Who Loves Ya?

Hey everyone, My name is Deione Sydnor, senior advertising major at Temple University. I set out with what seemed like an impossible mission at the beginning of my senior year, take 36 credits in 2 semesters with 2 internships. Fortunately, I have accomplished both, barely, currently in a 19 credit semester to graduate on time, working 30 hours a week,  and interning at LevLane Advertising/PR/Interactive agency, it’s a wonder how I get up on time to do anything. After successful completion of my internship at the non-profit organization, City Year, I set my eyes on getting into an advertising agency,…

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LevLane Advertising|PR|Interactive Agency

Before stepping into LevLane Advertising’s Media department, my expectations for  being responsible for the creation of a segment of a media plan were minimal. Shortly into the internship I was given the assignment of contacting radio stations located in Chicago, to help develop a media schedule for a client located in the major city of Illinois. I set out on the task of locating a Nostalgic radio format in the Chicago area that covered three counties, in and including the surrounding area of Chicago I began making several phone calls to different stations I found through sources provided from the…

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Ad agencies really are as fun as professors say they are

My account management internship experience at the Brownstein Group has been very positive.  It is interesting to see how everything you talk about in ad courses actually happens in an agency.  From account managers constantly meeting with the creative team to discuss client wants and needs, to deadlines constantly having to be met.  Other than my observations about how efficiently the agency works, I have noticed how much fun people have here.  At an agency, especially for the creative team, having fun is essential for creativity to flow.  Every now and then I’ll get an email saying, “Rock Band on 6.”  In most other types of…

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What I Know for Sure…

…Is that I still have a lot to learn. Though I’ve completed my required 150 hours at MOD Worldwide for the semester, I plan to continue to take advantage of this great opportunity and gain as much experience as I can for as long as they’ll have me. That being said; if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that no matter how much you think you know, there will still always be more to learn. Working at MOD for the semester as a graphic design intern has taught me so many new techniques and tips that, admittedly, I…

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One of the amazing bonuses of Live Nation….Free concerts :)

I went to the Travie McCoy concert on March 19. It was super awesome. Before Travie came on the stage the Bad Rabbits and Black Cards performed. I really likes the Bad Rabbit’s performance. When Travie finally came on the stage at around 9 PM, he put on a great show. Songs like “Bad All By Myself” and “Be Alright” kept me dancing the entire night. I went with my best friend which made it even more fun! Interning at Live Nation allowed me to score free tickets for my best friend and I, and we had a blast. Other…

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Internship in Retrospect

As my internship at Maiden Media () comes to an end, I figured I’d blog about some of the things I’ve learned in the last three months that I’m sure a lot of people can relate to as little students in the big professional world. I was actually hired by Maiden as a part time copywriter for the summer, so I’m looking forward to a new start with a totally new outlook. 1.       They are people too. Before I started at Maiden, I was pretty much terrified of the real world and I was convinced that these professional adults would…

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Now What?!

              My internship ended this past Friday, I am graduating in less than a month, and I am now posed with the daunting question most people in my position are faced with.. now what? Somehow I feel like sitting at home on my couch scanning Craig’s List idly is not going to help me fulfill my future goals, so finally it became time to be a real person and start being proactive. The first piece of advice told to me by teachers, professionals, and friends is always “network.” So, networking-away I have gone. I…

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I wear many intern hats

I wear many intern hats here at Quaker City Mercantile. As I’ve stated before, everyday is different here at the agency. I’ve recently been trusted to proofread various pieces we are going to send out to our clients. For example, one client of ours is TYR (the swim company) and I was asked to proofread the magazine we would present to the client. It was very interesting reading through the magazine since I got to learn about all the different styles of goggles from Aquasockets to Hydrospex. This is what I love about advertising. You are able to learn about…

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Internship @ Fox Update

It has been about three months since I have started interning, which is so hard to believe! I cannot get over how fast the semester has been flying by. I am delighted to say that I have been enjoying my position as a Marketing/PR intern in the Dean’s Suite at Fox. Each day I am giving new duties, which keeps things interesting for me because I am experiencing everything that goes on in making a company operate. One thing I really admire about the full-time staff I work with is the amount of respect that they have for the other…

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Old Town Tender

I just came across this design/branding project early this morning. I have to say it is one of the most inspiring and creative ideas that I have seen lately. The point is to increase awareness for Rock Hill, South Carolina. “Social was called in to create custom “tender” for use at concerts, growers markets, local shops and restaurants. Based on the colorful Old Town identity system, the tender was an important tool for increasing attendance as well as sales all the while strengthening the Old Town brand.” Enjoy! Created by Social Design House  

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Webby Awards 2011

The Webbys is an award show celebrating excellence on the Internet. And since the medium is virutally endless, they’ve broken it down into several categories: Websites, Online film & video, Interactive Advertising, and Mobile / Apps. From their, each section is broken down into (roughly) a million subcategories. Click HERE to check out this years nominees. This is a great resource for inspiration in design, copy, and a lot of interactivity. The 2011 Webby’s Live award show will be streamed on YouTube June 13th. Last year B.J. Novak (Ryan from the Office) hosted, and was hilarious.

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Philly Ad Club Agency Crawl 2011

[ Submitted by Dani Masi, Advertising Copywriting Student :: tub49931@temple.edu ] What better way to spend a rainy Friday afternoon then visiting Philadelphia ad agencies? Friday was the annual Philly Ad Club Agency Crawl.  50 students from universities and colleges across the Philadelphia region gathered to “crawl” from ad agency to ad agency in Center City, touring their facilities and seeing reels of their work.  This was my second year as a “crawl” participant, and I was looking forward to the event for weeks. We had the opportunity to visit three different agencies: Red Tettemer and Partners, Neiman Group and…

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Pixar’s Slightly Creepy Viral Campaign

Pixar recently uploaded this video to their YouTube channel in promotion of Cars 2. This is their second viral video, after last years (much better) Lots-o’-Huggin Bear spot for Toy Story 3. What do you think? Is this too… weird for a kid’s movie? I believe Cars 2 is spy-oriented, so that would explain some of the gadgets and other hidden things. Check out the comments below the video for some explanations.   Hat tip to AdFreak

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Zyrtec’s Gettin’ Desperate

An advertisement for Zyrtec popped up recently during an episode of Desperate Housewives on Hulu (yes, I still watch that show, ha-ha), and it’s desperate attempt to stand out against Allegra was disappointing. You can watch the commercial for yourself here, but I will describe it anyway: A businessman and his female coworker are walking through the park. The businessman sneezes, awkwardly flirts with his female coworker, and proceeds to pull out a bottle of fruit juice to take with his Allegra. “You can’t drink fruit juice with Allegra!” female coworker exclaims in a foreboding tone, “It says so right on…

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Skittles ‘Touch’ Online Ads

If I had a dream account to work on, I think I’d have to go with Skittles. Of course, I’m basing this solely off of the completely insane and original advertising they have already (I don’t even particularly like candy). Nothing is too weird for them. I believe the agency behind the madness is TBWA/Chiat/Day- so hat’s off to them. Open the video up in YouTube and check out their other ‘touch’ ads- they’re all equally as disturbing as this one, trust me!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDlaJlb1ezg&feature=player_embedded

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