Never say No

This summer I am working at Lorel Marketing Group in King of Prussia. Lorel is a full service marketing agency that has a main focus in commerce and the healthcare industry. I am working in the interactive department that focuses on social media as well as web and app design. I started out updating the Facebook and Twitter for two of their clients, and even wrote a blog for Lorel. Currently, I have been bouncing around doing different jobs for different people. I like this because I can gain experience in different fields to see what exactly I would like in a career.

One of the most important things to learn when doing an internship is to make yourself useful. Create a position that is necessary for daily function. In the past month that I have been at Lorel I have learned several new jobs and tasks that I did not know before. Never say no. Even if you do not know how to do something, try to figure it out. This way, you can check that off your list of experiences while keeping the boss happy. Recently, I was given the assignment of finding new business for the company. This seemed like a daunting task, but I quickly learned how to weed out the prospects and deliver a lead to the business director. Because I decided to never say no, I am now involved with assembling proposals for businesses to try to land a deal. By doing a memorable job and putting myself out there I now have some extra experience to add to my resume that will help me land a job when I graduate. Make your position necessary and helpful so that they say that you really were beneficial to the company.

I still do simple jobs such as updating Facebook and Twitter, along with lots of data entry, but I guess that someone needs to do this job and it makes the time go quickly. Working at Lorel is fun because I get to do things that I know how to do (such as social media), but I also learned new tips and tricks that I did not think of before to make it even better. I have learned that in order to keep gaining experience you need to make your time there valuable. Make sure they remember who you are, and that you stick in their minds as a great worker.

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