Looking back

10 more days, that is what is left of my college career. It’s so weird to think it was just 4 years ago that I was taking my first advertising class (media and society with wonderful Ms. Saewitz of course). I guess this post is more a reflection of the things I did right that may help other students in the future. I was very fortunate that I found a passion for advertising at a very early stage. Loving what you do definitely helps you in so many ways, but you also have to take that motivation and turn it into valuable experiences. My first advice is never give up, there are more downs than ups but those ups are so worth it. Always keep looking forward and keep learning. This is an industry that keeps changing all the time and you need to stay up to date. Just because classes teach you the some things, doesn’t mean you cant look outside of class and keep working on other things.

My second advice would be go digital. Learning digital is so valuable these days and it will help you market yourself in a world where print is dying. I decided to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript, today I can code a full website by myself. The more tools you have the better.

And last but not least, GET INTERNSHIPS. These are so valuable, they will get you in the industry and experience is always a plus. Even if you hate the place where you intern try to take all the positive aspects out of it. I’ve had internships I disliked, but at the end, when you take a step back and look at what you’ve learned, you’ll realize it was all worth it.

So there it is, my wisdom to you. Never give up and never stop thinking!

One comment

  1. Great advice Alex! I’ve only just stumbled upon Advertising not too long ago, and I agree that it is always constantly changing. Best of luck and congrats on your graduation!

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