The Experiences of Temple Advertising Students

Dine Like A Boss *Etiquette Dinner*
The East West Club is having a “Dine like a Boss” etiquette dinner. Come in professional attire and learn how to present yourself professionally. Get the opportunity to network and most importantly try out new and delicious Asian food. Only a real boss would come experience this fine dining. Etiquette Dinner Where: Diamond Club, Lower Level Mitten Hall Date: Wednesday, February 16 2011 Time: 5-8pm Tickets: $15 for a 3-course meal
So, what’s up with the iPad anyway?
As an advertising student on the copywriting track, there is no question about it– I am on the computer ALL THE TIME. Whether I am accessing e-mail through my blackberry, or using Photo Shop on my Macbook Pro, there is almost always an electronic device in front of my face (I shudder to think what this is doing to my eyes/brain). Despite all this screen time, I still can’t fathom a need for the iPad! A smart phone (especially an iPhone) can be used to view PDF’s, send and receive e-mails, go onto virtually all websites, and manage scheduling. A…
Arcano Type Project Finally Released
After 4 months of work, Arcano Type has finally been released. Totally designed by hand, letter by letter, using Chinese ink on Japanese calligraphy paper. Pretty neat and clean, but super deco-style. I’m not quite sure it’s use yet beyond deco, which hardly has a use as it is besides decoration of all sorts. It’s a beautiful typeface searching for a place in the world. You can purchase the typeface in font styles like .otf or .ttf, or you can pick up a vector .eps file here. Designed by Giuseppe Salerno. Enjoy the photos!
Internship at Weston Fitness
I started Weston Fitness about 2 weeks ago and everything is going well thus far. My name is Brianna and I am currently an Advertising student with a focus in Art Direction. I will be graduating in May and this is my third internship in the fields of production and advertising. My current projects at Weston Fitness include setting up a new advertisement to promote their gym and try to get people to come join. The ad is for March and is still in the works. Along with that, we are hosting a health fair this upcoming Monday. We will…
Internship at Creative Video
So far at Creative Video, I’ve learned how to work in programs like Edius and eventually After Effects. I was hired as a graphic designer but has had the opportunity to work in video production because of experience I’ve gained from MURL, the capstone Journalism course. I think the best part of having an internship is working outside of the classroom; being able to learn exactly what’s going on in the field. I love going to my internship and this helps remind me that I’ve made a great decision to go into this field. I love art and design but…
My internship at the Fox School of Business!!!
Welcome to the PR Workroom! My name is Chiara Brunori, and I am a marketing/pr intern for the Fox School of Business. I am currently a senior advertising major, focusing on account management. Being a second semester senior is tough work. Between upper level courses, extra curricular, and an internship life can get pretty hectic, but with proper planning it all seems to work out! Every Monday and Thursday I go to my internship on the third floor dean’s suite in the Fox School of Business. I work with three other interns. Even though I have only been interning for…

Vintage ABC Logos Are Delightfully Retro
Design isn’t really my game, but this was too good to pass up. Gawker recently posted a compilation video of a bunch of possible ABC logos that were made in the the late 60’s to early 70’s. I actually think a lot of these could work today. What do you think?

If Apple made water…
(click the image to enlarge) Clean and sleek. An Apple Tradition. If your lovemark is Apple, you’d be toting around this water bottle if this wasn’t a joke. Seriously, you know you would.

Valentine’s Day Party!

1Billion Hungry
Well this completely relates to the project that most Art Direction two students just finished, and what some graphic design majors are still working on. 1Billion Hungry is a campaign that is a little more edgy than anything City Harvest has done. Rightfully so, I feel they are generating a way bigger response and gathering much more support. Maybe City Harvest should take notes. The furious campaign was developed/created by Francesco Basile. This video is quite interesting and I enjoy the website as well.

Disastro Ecologico
Here’s a throwback design related post. It’s modern with old techniques. It’s been done but it’s fresh. Alberto Seveso is his name, and guess what? He is Italian if you haven’t gotten that from his name or the title already. He’s created ultra-realistic flowing smoke scenes out of ink and water. INK AND WATER! There’s so much motion here that it kind of depresses you the more you look at it. It depresses you in the way that no matter how hard you try, there’s no damn way you can recreate something this good looking with ink and water. Bravo…

Starring Eminem: Super Bowl Ads 2011
This super bowl series of commercials was filled with themes of violence, nostalgia, references to the actual making of a commercial (within a commercial), the havock that may ensue while house-sitting, and…. Eminem? The rapper’s first appearance came in the form of a half-cartoon-character version of Eminem, starring in a Brisk commercial. The next ad in which Eminem starred was Chrysler’s “Motor City” spot. Unfortunately for Chrysler, the angry character figure of Eminem from Brisk who appeared first in the series of ads ended the commercial furiously screaming “SEE?! THIS IS WHY I DON’T DO COMMERCIALS!”… And then a few…

Shot Through the Heart
With only five days away you better think of something good quickly! Over at Design Sponge, they have conjured up a cute and kitschy arrow to shoot at your love. (not literally) So follow gather these materials, follows these instructions, and build something for your lover! Don’t worry, I won’t tell them that you really read a tutorial on a blog to make their gift. The materials are: wooden dowels wooden hearts feathers paint string paper file sandpaper industrial or wood glue, such as E6000 paper or craft glue paintbrushes masking or painter’s tape printer and computer scissors small saw…