Wired Wrap-Up

As the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. It’s time for me to leave the party…Philly’s “party station” that is. Over the last three months, I have interned at Wired 96.5 for Casey Reed, producer of the mid-day show. This has been the most rewarding experience of my life to date. I had no idea what I was actually signing myself up for when I accepted this internship, but the thought of working in a radio station seemed like a fun way to gain some experience as well as knocking out a few college credits…

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Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Often times I find myself wondering why my days are filled with making bookmarks, filing other supervisors’ cabinets and making cardboard signs. It can be quite frustrating when you don’t feel your workload is aiding you for the future. However, after finishing the work and seeing the bigger picture, I have come to realize those small annoying tasks are given for a reason. For example, learning to file and answer voice mails and other office duties has given me a great skill and with many internships these days requiring knowledge in administrative work, I know those tasks were worth it. Being in…

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Cheers! Reflections of a Happy Intern

I’m always excited before a job or internship interview, but I had a very special feeling of confidence the day of my interview at The Drink Nation (thedrinknation.com-check it out, especially if you want to learn more about the best bars in Philly!). I had finally found a company that I REALLY wanted to be a part of, and they were interested in me, too. The interview was fun and comfortable, like speaking to friends. A week or two passed and the founder of the company contacted me: I got it. Oh, what a relief! The feeling was mutual; I…

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Social Media Week 2013 NYC

My internship is for Sukkatash, who is the creative director of HyLo Boutiques, a permanent pop up shop focused on branding and promoting local small companies. Last Friday they had me join them in New York City for what would turn out to be one of the best days of my life. I had previously been informed by my boss, Lendl, that he was friends with a dude named Taj Reid who is creative director of We Jet Set and also works with MKG (they work on marketing for Madonna). Taj is also one of the people running Social Media…

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Behind-the-Scenes of Resume Reading

I love my resume. Not in an egotistical way. I don’t keep printed copies on me that I can just whip out during an argument to stump my opponent with my listed skills and activities. It would be pretty hard for a 20-year-old sophomore in college to win a dispute with a meager assortment of food service jobs and office work anyway. I love my resume because it is unique to me, I can lay it out however I want, and I know that it’s going to expand and evolve just as quickly as I do (though I hope the…

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Learning the ropes

Hi, my name is Matt Lynam. I am a senior in the advertising program on the management track. For this past semester I have been interning at a large, privately owned, international paper distribution company called LindenMeyr. Recently I have been assisting the regional manager by helping put together interactive maps that show the profitability of the top 25-30 accounts in a given region. I made these maps so the regional manager could show them to his boss during their monthly meetings. It was very interesting to see the how different accounts get billed extremely differently, and the politics that…

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Skills for Life

  Here I am… 3 1/2 months later and it’s the last day of my internship. Looking back on the semester, I have come to appreciate the experience as a whole and the valuable learning opportunity it has provided me with. I’m glad I made the decision to fulfill my course credits by completing an advertising internship in the city because I was able to gain valuable skills along the way- skills I like to call Skills for Life. I’m not talking about practice with InDesign or Photoshop, though those did play a part, as well. Rather, it was the…

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Real life experience

This semester I have gained a ton of real life experience in the advertising industry, as well as the feeling of a 9-5 day. I have learned the importance of organization and communication in a business as well as what it takes to be successful in the industry. Working as a small group, MOD has to bust out tons of work every day but they do it right and on time. I have helped to create schedules for projects as well as navigation maps that keep the employees on the right track. Currently the business is re-branding itself which is…

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Sean’s Non Profit Adventure Pt II

I don’t know if it’s quite been finalized, but it looks like I’m going to be staying on at 12+ for the summer. I’m very excited. This is the first job I’ve ever had where I always looked forward to going to work, no exceptions. Every day, I leave knowing that I’m making a difference. Honestly, I don’t know if I can see myself working outside of the non-profit realm. I don’t care if I get paid a fraction of what others make, you can’t put a price on the satisfaction I receive from serving the community. At this point…

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Learning from a Mastermind

This semester I was fortunate enough to be a social media intern with one of center city’s newest ad agencies, Masterminds. This full service ad agency original office is in Atlantic City, NJ and they cater to travel and leisure clients. They opened a second office in Philadelphia in September of last year. I learned a great deal from the people who make up their company and even freelanced for them for a bit. Since they cater to clients such as hotels, casinos and vacation destinations, my internship was fun but very technical. I never knew how much the law factored…

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My Experience at Tristate Indie Part 2

As a double major in film and advertising, I was lucky enough to score an internship where I able to apply my skills in both of my areas of interest, at Tristate Indie. I feel that it is hard to come by an internship that allows you to do more than one task. It seems like most internships for ad majors have their interns set on a specific role such as sales or research. At Tristate Indie I got to report events, write, review, edit video, and whatever role that needed to be done in crunch time. A majority of…

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Here’s to the Mom’s. Love, Google

Google does it again in their latest commercial featuring, mom. Google, along with Whirled, has created a moving Mother’s Day film that is bound to get you a bit misty-eyed. With their successful story-telling method, Google strikes out again with their mother’s day film that features YouTube clips and tell the story of how moms impact our lives. The film features adorable kids thanking their moms for all that they do from birth to adulthood. Along with the creative film, Google has created a page dedicated to moms that gives you gift ideas, suggests ways to keep in touch with…

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Hidden Message in Ad for Children at Risk

A friend of mine posted a video on their Facebook about an ad that really caught my eye because of the deep thought and idea execution of the designers behind it. The ANAR Foundation is a Spanish child-advocacy organization that has an anonymous telephone line for teens and children who are under a risk situation. For the international day against child abuse, Grey Spain worked with ANAR to design an ad that would be able to target the teens and children, even while they are with the adults or parents that may be their aggressors. The ad was designed using…

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Are You #TempleMade?

    Today, May 6th, at 9PM, “Branded”, a film by Cameron S. Mithcell, will be premiering at The Pearl on Broad Street. The film looks inside the Temple Made campaign through the eyes of students, faculty, alumni, and the marketing team that started it all. “Branded” is an opportunity to experience and discuss the impact of the influential campaign and its affect on the Temple community. It is a cherry and white movement that has expanded Temple’s reach not only in the city of Philadelphia and surrounding areas, but also nationwide with its influential ads in print, TV, and online.…

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PETA Uses Temple Student’s Winning Ad

    PETA released a shocking new mobile billboard last week to remind attendees at the 2013 Kentucky Derby that for the horses, racing is a matter of life or death. The ad was placed up and down the streets surrounding the racetrack in the days leading up to and the day of the event. The message drawn across through the ad is to bring awareness to the misuse of both therapeutic and illegal drugs that the industry uses to keep injured and tired horses running for the race. The ad was actually created by Temple University’s Tyler School of…

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