Sticking Around For The Summer!

I have been interning at Valley Forge Casino Resort and they just recently offered me a job for the summer. My supervisor even told me that she wishes I was a senior so she could offer me a full time job right now. I was so happy to hear her say such kind words and I am excited to work at Valley Forge Casino over the summer! I plan on getting everything I can out of this experience and I am hoping that I will be able to stay on the schedule as an on-call once school starts back up again.

I am extremely excited about this opportunity being presented to me. Not only will it be a good job to have over the summer, but it will be a job that will slowly get me ready for the new world. That is something that I am going to eventually need to get used to so it cannot hurt to start now.

I absolutely love working for Valley Forge Casino Resort. The marketing team has been so welcoming and I have learned so much about how they go about doing things. I am excited to learn even more this summer and to take one more step towards a career in advertising. I hope to view this job an opportunity to one day step into the working world. I am anxious to see what my future will bring, but for now I will enjoy what I have… A great job for the summer.

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