Stella Artois Holiday Carolers Go Straight To Your Doorstep

As the holiday season gets into full gear it may be getting harder and harder to finance all of the gifts you want to give to all your friends. Stella Artois has a creative and easy solution. Let me introduce you to Carole, who personally travels to your friends house to deliver an outstanding lyrical performance and personalized message. How it works is by first visiting the Stella Artois website or by using the Facebook App. You are then directed to send Carole to a friend’s house or your own. Then she invites you to come on in as you…

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It’s All About Who You Know. So Get Involved Today!

In today’s society being highly qualified for a job is good but being highly qualified AND having good relationships with people in the business is better. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times, “It’s all about who you know” but let me be the 1,001 person to tell you it’s true. So now that your fully convinced that it is indeed fact time to venture out into the world of networking here are a few suggestions for getting involved and meeting people in the advertising industry. 1. Philly Ad Club– The Philly Ad Club is a great place to start…

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When Projects Grow Change

Sometimes, countless hours are spent working on one project only to realize it needs to be something completely different. It happens in the professional world all the time and in order to survive, you’ve got to be open-minded, quick-witted, and flexible. To quickly recap, I’ve been interning at The Village of Arts and Humanities for a year now where I’ve worked on internal branding as well as CRED Magazine design (more about that in my previous blog post here). Most recently, I’ve been working on designing The Village’s 2012 Annual Report. It’s particularly important this year because it’s been a…

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My internship at Anthro!

This fall I decided to accept a Visual Design internship with Anthropologie. As many creative women with a taste for fashion know, their company’s aesthetic is one that blows other retail stores out of the water and for this, I feel so lucky to get to intern at a store I love!  The people I work with make this place feel like home. The Rittenhouse Square store  in center city team has such a positive energy and I love feeding off the creativity of those I am working with. These ladies do not stop moving… and I gladly dance along! I…

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Chatting with the World

Hey, my name is Julie Kovaleski and I am currently a senior at Temple and a social media intern at Chatterblast Media. ChatterBlast is located on 13th and Samson in the heart of Center City Philadelphia. I have been working with this small online strategy and social media marketing company to help maintain their clients social media presence. It might sounds like a dream job if you love Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, WordPress, or any other social media program. However, I have learned a tremendous amount of the more technical side of social media. Many of us use social…

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Toddlers & Tiaras

I am currently an intern at Soko Inc., a marketing and events firm, in the heart of South Street shopping. Who knew that my first experience at an internship would entail me babysitting kid models, sounds like I didn’t learn anything from this, but trust me I did! This was my first event that I ever worked with my internship and I was determined to step up to the plate and show what I am capable of. This event was hosted by Marlton Square Shopping Center and was held in the shopping center parking lot. Various stores participated including; Gap, Victoria’s Secret,…

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First Fridays, free tots

Since the beginning of this semester I have been interning at North Bowl Lounge N’ Lanes, which is located at 909 N. 2nd Street (Northern Liberties). North Bowl is a bowling alley that radiates friendliness and presents an atmosphere that compliments a good time. One of my supervisors, Mandi Bompensa, is a graphic designer and marketer for North Bowl who was a recent addition to the business. My major is advertising, copywriting track, and at North Bowl I have dabbled in everything from street-level marketing to social media marketing. On the first friday of every month North Bowl exhibits art…

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Doing little things well is a step towards doing big things better.

As my first internship comes to an end at Fame House LLC, I can say in very strong confidence that my experience has been nothing but inspiring. As a very small company, Fame House holds their own with larger companies because of their dedication and love for what they do. One specific thing that always stood out to me through this experience is how doing little things well is a step towards doing big things better. In a start-up company, this saying is something that always must constantly be in mind. Everything that is being done is for the big picture. Though some…

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A Reflection on the Small Company with Big Ideas: i-g Creative

As my internship at i-g Creative dwindles down to close, I have had a chance to look back on this past semester at what I’ve spent my time doing and what I’ve gained from my internship. In my last blog post, I discussed how i-g Creative was not an average company: it’s small, and laidback but as an intern I felt like I was contributing to the company instead of being given busy work. i-g Creative forced me out of my comfort zone in many aspects. The interns are given a lot of freedom in what their workweek looks like…

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Small World

I am currently an intern at Soko Inc., a marketing and events firm, in the heart of South Street shopping. When I first applied to this internship, I had no idea how small the company was or who was the CEO. I know that information is the first thing you should find out, but I was so concentrated on finding an internship that I applied to everywhere that I could. After two weeks of putting in my application, I received a call from Soko Inc. asking me to come in for an interview and the person gave me the email of the…

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High Schoolers “MADE” for this.

They are the future. Opening high schoolers’ eyes to the advertising world, envelopes such hope in their potential success. The final presentation is near, and I’m so excited to share our work with executives from Temple, Philly Ad Club, and administrators from both of the high schools. The best part about this event is the two, very different campaigns that the students we’ll be presenting to our client- Philabundance. There are two “big ideas” that I’m sure will win them over. Kensington CAPA’s efforts are more digital, as they focus more on viral production and showcase their talent with technology.…

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Saying hello to the future @ LevLane

As we approach the end of fall semester, let’s take this opportunity to reflect. Lucky to have been given the chance to intern at LevLane, I would be sad to leave. Fortunately, they have asked me to stay and continue working in the Traffic and Production department. I’m overwhelmed with joy, and see great things coming from elongating the experience. Because LevLane is rather small and close-knit,  one of the greatest take-aways thus far are the connections. The people I work and interact with have been nothing but awesome. Their guidance and welcoming personalities have given me the chance to taste all…

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Ta Ta Anthropologie!

I can’t believe my time with Anthropologie as a Visual Design intern has come to an end! These past 3 months have been nothing short of magical. Unlike my previous internship at a small branding agency, Anthropolgie has offered me many new and original experiences that I can’t imagine learning anywhere else. As an art direction major, most of my education has been focused upon what to expect in an agency setting. I decided to take this internship because it was exactly opposite of that! In this position, it was my responsibility to design, formulate and craft all of Anthropologie’s Rittenhouse Square…

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Lessons Learned from RGI

Through the duration of my internship I have learned how to do many things within a self-run company. I have learned how to create a business plan and how to present it to potential clients. I have learned how to create contacts with outside vendors as well as purchase media spots with those vendors. The experience as a whole was positive but even the greatest of times have their challenges. The event that I planned and executed was not a great success due to a hurricane hitting the area the day of the event. However, it was not a complete…

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Interning with Life Changers at Weston Fitness!

Hello! My name is Kelly Roland, and over the course of this semester, I have had the privilege of interning at Weston Fitness as a Marketing/Advertising Intern. Weston Fitness is located at 1835 Market St. and is a beautiful fitness center/health club located on the second floor with an awesome view of Market Street. When I first started interning at Weston Fitness back in the beginning of September, I was so eager to get started and learn as much as I possibly could! On my first day, as one of three interns (originally), I had crazy butterflies in my stomach…

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