The View from Intern Alley

On the top floors of Philadelphia’s PNB Building, you’ll find an extravagant office. The space used to be the penthouse apartment for Rodman Wanamaker and his family back in the 20’s. The original molding, fireplaces, and materials are still intact, but that isn’t the only thing that contributes to the unique atmosphere. For over a decade, Red Tettemer has been building an American Cabinet of Curiosities in this converted space. The two floor office is mainly decorated with eclectic nic-nacs.  Antique signs and posters are mounted on walls of vibrant blue, yellow, and red. Chandeliers reminiscent of Larry Fuente’s work…

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Advertising Women of NY Career Conference

So this weekend I attended the 2 day AWNY ( Advertising Women of NY)  Career Conference in NYC and it was the best experience of my life to date. The career conference is an annual event that just gives college students and professionals in the advertising world a chance to network and even better, to learn from each other. Day 1 started with a randomly selected agency visit to Ogilvy & Mather (!!!) where a small group of us were treated to 2 hour info session/Q&A with representatives from the Human Resources Department, current and past members of the  Associates…

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Communication Arts Magazine Advertising and Design Annuals

Communication Arts is the premier source of inspiration for graphic designers, art directors, design firms, corporate design departments, advertising agencies, interactive designers, illustrators and photographers—everyone involved in visual communication. Communication Arts Magazine has a special student subscription price! For students, a one years subscription (6 issues, including annual issues) plus one year full access to Communication Arts’ full web content is only $39! If you subscribe now, you will receive the Advertising Annual. To learn more about what you get when you subscribe to Communication Arts Magazine click here. To get a student subscription, Go Here, find Temple University in the List…

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PENNED, Save the Date and Keep a Look out for Ticketing!

  01/28/2012 at 9:00am | Temple Center City, Room 206, 1515 Market St., Philadelphia, PA Save the date, and keep a look out for ticketing for PENNED! Penned is a hands on lettering workshop with Ken Barber, presented by the Philadelphia chapter of AIGA. Learn from Ken Barber, an esteemed  letterer and type designer, in a group workshop and gain a stronger understanding of type and lettering by applying foundational letter-making principles firsthand. In the AM session: Hand Lettering in Graphic Design, you will learn how to create your own hand lettering and create your own one of a kind word marks. In…

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Push Me Pull You Designs by Eleanor Grosch

While looking at TLA posters I came across the work of Eleanor Grosch and knew I had to share.  Push Me Pull You Designs, her semi-one-man illustration machine since 2005, does all types of design from greeting cards to apparel as well as branding, product design, and logo design. She makes amazing prints of animals, simplifying them into geometric shapes and colors that are basically just delightful and full of imagination. Her posters are made with the same imagination, but with fantastic typography and use of color added in. Check out some of her work, and then get on her…

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Posters from Philly: TLA

Philadelphia is home to some great venues, (look out for a post on the Troc) but I have to say the Theater of Living Arts is one of my favorites. Located on 4th and South, its been around since the 70’s when it was an actual theater showing grindhouse films; today its a venue for mostly rock and hip-hop acts, although I go there a lot for electro shows as well. Its mid-size (about 1,000 people), easy to get to and home from, (even at 3 in the morning in un-sober states), and ticket prices through LiveNation are usually pretty good.…

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Typography for the Web Webinar

Typography for the Web Wednesday, December 7 12:00 p.m. Typography for the web is a webinar, Part of AIGA’s and Adobe’s Webinar Series: “Breakthroughs: Where Inspiration and Technology Meet” Until recently, typography for the web was limited to a handful of overused screen-display fonts, but new font services are giving web designers the freedom to choose their typefaces and control their appearance without sacrificing web standards. In this webinar, moderator Callie Neylan will lead a discussion with Tim Brown, type manager for Typekit, about this “golden age” for web typography and how emerging technologies are improving web design. To learn more about this…

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Here are some freebies I found on the web. I also came across some vintage motorcycle advertisements that are great visual inspiration Enjoy!   VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE ADVERTISEMENTS click here to view more BRUSHES 23 Brushes Light Blurs Brush Set, Free for all uses commercial and personal Click here to visit website and download TYPE FACES Banda Typeface Banda is a semi-serif typeface characterized by a tall x-height and rounded semi-serifs. Consisting of seven weights plus italics. Banda can be used for short passages of text as well as fancy displays. Spanning the elegant finesse of the thinner weights to the…


Pinterest: Discover and Organize your Inspiration By Creating Online Pinboards

  COLLECT AND ORGANIZE YOUR INSPIRATION  My desktop was overloaded with images and I had too many bookmarks on my safari toolbar. That was until Professor Kantrowitz told me about Pinterest. Pinterest is a great tool for aspiring advertising professionals and designers. I just started an account and I love it. Best of all, its free. Pinterest is a website where you can create online pinboards. You pin images you find on the internet to Pinboards you create on Pinterest. You can create Pin boards for each one of your current projects, for each one of your classes, for inspiration, for…

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Menus: Underrated Design

One of the main reasons why I’m glad I chose to major in Advertising is that it taught me to appreciate product design. People usually don’t notice the shape of a shampoo bottle or a tube of lip gloss as “art”, but AD has taught me to see the thought process behind the designs. Like Hiroko Sanders’ Summer Kleenex boxes, form doesn’t have to just follow function–it can impart emotion and breathe life into the product. So as an Art Direction kid I may get real nerdy over typefaces, but at least I also appreciate lots of underrated kinds of…

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Internship Intervention

Careers in Advertising & Communications Event This was an informational session for any and all communications majors on how to approach finding an internship in an effective way. Firstly we discussed how to format your resumé. This was the most intense and longest portion of the seminar. We discussed aspects of how to make your resume STAND OUT when compared to hundreds of others on the employers desk. We talked about NOT adding flashy colors or bells and whistles, but instead to make the content flashy and to the point. Next we discussed how to dress appropriately for a job…

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2011 Open Studio Tours  See what’s inside a professional design studio! Design studios in the Philadelphia area are opening their doors to design students and welcome you to tour their facilities, ask lots of questions, and see what it’s like behind the scenes at your favorite studio! Food and Drinks are also provided. WHEN: 11/15/2011 at 6:00pm-8:00pm, requested that you arrive at your assigned studio 15 minutes early WHERE: When you register, you choose a studio to visit. Open Studios are: 160over90 | art270 | Blue Cadet | CBS-3 (For a look at the animated work of one of the…


Green Initiatives Presentation @ the Tech Center

Submitted by Shawn Carter: This was a convenient event to attend considering it was located in the Temple University Tech Center, right on campus. The theme behind this presentation was “Green Initiatives”. The event was lead by Dan Noshery. We discussed how in the past, just a few short years ago efficiency of businesses and corporations was stalled by the fact that all the information they shared and collected had to be physically printed on paper. This process not only took long periods of time, but also contributed to the overall decline of the atmosphere. As time progressed and technology…

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Register IMMEDIATELY! Philly Ad Club Agency Crawl Nov. 11th and 18th – Registration will close VERY QUICKLY

Do you want to see what it’s like to work at an advertising agency? Attend the Philly Ad Club‘s Agency Crawls Student Members Only – Agency Crawls! This is an extraordinary opportunity to experience what it’s like to work in an advertising agency. The Philly Ad Club is pleased to sponsor two Agency Crawls in November. Each Agency Crawl includes an informational meeting with key agency staff, Q&A session, and agency tour. These events are available to Philly Ad Club student members only. Students can register for only one of the events; students may not attend both events. Space is limited, so reserve…

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Creative Space for Creative People

“Business in the front, party in the back” – you know what I’m talking about. This pretty much sums up the layout of DBC’s office space. We’ve discussed in many of our advertising classes the way that typical full-service advertising agencies are laid out. One floor for traffic, one floor for account services, another for creative, and so on. At DBC, the creative may not have their own floor, but everyone collectively shares one creative space. In the front of the office lives the media, PR, and account services, and in the back, resides the wondrous creative department. For the most part,…

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