“Pick Me: Breaking into Advertising and Staying There” Book Review

There are many different ways to break into the business of advertising. Know someone, that knows someone, that knows someone important Have a kick-ass portfolio and/or resume that would have any recruiter salivating to have you Stalk a recruiter Get internships Go to more networking events than there are days in a year Some are more effective than others, and Jancy tells you how.  The creative team turned Creative Director team from Oglivy and Mather, Montreal tells you which ones work and more in their book “Pick Me: Breaking into Advertising and Staying There”.  The executive creative director at my…

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When Should I Get an Internship?

The most common question people have when starting a career in any field is, “When do I get an internship?”  Some people will tell you to wait until your junior year.  I say, “Why wait?” If you have an idea of what career path you want to take, start finding internships early on in your college career.  Some of the best career advice I received was my freshman year was from a senior PR and Communications double major. While shelving books at our part time job and making conversation to pass the time I asked, “So, when do you think…

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My _____ : Round 2

We all used Myspace. It was our first foray into the world of social media… “EXCUSE US! Don’t forget about Friendster! WE ushered the way for Myspace….” Oops, sorry Friendster. 2003 feels sooo long ago. Please don’t be mad. So as I was saying, Myspace, even though it wasn’t the 1st player in the social game, was most definitely the game “changer.” Like most empires though, it fell into ruins, breathing on the life support of its music platform and still fairly high number of users in Asia. But hold the phone, Myspace is finally unveiling a new look? Bestill…

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Korean Air: Excellence in Flight

I was up earlier than usual a couple of days ago (4AM) and I saw what I knew right away would be a cool commercial. In my sleep daze I got a bit excited to see what the brand was and it turned out to be Korea Air. Lightbulb! I remembered seeing what I considered to be the best airline spot ever some time last year. It was indeed Korea Air, but I’d forgotten all about it. Naturally I tracked it down to see it again and it’s just as good as I remember. The feeling hit me almost instantly,…

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Machinery Philly!

Yesterday we had speaker come in for Creative Thinking (an ad course). Mr. Ken Cills of Machinery Philly gave a presentation on “how to be creative” and what has worked for him. I wasn’t able to find a site for his agency, but he showed us some of his work on youtube. He echoed some things we’ve already learned from that particular course. He placed a premium on being able to think like a child and being “stupid.” Thinking like a child means almost means not thinking. Approach situations in the their purest forms. If something isn’t fun, how can…

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"Free" Stuff

GUEST BLOGGER: Keith Flanagan—keith.flanagan@temple.edu My shared cubicle at Comcast-Spectacor is conveniently located next to the 76ers sales department. I say convenient only because the endless ringing of telephones and sales pitches combined with a steady stream of coffee tends to keep the average college intern with their eyes wide open. Although my specific responsibilities have little to do with sales, I get an interesting perspective; listening to sales go up and down, being directly next to the company’s financial heartbeat. I’m always surprised by how much free stuff is created for the purpose of sales. T-Shirts, Pencils, Pens, and Notepads…

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The Changing State of Media

With the changes in technology the way media is bought and sold is quite different then how it once was. It seems as though everything is moving more toward the interactive side and certain mediums are suffering because of this. This change of technology is something that I have been learning in all of my advertising classes, so it does not shock me. When I titled this blog “The Changing State of Media” I was not referring to the actual media, but moreso the media professionals. It seems as though every time I get to my internship and go through…

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LevLane: Client Updates & Awards

I think one of the most important things to do as an intern is keep up with the new clients that your company is signing on and with the rewards they are receiving. LevLane has three new client relationships; Philadelphia Financial, KFC Atlanta, and KFC Houston.  KFC Atlanta consists of 103 comapany and franchised restaurants.  KFC Houston consists of 88 company and franchised restaurants. Now LevLane works with over 400 KFC restaurants from New England to South Florida, and west to Houston. LevLane was awarded for their “Unlitter Us” campaign for the Philadelphia Recycling Office.  We have received national recognition and…

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City Year Greater Philadelphia Internship

Hi, my name is Deione Sydnor-Robinson, Senior Advertising major at Temple University, currently interning at City Year Greater Philadelphia. The United States is currently facing an Educational Drop-out Crisis, every 26 seconds a students gives up on their education, which equates to nearly one million students dropping out of high school every year. City Year is an AmeriCorps Program that unites diverse young adults for a year of full-time service. As tutors, mentors, and role models, these young leaders work on diverse teams to make a difference in the lives of youth, keeping them in-school and on-track to high school…

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LevLane: Philadelphia Technology Park

On this past Wednesday, October the 20th, Philadelphia Technology Park opened.  This was all thanks to fellow employee at LevLane, Holly Mantle. Holly has been working on this project for a very long time now and finally her hard work can be praised. Located in South Philadelphia, on the old Navy Yard, this facility will serve South Jersey, Wilmington, and Mid-Atlantic regions that are looking for somewhere to store computer servers and other IT infrastructure.  This is a great opportunity for companies to have a safe place to store their servers and information. There is a 1.6 megawatt generator, which…

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LevLane Gives Back to Philadelphia

Being an intern I get to see all the cool promotions/creative ideas going through the agency. Francesca Gunning, Account Manager, has been working on a project for over 7-8 months involving Hunting Park.  The story was aired October 14th on NBC’s Nightly News with Brian Williams. CLICK HERE for the link to the story. Seeing this work being brought to life really makes proud to  be working in the advertising industry.  It also makes me look forward to the work that comes my way, whether it be traditional or out-of-home. One of my biggest goals is to not to just create…

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This Week at TAC: ReminderMedia Recruiter Visit!

This week’s general body meeting featured a visitor from Reminder Media, Andrea “Andy” Hartfield. Reminder Media is a small business specializing in Sales and Communications in Real Estate. They mainly work with real estate companies, mortgage brokers, and financial advisors. Their flagship product is the American Lifestyle magazine, which is tailored specifically for clients interests and needs. After learning about Reminder Media as a company, Andy also talked about the internship program. Internships at Reminder Media are ideal for students who want to own their businesses, and improve their persuasion and sales techniques. The program ranges from 12-16 weeks depending…

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Oh, Advertising & The Interactive Department

I am Gabrielle. I am a sophomore now and I’ve been interning at LevLane Advertising in the interactive department since April of my freshman year. I am an Advertising major. I love it!!!!!!!!! I love my job–what I do and where I’m going. Oh, interactive and digital, design and creativity! I started in creative — graphic design when I was about 14 and then I took my work to web design and I really love this world — it’s constant evolution, it’s relentless in the pursuit of “new.” It’s cool. As an intern, I have been able to work on…

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