Word Press Launches Portfolio Builder Site

As we are all learning, an online portfolio is a must in this industry. And if your anything like me, the idea of building (or coding… AHH!) your own website is a terribly intimidating idea. Well Word Press just made this a little bit easier for us. If you have never worked with WP, it is essentially an easier website building platform that helps you to manage, create, and customize any website to cater to your needs. A couple weeks ago they launched their Portfolio Sites. They have more then 30 portfolio themes (and over 200 layouts) that are customizable…

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Philadelphia Advertising Industry Adjusts to the Times

Contrary to popular belief, Philadelphia Business Journal says that Philly’s Advertising Industry is hiring! Agencies like LevLane, Machinery and O3 both say they are looking to hire young, new talent in the upcoming year. But the qualities they are looking for have changed, saying that a lot of the positions they are trying to fill didn’t even exist 5 or 6 years ago. Scott Tattar, director of PR at Lev lane said, “Being tech savvy is only part of it — everyone younger is tech savvy now. They grew up with social media in their DNA. There’s a creative surge…

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Kit-Kat White Final Fifty

Kit-Kat’s limited edition white chocolate bars are quickly running out, but the brand has managed to find a way to preserve the last 50 bars. Kit-Kat has saved the last 50 limited edition white chocolate bars and asked how do you make something limited last forever? The brand came up with quite the interesting answer to this question. Kit-Kat hired Australian illustrator Mike Watt to create 50 original pieces of artwork made out of the 50 remaining white chocolate bars. Watt melted down the last 50 white chocolate bars in order to make hand-made illustrations on blank red canvases. The…

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A Few Helpful Recruitment Tips

With summer approaching, more and more students are looking for summer internships. This means that internships are filling up more quickly and the competition is increasing. One of my professors brought this up in class so I figured I would share some tips I learned about the recruitment process in order to help you land a summer internship. The first infographic I wanted to share was created by behiring which is a company based in the UK that was founded in 2011 to help companies recruit candidates in the most informative way possible. Click the image to enlarge.   Another helpful…

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crowdSPRING: Quick Money & Portfolio Pieces

As college students we tend to have thin portfolios and light wallets, so we need to look outside of the classroom. Sure, part time work can help, and internships are key to our success, but there are a few small things that we can be benefit from for cash and experience purposes. crowdSPRING is an online marketplace where businesses come to search for creatives, designers, and writers for which they can outsource their branding, development, and advertising work to. crowdSPRING works as such; make an account, search for projects based on skill (writing/design/creative), and start working. Competition is strong on…

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Temple Ad Student Wins Peanut Chews Billboard Contest

A big congratulations to one of Temple’s very own Advertising students, Andrew Arbitell, on winning the Peanut Chews billboard design contest. Contestants were challenged to create ten word billboard slogans. His winning idea “enjoyed when the Rocky Steps were just steps” won over contest judges as the best line, showing their old school original feel and relating that to the city of Philadelphia in such an emotional connection. The billboard can be seen on I-95 near the Peanut Chews factory now through April 28th! Another prize from having his slogan chosen is a year’s supply of Peanut Chews that will be…

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Facebook Home

Facebook has found another way to take over your social life. They have just created a new experience for the HTC First phone that comes preloaded with the Facebook home page. It’s a new feature that takes over the entire home screen on your phone that enables you to view content from your social networking friends and interact right there instead of needing to go to the Facebook app. You can creep, like, and comment on photos right on your main screen. You will also have pop-up notifications, that can luckily be turned off if you find it too…

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Portfolio Night 10: Putting Philly on the Map

Philadelphia Ad Club’s Young Professionals and IHAVEANIDEA are hosting their Portfolio Night on May 22, 2013 at Lincoln Financial Field. This is an amazing opportunity to attend a creative networking event where you can find interested employers and the work of young professionals in the industry today. As we are nearing graduation, this is a great event for May grads to take advantage of! All Philly-area copywriters, art directors, graphic designers and web designers are invited to the event. Not only designers but also area professionals and students of advertising/marketing are invited to join for a valuable evening of advice…

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Mad Men Sundays

Mad Men fans waited in anticipation for the premiere of Mad Men last night on AMC. Now that the ad junkie show is back on, what should we do each week when we all gather together to celebrate? Throw an official Mad Men party with the help of their branded online party planner. The planner actually helps you keep track of everything you would need to stay happy and dapper during your time with Mr. Draper. Start off the planning with their hand picked electronic invitation templates to get your guests ready for the viewing party. Next up, plan the…

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Introducing Facebook Home

Facebook is launching its first major marketing campaign to convince consumers that they want the social network to become even more integrated into their mobile lives. Home allows you to stay connected with your friends by keeping a steady stream of friends’ posts and photos on your home screen. Home also allows you to continue chatting with your friends while using other apps. Home is available to be downloaded free on April 12, however the Home operating system is best integrated with the HTC First. Facebook is not only promoting Home but also the HTC First with this risky and…

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The importance of talking to your boss

As a long-time listener to the radio station Wired 96.5, I was eager to accept the internship that was offered to me in December 2012. I was excited to learn that the familiar voice of the mid-day host, Casey, would now be my boss. During the past two months of my internship, I have worked side by side with Casey in the studio and have gotten to know her very well. I find it inspiring how there is not a day that Casey does not come into work at her absolute best. As a radio host, it is imperative that…

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A rewarding internship in a field unknown

When looking for companies to intern with, I had no idea what to look for. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to intern in my major concentration, account management, or if I wanted to take a different route. What I did know was that I wanted to intern with a reputable and larger agency. As I received an email in my inbox one morning from Dana Saewitz, our major’s internship coordinator, I became curious. I saw an internship opportunity listed with Harmelin Media for media buying and planning. I had taken one course in media planning and had somewhat of an idea…

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To This Day Project

I came across To This Day while I was browsing new posts on Osocio, the non-profit and social cause advertising blog I posted about earlier this semester. This project stood out particularly strong to be because of the power behind the voice and image. The project was based on an incredibly powerful spoken word piece by Shane Koyczan titled “To This Day” that provides an intimate look into the long term and continued affects of bullying that can impact an individual and society as a whole. Animators and motion artists were invited in a previous video to lend their unique…

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Gozaik: The Twitter Resume

  A friend of mine actually tweeted about this great new company today called Gozaik, a social job application only that is saying goodbye to 8.5 x 11 paper resumes and hello to job-landing digital, mosaic-style multimedia resumes. Gozaik’s services use Twitter as a way for young professionals to search and apply for jobs. Students and young professionals who utilize the service will find help in marketing themselves more effectively via their social media, something that many top employers are paying particular attention to today. The services are also given to employers who are searching for the best and brightest…

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Consumer Insights Panel and Career Expo at FOX

Join the FOX School of Business tomorrow, April 3rd  for Consumer Insights Day. Industry leaders will be leading a discussion from 2-3:30pm in the MBA commons of Alter Hall. No registration is necessary and the event is open to all. If you can’t make the panel, they are also holding a Career Expo afterwards. The Career Expo will be held from 4pm-6:30pm in Alter Hall-The Undergraduate Commons- “The Egg.” This is a great chance to meet industry leaders that may be in the position to offer internships to those who are seeking summer internships!

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