My internship so far…

Hi all! I’m Samantha Schatz (Sam) and I am about to start my fourth week of my internship in the creative department at Roska Healthcare Advertising. Before going into this internship I seriously had no idea what to expect. I’m definitely way less experienced in advertising than anyone else in the department because I changed my major during spring 2011 and have completed all of my advertising requirements since then! (this internship is my last requirement before receiving my diploma) I had no idea how to find an internship, what to expect, how it was going to work…etc etc. Lucky…

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A little more than a week ago I started a Retail/ Visual Internship at Nordstrom and the experience has been a whirlwind of information already! With fashion being my future I was hopeful that this internship would give me a greater outlook of the industry and so far it has. I chose to pursue a different department and do something I am totally unfamiliar with- MENS! I have been a buyer for a local boutique near my home for women’s clothing and worked retail in the past and was ready for a challenge with this new endeavor. I have been…

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Never say No

This summer I am working at Lorel Marketing Group in King of Prussia. Lorel is a full service marketing agency that has a main focus in commerce and the healthcare industry. I am working in the interactive department that focuses on social media as well as web and app design. I started out updating the Facebook and Twitter for two of their clients, and even wrote a blog for Lorel. Currently, I have been bouncing around doing different jobs for different people. I like this because I can gain experience in different fields to see what exactly I would like…

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Writing is important, and it’s not so bad after all

At Lorel Marketing Group, in King of Prussia, I have been given several jobs such as posting on social media, writing for blogs, coming up with copy for websites, proofreading projects and assisting in pulling together different information to form a complete project. All of these jobs have a common theme: writing. I thought that after I had completed my GenEds and intro classes that my writing would be PowerPoint presentations and maybe a few small papers. I have written more this summer than I have in the past school year. A lot of people groan when it comes to…

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SHESAYS, A Global Creative Network for Women

I’ve stumbled upon an interesting website called SheSays,  an award winning organization (London based), promoting free mentorship and events for women who aspire to work in the creative advertising and marketing industries. What I like about this site is it gives information and updates on the latest events relating to the advertising business. They are also based in NYC, Melbourne, Toronto, Sydney, and many more places! The website also includes courses and career management for those who need it. It is a great site giving advice to women in general. So if you ever need some inspiration or advice, you…

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A Guide to Internships

A GUIDE TO INTERNSHIPS [Article courtesy of ] AIGA believes that quality internships provide an invaluable stepping stone towards professional practice and create continuity within the design profession. We thank those who open their doors to young designers and generously share their knowledge and experience with the next generation of design practitioners. What is an internship? An internship is a temporary job at a design studio that is geared toward an upper-level student or recent graduate. Studios may hire interns to assist on a specific project or for a set amount of time, such as the summer or a semester.…

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G2 Agency in NYC

With a recent visit to one of the world’s top advertising agencies, G2 was absolutely a thrill! The main headquarters office is located right in the heart of NYC. What can get better than that? G2 is an integrated marketing services network agency under Grey Global Group. For those of you who don’t know who Grey is…Grey Global Group is part of the WPP Group which operates many of the best independent business units like MediaCom Worldwide, WING, GCI Group, and many others including G2! They have major clients such as Proctor & Gamble, Volkswagen, DirecTV, etc. Upon meeting the…

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Closing the loop.

The last time I posted about my internship I was talking about a startup called Storably, an online market place for parking and storage. Today my Internship is at the same company, with almost the same team, except our product is completely different. Today the startup is called Curalate, which I am delighted to say I was around early enough in the product’s life that I had the opportunity to come up with the name. Curalate is the the worlds most robust tool for brands and advertising agencies to keep track of their influence on the growing social network, Pinterest. Curalate uses an image fingerprinting technology that…

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Crazy Steve’s

Hi everyone, My name is Keisha and I am currently doing a graphic design internship at Crazy Steve’s Concoctions, LLC.  I know, I know.  The title is kind of crazy right? Well that’s what I love about it.  It’s not your typical advertising internship.  It’s different, challenging and fun.  So far, I am having a great time. So basically what Crazy Steve’s concoctions is, is a pickle company essentially.  His family owns a very large cucumber farm and what he does is make pickles.  But not just the regular pickles that you and I are use to.  No, he makes…

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Interning with the Charlotte Bobcats

Hey there Temple, My name is Jasmine Rose and I have the privilege of interning in the marketing department with the Charlotte Bobcats, a professional basketball organization. For anyone who knows sports, you know that the Bobcats have had the worst record this season. Despite the losing season, I’ve had a blast working with this organization. I’ve learned so much about the sports and entertainment world from some of the top people in the business. Working for this team has opened my mind to sports marketing, which is now the path I’d like to pursue. I am currently looking for…

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Kembrel Experience

I have been interning at Kembrel dot com, which was started by 3 Wharton students in May 2010. The company is an online retailer. During my internship we have opened two retail locations in Philadelphia with plans to open more. This September, Professor Kathy Mueller told me about the internship. And, after e-mails, research and an interview. I got a callback within three hours. Needless to say, I got the internship of my dreams. The office culture is extremely fun but I am surrounded by hard-working brilliant people. Though, many people think that fashion is for dummies. However, it is…

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Center City Comedy

My name is Chris Whitehair, and over the last few months I have been working with Center City Comedy (CCC). The Philadelphia based production company is comprised of four young comedians from Philadelphia. This comedy production company has become an authority in humor over the last few years. One of the many ways, and arguably the most important way they have done this is through video production. Much like musicians distribute their music for free online in this day and age, comedians distribute their jokes to the public on stage. However, CCC has explained to me that releasing their jokes…

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Center City Comedy

Comedy in Center City My name is Chris Whitehair, and this semester I have been interning with Center City Comedy (CCC). For those of you who don’t know, CCC is the premier comedy production company in Philadelphia. What started with one open mic at the Raven Lounge on Thursday nights at 9 has snowballed into a comedy boom in this city over the last three and a half years. Since coming to Temple and embarking on a career in comedy, I have been enamored with the hard work this company puts into this comedy scene night in and night out:…

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Not for the Faint of “Hart”……..

Now as an advertising student, it’s one thing to learn about advertising through the great textbooks we read every semester and through the wonderful mock campaigns that we creatively accomplish (including the hours we spend creating such advertisements). But it gives everything you’ve learned a whole new meaning you are actually doing it in a live agency. I got a great taste of that on my 1st day at LevLane Advertising as a Traffic and Production Coordinator Intern. Let me tell ya. My first day was NOT for the faint of “Hart” to say the least. I came in on one…

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And Then It Hits You………

I knew that Advertising required creating ads anywhere your heart can dream of or creating any experience you’d like. And I knew that advertising was needed by all brands, businesses and initiatives in order to do so. But it is a WHOLE OTHER STORY to see it before your very own eyes. It was this very fact that floored me for the 1st time in living color. I go through my days, as most ad students do, from class to class and one internship day to another. You see campaign example after campaign example, mock-up after mock-up, and edits and…

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