JT, Bringing More Than Sexy Back

Award Show Season is a time for popcorn, opinions and new, noteworthy ads. Just last week, Adage announced Justin Timberlake’s deal with Bud Light Platinum relatively close to the release of his new song, “Suit and Tie.” The first bit of Justin Timberlake’s work with Bud Light Platinum, “Platinum Night” aired during the Grammy’s. The 60-second spot featured his new single “Suit and Tie” partnered with black and white footage. Incidentally, “Platinum Night” was not the only ad starring Timberlake. Target ran an ad promoting his new album, “The 20/20 Experience.” With all of  JT’s airtime, one could say that…

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Lew Klein Excellence in the Media Scholarship Deadline 2/15

The School of Media and Communication offers various awards and scholarships throughout the year to students who show excellence in academics as well as to students who possess certain skills and attributes. You can apply for most awards during the Fall semester to be applied to your Spring and Summer semesters. However, the Lew Klein Excellence in the Media Scholarship is still up for grabs! The deadline for the award is next Friday, February 15th. SMC Scholarships are great ways to earn extra money towards your education. It’s a simple application process that can help you a lot in the…

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BrandYourself: Take Control of Your Online Presence

When looking for a job today, one of the most important things to remember is you are a brand. We are in a time where students and graduates are constantly competing against other peers who have the same educational skills and experience, so how do we stand out? When businesses and hiring managers are busy getting piles of resumes and emails day by day, it’s our job to make it easier for them to find our brand first. So what’s the easiest way for an employer, or really anyone, to figure out who you are? Google. If you haven’t thought…

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Philly Ad Club Student Event: Agency Crawl

If you are not a member of the Philly Ad Club, now is the perfect time to join! Students get exclusive invites to advertising events and chances to network with the many people who are involved in Philly Ad Club. Yearly memberships with Philly Ad Club are only $10 for students. Philly Ad Club has a few upcoming events for those looking to get involved and experience more about the advertising world. In addition to the Genius Bar at Lasalle University on Wednesday, February 13th (for more info, refer to the Philly Ad Club Student Event: Step Up to the…

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Pocket: Save Now, Read Later

As students, multitasking is a vital skill for us to master. We need to juggle class, work, clubs, and maybe even a little social life. On top of all that, as students in the School of Media and Communications, we are expected to know what’s going on in the news and in media at all times. There are so many new trends and topics that we need to catch up on that sometimes we loose track. That’s where Pocket comes in to play. Pocket is an app for your computer, iPad, tablet, or smartphone that is designed to help you…

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Taco Bell: Brand Bowl Winner 2013

Lovers of all things advertising tuned in for our biggest event of the year–the Brand Bowl (sometimes known as the Super Bowl). This years’ Brand Bowl was a little lacking in my opinion. To be honest, some of the commentary on AdFreak’s Twitter were more entertaining than the actual commercials being shown. “@AdFreak: I never want to kiss anything again ever. #godaddy #adweekbowl#superbowlads” “@AdFreak: We hear if you get GOLDBLATT tattooed across your back, Taco Bell will give you a free medium soft drink. #TryIt #AdweekBowl#SuperBowlAds” “@AdFreak: Just a sec….learning where babies come from. #Kia #AdweekBowl#SuperBowlAds” Some of the commercials were either too bland or just plain ridiculous. Can someone…

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Philly Ad Club Student Event: Step Up to the Job Genius Bar

I hope as Philadelphia Advertising students you are all taking advantage of their student events! I have gone to a few throughout my undergraduate career and I have always walked away learning great ideas to apply to my studies and career pursuit. First off, I encourage you to become a Philly Ad Club member! As a Temple University advertising student you are offered a discounted rate of $10 for a year membership. That’s a steal for all the great opportunities and resources they lay out for you. On February 13th at LaSalle University, you should try out one of their…

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Shopping for New Employees? Try Amazon!

As an advertising student I am always looking for new ways to showcase my unique   talent and work in sea of creatives so when I stumbled upon Philippe Dubost’s amazon-inspired resume’ page, I was intrigued. Philippe Dubost is a product manager from Paris, France who created a revolutionary way to sell himself to future employers. Dubost constructed a resume that fully functions as an Amazon page. Not only does his page integrate social media sites but it also has gone viral and attracted more than 1,000,000 visitors in just eight days. Dubost lists his skills and past experience just…

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Get Involved Get Ahead

  A common piece of advice for a college student is get involved. Employers like to see extra curricular involvement on your resume to add to your work and educational experiences. However, getting involved can help you in more ways than you think. In particular, getting involved with career oriented clubs and organizations can do a lot to increase your chances of success both while in school and after graduation. This year I am the Vice President of Temple Ad Club and it has opened up a lot of opportunities for me within my major and within the Philadelphia advertising…

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Feeling Lonely this Winter?

Join Temple Ad Club on Monday’s from 4:30-5:30 in the Student Center to get involved in a fun and rewarding student organization. Students in TAC are creative and social individuals looking for people like you. They meet professionals, take trips, and learn everything they can about advertising in an exciting environment. TAC’s Spring 2013 Open House will be held on February 4th in SAC 217D. Come by to learn more and find out how to get involved! TAC’s general meetings are on Mondays from 4:30-5:30 SAC 217D. TAC Agency meetings are also held on Mondays following TAC general meetings. For…

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A Little Inspiration

It’s a fresh spring semester here at Temple University! As we get back into the swing of things, one of the hardest adjustments we usually find is getting back on the grind. It’s hard after a long break to pick back up and start classes again when we were just in the mindset of relaxation. To ease the start I thought I’d offer up some sites that I frequent based on peer and teacher reviews that always help in getting the creative juices flowing. As ad students, I think we can all agree that we all love a little inspiration!…

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Chase with Coke this Super Bowl Season

Now I don’t mean that as in an alcoholic activity with your friends on the weekend but rather Coca Cola’s big game ad. With Super Bowl XLVII approaching, many advertisers have put out teasers to entice viewers to watch the Super Bowl not only for the game, but for the ads. I would have to say that I’m guilty myself of only watching the Super Bowl for the sole purpose of the outlandish and humorous ads that play during breaks. Coca Cola’s chase ad features three groups of people fighting until the end to quench their thirst with a refreshing…

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Here at Love Park

My job has focused on creating print promotional material primary for Love Park, where the department is located and also digital media, updating their facebook account and working on their new website. I really never associated the city of Philadelphia with advertising or design work, but this internship has revealed just how much advertising and visual design play a role in almost all businesses, even the city. Philadelphia is unique in that we have the largest network of city parks in the country, so there is always plenty of work to be done promoting events and creating maximum exposure for Fairmount Park.…

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Never thought i’d be weeding at work

I spend just about all my time at my internship on the computer designing signs for companies to use all over. We do simple ones that may just be for an event telling where the bathrooms are to the big ones you see hanging from street lights in center city, to some of the Templemade signs with the faces in the black background, to the ones Temple drops big bucks on that hang across broad street telling when the next games are going to be. Its kinda nice though, Temple is starting to pay me back for the years i’ve…

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A Final Goodbye To Internships

Wrapping up my final few weeks at Propulsion Media Labs was a bit bittersweet. Along my journey through the semester at Propulsion I was able to make some great contacts with people in the advertising world, as well networking with students from other schools I worked along side of such as Penn State and West Chester University. We all worked so well together and I know that as we part and begin to form our own paths in “real world,” we are able to keep each other in the back of our minds when positions may arise. Although I had…

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