Class In Session

I knew from the moment I walked in the Kensington Capa door that this was going to be an amazing experience. Lesson planning wasn’t always easy with such a big group of teachers, but I think we found some great ways to entertain the students. Snacks definitely got their attention, but I think breaking off into smaller groups allows us to give them enough attention so that they feel involved. I know I used to like that when I was in high school. Small groups always gave me the courage to say what I wanted to say, and I think it helped some of the students get out of their shells. When Nicole and I got assigned to lead the music/radio groups, I instantly felt inspired. Working alongside these kids, who probably have more musical background than I do, was wonderful. Aaron showed me his knowledge of music so effortlessly and applied it to our campaign like a professional. Though there were a lot of commitment issues, as a team we were still able to come through and have something really amazing to show.

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