LinkedIn Tips for the College Student

Everyone I know has a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine; the list goes on. They’re necessary social platforms for the everyday college student. However, not enough of my friends have a LinkedIn. If you don’t know about LinkedIn, it is professional social networking. Basically, it is an online profile for your resume that helps get your name out to employers and your connections in order to build a digital network. If you don’t have a LinkedIn, make one now. I can attribute many of the job interviews and internships to the interactions I’ve had on the site. For those of you…

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Philadelphia Design Home Event

One of my most recent projects at Barilotti Wealth Strategies was organizing an event for Philadelphia Design Home in Villanova, PA. One of my colleagues, Jeffrey Orleans, is the Chief Executive Officer of J.P. Orleans Development, LLC, and is a third generation homebuilder. Jeff is the developer of the design home so he bought the land, helped to design the home and hired the general contractor who worked with the others in order to build it. In fact, Jeff originally built the home with the intention of it being his, but later on decided to sell it. The networking event…

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Allied: Integration In and Out of the Agency

Hello, my name is Nicolas Gilbreath and I am a Junior Account Management Advertising student at Temple University.  This semester, I have spent my time at Allied Integrated Marketing as their marketing coordinator intern.  Allied is a full-service marketing agency that delivers targeted programs across multiple media outlets for the entertainment industry throughout the United States.  During my internship, I am working with the Marketing Coordinator and Vice President at Allied’s Philadelphia office. Together, we focus on Allied’s New Business division. The employees at Allied have diverse backgrounds that range from publicity and promotions to marketing and advertising.  Since my…

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The End To A Dream Internship

Hi my name is Brian Greenblatt, I am a graduating Senior as of this Fall 2013 semester. I have been interning at a digital marketing agency called Fame House which is located on 2nd and Pine in Headhouse Square. Going into this internship it had been literally what I had dreamed for in the sense of finding a perfect internship. Being able to work in the music industry while also work with digital marketing was literally all I could ask for in an internship. Throughout this internship I’ve honestly learned more then I thought I would. Whether it be learning…

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Finding My Way at M

Since the end of August, I’ve spent three days a week down on Church Street learning the inner workings of a small agency and getting a taste of what our professor’s have always been referring to as “the real world”. My time at M has been above all else, a challenging yet rewarding learning experience. As a creative, there are days where you feel like you did little to nothing, where you came up with zero ideas that seem even half-way decent. There was a time this semester when this really got to me. It even had me questioning if…

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Someone Who Inspired Me

During my internship At Phillybass’d I met someone who inspired me to work hard and do whatever I needed in order to reach my goals, no matter what obstacles I may face. The Social Media Coordinator for my internship has a similar upbringing that I have had. We both come from poverty- stricken inner cities where most people depend on welfare to survive. As we began to work together to come up with ideas for the internship we learned that our backgrounds are similar and that we both want to make a difference in our lives so that we can…

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Immersed in Digital Marketing

I’ve been working at Fame House LLC for the past couple months and am completely in love with the work that I am doing. Fame House is a digital marketing agency for musicians, records labels, and festival. They cover a range of offered services between digital marketing, branding, strategy, and more. While Fame House is still considered a startup agency and only has around 20 employees total they are considered one of the best music digital marketing agencies on the east coast. I couldn’t imagine a better place to strength my skills in digital marketing. The environment in the office…

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Last Day @ Philly Bass’d

Well, my Philly Bass’d Entertainment internship has come to an end having completed the required 150 hours (wow, it goes fast!) Being my first internship, I am so happy with the experience and working with smart and talented interns and managers.  I designed more projects than I ever thought I would and now am ready to look for new opportunities in the creative field of advertising. I will be graduating in January and I can’t wait! Last days are always emotionally all over the place for me. I am happy that it’s over and feel good about what I’ve contributed, but sad to say goodbye to the people I have…

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Fortunate Encounters

My name is Steve Brydzinski, and I’m interning at Exit Philadelphia – a skateboarding and apparel retail store in the heart of the Northern Liberties.  Jeremy Wieland, the owner & operator, is a well known skateboarder from here, Philadelphia, and has made many great friends and acquaintances with important and famous people in the skateboarding industry.  My time as an intern so far, has given me a few fortunate encounters where I was able to meet and hangout with some of the biggest names in skateboarding. I was fortunate enough to meet Mark Gonzales, Chris Cole, Tom Asta, Ishod Wair,…

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Good-Bye to the B!

After a semester of interning at B101, the end is here. It seems appropriate to end at B101 during the Christmas Season. Though, I will miss the people I have met through this internship, I think what I realized from this experience the most is what I don’t want to do, which I find to be equally as important as doing things you enjoy. To be quite honest, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do after school. (Terrible, I know) I figured I could adapt to anything really. However, from my experience at B101, I now understand that…

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Until next time ADVENT

With the semester coming to an end it is time for me to part from my internship :(. My time at ADVENT was awesome! I loved working with all of the other students and working with Joe. I’ve learned a lot about the industry and I look forward to doing more work in the entertainment and event planning field. My internship has taught me many things that I wouldn’t have learned in the classroom. The  reoccurring  theme of my classes this semester and my internship was the importance of networking. I’ve realized that it is extremely important to network and…

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Advent Rox

‘ My name is Cree Franklin, I am a senior Advertising major here at Temple. I am currently interning with a small company called Advent. It is located in the Roxborough section of the city. Working with Advent has been a pleasure. It is a fairly new company, they have only been open for about a year and a half now. Joining the Advent team has taught me a lot about the advertising business and starting a new company. Joe (the owner) has made the experience very interesting and keeps all of the interns in the loop of everything that…

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Late autumn

I can’t believe that I finished my internship at Harmelin. I am a little sad that I have to leave a great place that is filled with great people; I wish that I could stay there for a little longer, it would be nice. This intern program really helps me to see the outside world and advertising world in general; you also learn how to socialize with more people outside your comfort zone. For me, internship gives students access to a new experience and to meet new people (connections). No matter what kind a job or what company you are…

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Can it be? Is this semester really over? I’m Rachael Silverstein, but more importantly—I’m totally flabbergasted that my time as a copywriting intern at Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners is already coming to an end. Actually, my quickly approaching last day was supposed to be on Friday, December 13th, but that just seemed like too ominous a way to leave such a wonderful experience. So my wish has been granted to keep going strong until the rest of the office breaks for the holidays on the 23rd. This way, I’ll be able to drown my sorrows in Christmas cookies. Looking…

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