. Also, as soon as the blog is up and running, I will include a link to it!


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