Keeping the Pulse on Advertising Via Tumblr
(typical Tumblr post) Not to brag or nothin, but I’ve been on Tumblr for about a year now. I won’t wow you with how many followers I have either (more than 39, less than 41). But besides being a great…
The Experiences of Temple Advertising Students
(typical Tumblr post) Not to brag or nothin, but I’ve been on Tumblr for about a year now. I won’t wow you with how many followers I have either (more than 39, less than 41). But besides being a great…
Actor David Keochner (Anchorman, Waiting) is having a free-form interview with Sarah Silverman. It’s hilarious, awkward, but most importantly it’s taking place in a Denny’s booth over breakfast. The series is called Always Open (watch here) and it’s the newest…
The Webbys is an award show celebrating excellence on the Internet. And since the medium is virutally endless, they’ve broken it down into several categories: Websites, Online film & video, Interactive Advertising, and Mobile / Apps. From their, each section…
Pixar recently uploaded this video to their YouTube channel in promotion of Cars 2. This is their second viral video, after last years (much better) Lots-o’-Huggin Bear spot for Toy Story 3. What do you think? Is this too… weird…
If I had a dream account to work on, I think I’d have to go with Skittles. Of course, I’m basing this solely off of the completely insane and original advertising they have already (I don’t even particularly like candy).…
I discovered this from the most excellent Ad Teachings– definitely a must follow for anyone on Tumblr. SAS came up with an innovative way to get people to enter into their contest and provide free advertising. I love how they…
I saw this on Mashable the other day and thought it was just so darn precious. What a seamless blend of interactivity and brand awareness. Although, I guess it’s pretty easy to please your target demo when they’re dogs?
This hilarious commercial has been making quite a splash on the Internet this week. It’s full title is “60 Things in 60 Seconds Your Husband Could Do Instead of Watching TV.” It’s a flawless combination of excellent writing and precise…
I should clarify that the full title is: “POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.” Delightfully meta, right? Master of documentaries Morgan Spurlock is back and this time he’s taking aim at the marketing / advertising industries at…
My Favorite Standup- Louis CK (not for the faint of will). I’m a huge fan of stand-up. I think some the most creative and insightful people come out of it. It’s a great medium to look to as writers for…
The bottom reads: “Historically Hardcore.” What a great angle- especially coming from an institution as regarded as the Smithsonian! Check out two other examples on the most excellent Behance Network. Update: I wrongly appropriated these ads to the Smithsonian, when…
This guy Alec Brownstein is a creative genius. Check out his website HERE for some of his work. I suggest checking out the hilariously twisted spot he made for Ovaltine. It’s ingenuity like this that’ll really put you ahead…
The Truman Show: “On Air. Unaware.“ Movie taglines are a great writing exercise. They’ve gotta be intriguing, short, and most importantly: sum up the tone of the movie. AdFreak recently compiled their favorite taglines over the past 30 years. Some…
Hello all! One of my favorite ways to get started writing, is to pick out an interesting font. Most of the time, ads won’t use standard fonts like Times New Roman or Comic Sans. You know what- let’s just go…
Personally, I kind of hope this is the last Old Spice commercial in this style. Don’t get me wrong- the first appearance of the Old Spice Man was truly hilarious. I’ve quoted “I’m on a horse” mid-conversation many times.…
Whoa. What a great way to demonstrate your company’s objective!
Seth Godin is a marketing heavyweight (a quick trip to his Wiki will attest to that). I came across a blog post by him recently, and knew I had to share it here. He writes a very insightful post on…
It’s a good idea to have some sort of online presence outside of Facebook. A blog is an excellent way to showcase your unique tastes and talents. Every blog has (or should have) an About Me page. This allows users…
I Stumble(d)Upon a great article the other day titled: 17 Outstanding Sources for Advertising Inspiration. The article was featured on a great design based website called Designm.ag Some of the entries I’m sure you’ve heard of (Ads of the World,…
Design isn’t really my game, but this was too good to pass up. Gawker recently posted a compilation video of a bunch of possible ABC logos that were made in the the late 60’s to early 70’s. I actually think…
A vital gem . . . a kick in the ass. (Esquire) Anyone who has encountered this book seems to be affected by it deeply. Check the reviews on Amazon, they’re frighteningly positive. How about that title, too? Classic switcheroo.…
It goes by many names: writer’s block, apathy, brain freeze, brain fart, uncreative, unimaginative, and most of all unmotivated. We’ve all been there. In our line of work it’s important to be able to flick on the creativity switch at…
If I could have the attention of all the copywriters for a moment, please. Art direction, account management, research: you can stick around if you’d like. I still love you for who you are. As my first blog post for…