MOD Worldwide: Size Doesn’t Matter

I have imagined my future agency working self, as I would imagine most advertising students have, and to be quite honest, I’ve always imagined myself at an agency on the larger side. This might be because I prefer to dream big, but I will admit I was very excited to see what it was like to intern at a smaller agency. MOD isn’t just smaller; it is tiny. Between two bosses/account managers, a copywriter who comes in once a week, an art director, a graphic designer, a web master, and several interns, the agency itself is pretty small. However, that…

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Where An Intern Fits At A Small Agency

This a post about where I (as an intern) fit in at Skai Blue Media, a fairly small PR agency. There aren’t separate departments there; when there is a new client the owner assigns an account manager. However, she believes in teamwork so everyone works on each client; the account manager is just the only person to organize all of the data and conduct the media/client relations with that particular project client. Sometimes the decision for the account manager is based on personality rather than experience, or sometimes both. The owner oversees and approves everything that is sent out. She…

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First Agency Experience

My intern work at a small public relations agency is not at all like doing work in an academic environment. In a way, it actually reminds me of working for myself. The main difference is that instead of my clients giving me a deadline, my boss does; well that and the fact that I don’t get paid for working there. I carry out my work in the same manner as when I’m doing freelance work. I’m not bothered by the pressure of the quick deadlines that the agency has from time to time since I always work myself fairly hard…

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My Better Philly Debut!

Interning at a television station sure has its perks! I was asked by the Production/Promotion Manager if I was willing to be on TV because they needed someone to demo a product for the Better Philly segment. So I figured why not? Well, I wasn’t prepared to get my teeth whitened on television but I decided to be a good sport and go for it. Thankfully, I was dressed in dark colors which was a plus for the camera, and I didn’t have to speak… just SMILE! They sat me down in the dentist looking chair, (which was very comfy…

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Ever since high school, I have been a huge fan of the way Anthropologie markets and deisgns their products. When I found out I was chosen to be one of the visual design interns at Anthropologie in Center City, I was extremely excited. Since I am on the Art Direction track, this was right up my alley. Anthropologie doesn’t necessarily advertise with any kind of print/ out of home mediums. The way they “advertise” is based purely on their creativity. Every piece of decoration you see in the store was created by hand. Whether it be signage, a sculpture of…

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Know Your Company: LevLane

My name is Liz Ziegler and I’m currently interning with LevLane Advertising in center city.  I’m working in the traffic/production department. Everyone is so welcoming and helpful here and it’s a great experience.  I recommend to anyone who is looking for an internship. Something I’ve realized while interning here is you should really know the company you’re interning/working for.  An art director spoke to me about how a fair amount of employees at Levlane are Temple Alumni, which is a great opportunity for fellow Temple students.  Just some advice that I will certainly use for the future is to know…

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Positive Aspects of Harmelin Media

I started my internship at Harmelin Media on September 8, 2010. It has been nothing but a positive environment from the moment that I walked in the door. Everyone here is so friendly and willing to help that I have not once felt uncomfortable going to ask for assignments, or ask questions. From my observations Harmelin is a very family-like atmosphere. Every day when I look through my email I see an invitation to a different baby shower, bridal shower, etc. They send out emails congratulating employees on their marriages, engagements, newborns, etc. They send emails welcoming new employees. They also…

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In my last post I talked about March of Dimes’ Prematurity Awareness Month and how we wanted to get buildings lit up in purple to spread awareness about the problems of premature birth.  The summer intern started the process and I did all the pre-lighting follow-ups and will be doing all of the post-lighting follow-ups.  I’m also taking pictures of the buildings for March of Dimes to keep in the office as well as send to the companies that helped us out by lighting up their buildings. I took a drive the other day to get pictures of two of…

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Holiday Preparation

Holiday prep is one of the most anticipated jobs in the visual arts department at any retail store.  The preparation for the design concepts at Anthropologie began at the end of October.  The work we had to do can only be described as tedious!  The reason is because we needed tons of homemade tinsel and pine needles for homemade christmas trees and to place around the store.  What does this involve exactly?  Cutting paper.  Lots and lots of cutting paper.  For about three weeks, six hours a day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I cut green paper into thin strips,…

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What an Internship really teaches you.

Throughout this internship I have learned and experienced many things. Just the idea of getting up in a weekday and knowing that you are going somewhere else besides school is a great feeling. Driving into work as if you were part of a team is a great feeling and walking into an office, where people address you with a good morning and a “How was your weekend?” gives you a sense of some sort of adult hood. As you glance over to the big leather office chair and know that this is where I will be spending my day, you…

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I Just Saw Evan Turner.

When my internship with the Philadelphia 76ers comes up in conversation, people tend to think it’s a little cooler than it actually is. People tend to think “basketball” and automatically assume the internship is all fun and games; it’s not. To be honest, most of my work with the 76ers has been in front of a computer screen, at a cubicle, in a windowless office (also known as the basement). For the past few months I’ve seen semi- famous basketball players every time I intern, but in jpeg form. It’s true, even I was fooled by the idea of working…

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When i first got to Philly2Night I was asked to make a list of any goals or outcomes that I expected to receive from my internship. And although I knew what I expected from the internship I had no idea just how much I would learn during my time here. One of the goals that I listed was to learn different and proper techniques that can help evaluate the effectiveness of an event or promotion. In school we learn how to put things together, whether they are media plans, press releases, campaigns and even major events; however when it comes to evaluating…

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Client Interaction

Recently at my internship at Maiden Media Group,  I had the opportunity to interact with one of their clients on a more personal level.  One of the agency’s newest clients is an elegant local antique store, More Than Old. Part of the services More Than Old is obtaining from Maiden Media is a website design to help get their name out to local Philadelphians as well as make their current website more up to date and professional.   As an account management intern, I was assigned to this new account and have had the opportunity to meet with the owner of the store and…

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Weston Fitness – Exploring Social Media

Social Media is free and pretty much everyone uses it.  At Weston Fitness, I control all aspects of both our Facebook pages (one is a business to “like” with a more professional feel and the other is a person that we can be less formal on)  I have currently doubled our amount of friends and am gaining more friends by adding incentives, such as free coupons and gift certificates, and the opportunity for friends to get important information first and be able to comment or ask me questions about anything.  I also work with websites such as BuyWithMe and Philly…

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