Time for Action!

I’m an intern at Creative Video, a video production company located in New Jersey. I was hired at the end of the winter semester as a graphic design intern. Since there wasn’t much design needed during the winter break, I was very useful in the video production department. I never thought I would be editing videos for a job but after taking MURL, the Journalism capstone now referred to as Philadelphia Neighborhoods, I want to thank my professors for believing in each student to keep trying and never give up. They reminded us everyday that learning Final Cut Pro would…

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Legality Issues as an Intern

Working as an intern at the Office of Sustainability I have run into many legal issues with design. So far at the office I have to make sure certain brochures and fliers are approved by Temple authorities. One example of a legal issue that I ran into was the use of the Temple “T”. I am not allowed to use the T without permission and I also must not make a T that looks like the Temple T in any of my work. This past Spring I was creating a banner for Campus Sustainability Week and on the banner is…

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The Royal Event of the Year– No, Decade. I Mean, Century.

I stand (sit, type) before you completely flabbergasted. The high level of intense media coverage of this wedding is unbelievable. (Just the fact that I didn’t have to mention WHAT wedding I’m referring to speaks for itself. For those of you who have been in the woods for the past couple of months, I am talking about the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.) A few mornings ago I turned on the news and watched for half an hour as the local butcher and hotel master of the small English town Kate is from were interviewed in extraordinary detail.…

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The little things in life.

At my current internship at Philly Magazine I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet a lot of great people (see my last blog about networking) and learn a ton of tools that will help me in the future. Because it is a magazine, I’ve learned about making media kits, tracking down leads, maintaining advertising clients with recap books, etc. You know, magazine ad sales stuff. But I’ve also learned some little things that I know I will always carry with me. For example, I can proudly say that I now know how to Fed Ex and UPS a package via their…

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Becky Last seen: Neiman Group

I started my Spring semester internship with Neiman Group in January and have loved every Monday/Wednesday/Friday since! Neiman Group is located in the 1619 building on Walnut Street, which is the old NBC building. My label at Neiman is New Business Intern, although I’ve had the opportunity to assist various departments at the agency in addition to New Business. I have had the opportunity to better understand the rfp process at Neiman Group and learn about the strategic thinking and planning that goes into making and delivering a pitch. One aspect of interning at the agency that I really like…

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And we’re rolling.

Today was a good day. Today, I was inspired. One of our clients is in the workings with Brownstein to execute a TV spot for a new product. This may make me sound like a six year old, but…I can’t believe that I get to witness the makings of a commercial! Sure, we’ve written broadcast storyboards in class. And yes, I’ve got to contribute and witness many print ads go to execution in my past internships. I’ve never, however, seen the progress of a real TV ad from a real client and a real agency. Can you tell that I’m…

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Networking is your power tool.

I’ve always been told that the last semester of senior year is the most difficult. It’s the period in your life when you have the least time to yourself. Yet regardless how many times I have been told this I continued to think, “how hard could it really be?” Well, now I know. Since early January I’ve been managing my last few senior level classes, an internship at Philadelphia Magazine, work, my sorority, and trying to enjoy every last bit of college that I possibly can. I now truly know the meaning of “there aren’t enough hours in the day.”…

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The day I’ve been dreading..

<—See that girl? That’s what I’m going to look like a few weeks from now. Graduation; the day I’ve been dreading for the past four years is less than a month away. To some people, graduation may seem like an exciting time and something they’ve worked their whole life towards. While this is all true, graduation also means leaving behind my comfort zone, friends who have become like family to me and a place that has become my home. Sure, it’s going to be great to have a job, my own income and not have to rely on my parents…

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The love seat, oriental rug, wallpaper internship (part II)

My internship at Sheffield Furniture and Interiors has progressed over the course of the semester, and I am so pleased with the amount of responsibility and assignments I have been given! I am writing all of the copy for newspaper ads and mailers, as well as e-mails that go out to the client e-mail list. The mailers reach almost 110,000 customers with all three of the Sheffield store locations combined (Penn   sylvania, D.C. and Virginia) and I cannot believe how many people are reading what I’m writing in the mailers they receive. The following is a sample of the…

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One of my favorite illustrators of all time, Glenn Jones better known as Glennz, has released some fresh work! I’ve been following him for awhile and his illustration wits have always inspired me. He takes stereotypes, personification, and literalism to the right level. A lot of his work goes on t-shirts as well so go check him out!

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Branded Entertainment Campaigns

Actor David Keochner (Anchorman, Waiting) is having a free-form interview with Sarah Silverman. It’s hilarious, awkward, but most importantly it’s taking place in a Denny’s booth over breakfast. The series is called Always Open (watch here) and it’s the newest campaign by branded entertainment company Dumb Dumb. Dumb Dumb was started by actors Jason Bateman and Will Arnett (both of Arrested Development fame), who both usually appear in the hilarious videos they put out. The only resemblance of traditional advertising is the mere mention of a product, other than that it’s up to the whim of their imaginations. Mashable recently…

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sp11split web typography

Split Web Type

I recently found this fresh idea utilizing web type. Manufactura Independente did a nice little write up which you can find in the links I posted. Anyways, web type has always sucked, true type that is (not images). They (Manufactura) managed to upload their first typeface (DIN, a personal favorite), and then create a split true-type typeface using fontforge. Then by overlapping the two you have an interesting true web type effect that is neat. It is best to view this in Firefox.

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KYW: A Different Perspective

I really wasn’t sure what to write this blog about, however it came to me just this past Friday when the Director of Digital Media from the advertising department asked for someone who was in “promotions and not doing anything at the moment” to be exact.  They normally would have asked Brian because he is above me and sometimes takes care of things for other departments, but my head supervisor, Nicole, had suggest that I take on the task. The Director of Digital Media explained to me that they were inputting all of their advertising sales for April, May, and…

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Best experience I have had so far!

I literally can’t put into words what I have obtained from my internship. Therefore, I will just start by saying that this internship has opened new doors I never though would be possible! My internship at MayoSeitz Media (www.mayoseitzmedia.com)  is coming to an end in about three weeks. So far it has been the best internship experience I have ever had. MayoSeitz Media is a media planning agency in Blue Bell. They work with clients like Sunoco, Trex, GPTMC, Hershey, Subway (and many others). As an intern I have had the privilege to work under incredible people that have…

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