G2 Agency in NYC

With a recent visit to one of the world’s top advertising agencies, G2 was absolutely a thrill! The main headquarters office is located right in the heart of NYC. What can get better than that?

G2 is an integrated marketing services network agency under Grey Global Group. For those of you who don’t know who Grey is…Grey Global Group is part of the WPP Group which operates many of the best independent business units like MediaCom Worldwide, WING, GCI Group, and many others including G2! They have major clients such as Proctor & Gamble, Volkswagen, DirecTV, etc.

Upon meeting the account director of G2, a copywriter, and an account executive, I’ve also met one of the HR directors which is crucial when you want to ‘network’ or make contact with an advertising agency. I was able to gather some notes during my visit and I’ll share them with you. They are just quick tips for anyone who’s about to go into an interview for an internship or a job.

For an interview, HR suggests:

– Always bring 3-5 extra resumes (you never know what could happen)

– be EARLY or arrive at least 15 minutes before your interview appointment (arriving late sets off a major BAD impression, trust me)

– Ask lots of questions! (don’t just answer the interviewer’s questions, you should also ask about the agency itself, be personable, be interested. Take some time to do some research on the agency before the interview, know how the agency got started, what’s the latest news, what clients they are working on,etc.)

– “Follow Up” (after an interview, you should always  follow up with a thank you note or a quick email to the interviewer just ‘thanking them’ for the interview opportunity. It should be short and to the point. It shows common courtesy, but it also says that you are showing more interest in the agency after the interview. You should send the thank you, via letter or via email, no later than 1-3 days after your initial interview)

– Have UNIQUE answers (pretty much all the HR people know when a person is answering a question he/she found on Google just to ‘sound better’. The interviewer wants you to be honest, so be original, be yourself. Be different)

That’s pretty much a summary of tips I gather from HR. I hope this helps.

P.S. – G2 also has an office location right outside of Philadelphia. Starting in next Spring 2013, G2 in Philadelphia, will be looking for summer interns! I will keep guys posted for more information about that.

Other than that, I encouraged those of you who aspire to work in NYC at an agency; visit them, make contacts, and get to know them! For all the work you put in, it will be worth it. I have made several visits to many agencies, and I will definitely make some more.

Curious about G2? Check out their main website!



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