Who said Unpaid Can’t Pay?

Hi again! My name is Jean Alban, I am interning at College Glasses in South Philly & I am blogging once again to SMC students, this time in regards to unpaid internships. I encourage each and every one of you who are searching for internship opportunities to apply to all of them, paid and unpaid. If you happen to snag that unusual paid internship that’s great, but that does not mean that an unpaid internship can’t turn into one! Unless you are graduated or have tons of experience under your belt, I don’t think an unpaid internship is for  you, but if…

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Camp out for hunger 2013

Hi I am Rachel, an ad major interning at the Preston and Steve Show for 93.3 WMMR. The past week Preston and Steve held their biggest charity event called Camp Out for Hunger. This year it was held at a new location, Xfinity Live! This year they collected 772,461 pounds of food (over 386 tons) to donate to Philabundance. They also raised over $241,371.43 in donations. Everyone was helping out, whether it was one canned good, a truck load of food, or a child emptying out their piggy bank (it was so cute). This was a great cause and many…

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My world and the world in PHL

The Global Philadelphia Association’s main goal is “to assist – and to encourage greater interaction among – the many organizations and people who are engaged in one form or another of international activity within the Greater Philadelphia Region.”  Six months ago, I volunteered to photograph the GlobalPhilly 2013 Party via Facebook. As I conclude my time with Global Philadelphia, I am still amazed by how easy it was to become involved with such a unique initiative. Distinguishing between the two, The Global Philadelphia Association consists of nine of the leading international organizations in the Greater Philadelphia Region and GlobalPhilly™ 2013…

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The end of the beginning

December 9, 2013 was my last event for the non-profit corporation known as the Global Philadelphia Association. Now that it is over, I fully appreciate everything that has happened to me concerned my work with the association, however difficult it might have felt at the time. The catch with non-profits is that there is very little payment for the workers involved. Those who work for Global Philadelphia full-time do it not because they care about the money, but because they care about what the association aims to accomplish. Because of the monetary issue, there are very limited manpower reasons for…

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All work and no play makes interns drab.

Hello fellow interns! I am Rachel, a Senior in Advertising interning at 93.3 WMMR. With all the hustle and bustle that happens in our day to day lives between school, work, and internships, it is important to remember that sometimes you just need to have fun with it! I got to intern on my favorite day of the year, Halloween! It was great, everyone got to dress up and show off costumes. The radio personalities brought treats in for the interns, even setting time aside on the show to discuss what we were wearing. It was really nice because it…

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Looking Into The Future with Coyne Chemical

Hello All, Recently, Coyne Chemical has made an offer for full time employment after graduation. I must say, I am extremely excited for the opportunity and I could not ask for better people to work with. Over the past semester I have grown very close to my boss, Tom, and my peer, Izabela, who is also a Temple University Ad Major. I certainly can feel myself growing into the future with Coyne Chemical. Since the beginning of the semester, I have noticed a change in myself. I can feel how the structure of this Internship has helped me in both…

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Made to Stick

Made to Stick is split up between 6 chapters and each of them talks about the different aspects of making ideas “sticky”. In order for an idea to be sticky, it must have Simplicity, Compactness, Unexpected ideas, Credibility of a sources, a Concrete message, Emotional value of messages, and an importance of Stories. For short, it is known as the acronym SUCCESs. The main purpose of this book is to explain how SUCCESs can be used to create ideas that are remembered and not ineffective due to the curse of knowledge. After reading this book, I felt that I knew…

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Growing With Coyne

  Hello! My name is Michael, and I have been interning at Coyne Chemical for the Fall 2013 semester. It has been a wonderful learning experience and I look forward to a full time position with Coyne Chemical in Marketing and Sales. This experience has taught me how to conduct business in a professional manner, particularly in the organic, inorganic and specialty chemical industry. If there were one person who has had a direct impact on me as an intern, it would be my supervisor, Tom Coyne, Jr. Interning at Coyne Chemical was a hands on experience where I was…

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Exciting Week at The Blockley

Big things came to The Blockley last week. Matisyahu took the Blockley stage as part of his Festival of Light tour. He is arguably one of the largest acts so far at the Blockley, so it should be a very exciting show. I was actually supposed to work the door but I had a school interference unfortunately. Regardless, the show had a high chance of selling out, which would be great for the venue. I did work the door for Bombino, an up-and-coming guitarist/singer/songwriter who has gained a bit of fame after working with Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys.…

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Student Center: More Than Just an Office

As we all ease out of our Turkey Day food-comas (and leftovers too), I’m ready to finish this semester strong– but not without taking a moment to reflect on my internship at the Student Center! In the (now belated) spirit of Thanksgiving, the following is a list of the top three things that I’m most thankful to have learned during my time interning this fall. 1. Versatility: Being the only intern within a department can be a little intimidating. In my position as Marketing Intern, it was my job to strengthen the Student Center’s social media presence while also promoting the…

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Think about what appeals to people

Hi! My name is Kozue Hinasato, and I had been interned at hy•lo labs since September. I had many experiences that I could not have at school  through this internship such as meetings with clients, developing contents for social media, shooting videos, and so on. It was one of the best experiences in my college life and also will be a great kickstart for my job-hunting after I graduate in May. In those great experiences, what I loved most was shooting interviews. As I wrote on my first blog post before, one of the biggest projects that I worked on at my internship…

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Ogilvy on Advertising

By the year 1983, David Ogilvy had already become a titan in the advertising industry.  He was one of the original mad men, starting his agency in New York City in 1948.  Within 35 years in the business, he had gained a tremendous amount of expertise, which he shared in his book Ogilvy on Advertising.  The book lived up to its broad title by covering a wide range of advertising topics from getting new clients to advertising for foreign travel.  This book served as a great ‘how to guide’ on becoming successful in the advertising industry.   It was also very…

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Drunk Tank Pink by Adam Alter

Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave by Adam Alter Drunk Tank Pink gets its name from the bubblegum-pink color used in jail cells to curb aggressive behavior inmates. The realization that something as simple as a color could have such a tremendous affect on a group of people made way for more research on these “unexpected forces.” The nine forces (names, labels, symbols, the mere presence of other people, the characteristics of other people, culture, colors, locations, and weather) that shape how we think are discussed in three different ways: 1.…

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Restaurant Branding

I have been interning at hy•lo labs this semester. hy•lo labs is an experiential marketing agency. Their model utilizes through physical and digital interactions to connect brands to consumers. I have been learning social media marketing skills that establish brands as personable entities that interact with individuals. One of the biggest projects that is going on at hy•lo the is marketing of forthcoming restaurant, Avance. This project had started right after I came into  hy•lo as an intern. This is mostly what I have been working for. The restaurant’s chef, Justin Bogle, is originally from Philly. He is one of the youngest two…

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Bittersweet Farewell to Wired/XTU

Over the past three months I have been interning in the promotions department of Philadelphia’s top radio stations, Wired 96.5 and 92.5 XTU. Over the course of the semester, I have long dreaded the arrival of my final days interning for the radio stations. Throughout the semester, I experienced so many amazing opportunities, from working alongside DJ’s at the station to setting up and working events for celebrities in the music industry. Although there are many perks to working for the radio station, it is most definitely not all fun and games. There is a lot of hard work involved…

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