Christmas Card Craziness!

Last week, was rather slow at work, but I worked on one of my favorite projects thus far. I’m a pretty big fan of Christmas time. I love sitting around and watching Christmas specials. Its one of the best parts of the holiday for me. I’m all about the Grinch. Rudolf’s my sh*t. I dig the Bumble. I can’t get enough of snow miser and heat miser. So last week for work, my assignment was to work on the holiday greeting card that the company was to send out to our clients. Kelly (my dear friend and coworker) told me…

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Celebración y Adiós

This past week my internship at AL DIA came to an end after a three month long adventure into the real world. AL DIA was my first internship I have ever taken and it was definitely a great fit for my first experience. In my last post, I mentioned the 20th Anniversary Gala that I assisted in planning for at the National Constitution Center. Witnessing an event that I helped out in come to life was very exciting and rewarding at the same time. Most of my night was working the check-in table to greet the guests and hand out pamphlets of the…

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The Road Ahead

This semester I have been interning at Philadelphia Style Magazine. I have absolutely enjoyed my time there. When I began at Temple as an advertising major I knew I wanted to be in the art direction track for many reasons. The reason that I sought out an internship at a magazine is because I have always loved magazine advertising and seen them, mostly in the areas of fashion, cosmetics, cars and hotel/casino, as pieces of an artistic vision put on to paper. This being said I have always wanted to be in the magazine industry especially on the creative end.…

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Christmas in Philly

This year Christmas Village, which has been a part of Philadelphia Christmas for years, has been moved from City Hall to across the street to Love Park, where I am currently completing my internship for my advertising major. This has been a great opportunity, and very busy time for me. For the past two months I have heard of this production, how big it is, how long it takes, all the work involved; now I am experiencing it. One of the major new adjustment is working completely with another team to make Christmas Village run smoothly at Love Park. We…

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Amazing KAPA Kids

For the Past few months I, along with a group of Temple Students, have been teaching an advertising workshop in Kensington KAPA High School. The objective for this workshop was to create an ad campaign for Philabundance, a non-profit organization that helps feed hungry Philadelphians. I was part of the music group. We decided to make  hip beat instead of doing a radio spot or a jingle. The students felt that this would help better reach their demographic. I can’t believe how talented the group of kids we worked with are! I personally can not stop listening to this song…

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Good Bye KAPA

Since the beginning of the semester I have been taking a class where a group of Temple students went into two different high schools in Philly and taught an advertising workshop. To be honest, I took the class as a refresher course since I am graduating in Spring but it turned into so much more than that. I actually built a relationship with some of the students that I hope to continue. One of the students actually told me he wants to go to college now which was one of the main goals, to inspire the students to go onto…

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End of the semester blues.

So as of Friday my time with GEP has come to an end. I find that I’m oh so impressed by how much I have learned and how much experience they gave me. When I talk to my friends about credit internships they look at it, as just another 150 hours dedicated to school, but I found that mine was so much more than an advance to graduating. Not only did I gain a ton of experience and networked with so many important people within event planning, but I gained a new family. The employees of GEP gave me the…

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So long, NMAJH

Over the past three months I was lucky enough to hold a position interning at The National Museum of American Jewish History (Known as NMAJH to the workers there). Over my time there I learned that although I am a young college student, I should not be too scared about facing the real world. Yes, the world of having adult responsibilities and wearing button downs on a daily basis is not ideal while also juggling a college schedule, but it was an experience that I would not have traded for the world. First of all, I learned that although you…

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PHL: A Great City to Work in

Rewind back to the month of May, when I was applying for internships. At that time, I pictured myself dashing around Philadelphia in a blazer and heels, running errands for my boss–four coffees in a Starbucks caddy along for the ride.  Needless to say, I had many misconceptions about what interning would be like. (Does it sound like I got my visions straight from The Devil Wears Prada?) Turns out I don’t have to be a lowly “gopher” but I can be a supportive team member. The place where I intern, the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau (PHLCVB), acts partially as a…

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Let’s Set the Scene…

September 25, 2012… Our Ad Club Assembly Today was the day… the first day I would introduce myself, the first day I would interact with the students, and most importantly, the first day the students would hopefully open their eyes to the world of advertising. It was 9:00am, and a group of 4 Temple students, including myself, traveled to Kensington CAPA to talk to the kids about joining our after-school advertising club. We walked into a classroom of about 20 kids, all dressed in their high school’s uniform and the seats were aligned in a half circle. Our assigned teacher…

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Get Your Dance On!

It’s about to be three weeks from the day of the competition and the creation of the viral/commercial/YouTube video is nowhere to be completed. But unlike us the students at Kensington High School are smiling and enjoying the time with us and their classmates. The students seemed to be trying to calm us down and not to worry because of that strong self-confidence they have in themselves. All of these students have so much talent and knowledge of the technology that is surrounding them. You have students that are computer geniuses and can figure out any problem that may shows…

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Class In Session

I knew from the moment I walked in the Kensington Capa door that this was going to be an amazing experience. Lesson planning wasn’t always easy with such a big group of teachers, but I think we found some great ways to entertain the students. Snacks definitely got their attention, but I think breaking off into smaller groups allows us to give them enough attention so that they feel involved. I know I used to like that when I was in high school. Small groups always gave me the courage to say what I wanted to say, and I think…

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Personal Reflection

            First and foremost, this community based learning course was successful in reaching every goal we set out to accomplish.  I don’t believe there were any specific set goals, but personally I had three: Create an impressive advertising campaign to present to Philabundance and beat Palumbo—check, build a friendly and “big brother” esque relationship with the students—check, and inspire them to strive for a higher education or something more than a diploma from Kensington CAPA—hopefully check.  There were challenges/obstacles that conflicted with all three of my personal goals.  Student attendance and their willingness to immerse themselves in the project were…

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The Results Exceeded My Expectations

Coming into this community based learning course, I expected to learn a thing or two about the advertising business, but I never realized I would clearly understand the essential elements needed to create an full-scale advertising campaign. I am honestly so thankful that I replied to the email from Professor Dana Saewitz that announced this class, and to any future Temple student even slightly considering taking the course, you should jump at the opportunity as well! Now that I have taught advertising, I not only know so much more about the subject, but I also view the business much differently.…

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All Good Things Come to an End

On Monday December 10th, 2012 we had the pleasure of presenting two and half months of hard work to a room full of important people. When I say we I mean both Temple University students and Kensington CAPA high school students. For the duration of this past semester we have worked together, learned from one another, and grown as people together. This was a once in a lifetime kind of experience and I think every participant came out better for it. I do not have one single regret about the campaign we produced for Philabundance and Shire’s Great Food Fight.…

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