Finishing up at SquashSmarts

As my internship came to an end, I learned a lot. Though I did not work in an advertising agency, I was pretty much the agency myself because Squashsmarts does not have a marketing department. This was really nice because I was busy the whole time there. I started a lot of projects, of which only couple has been fully finished. I majorly worked with the re-launch of their website (still under construction), which took a long time because of all the transfer of the data. Since I have not finished all the projects that I started, my plan is to keep interning at SquashSmarts even though it is not required, since I have already fulfilled my required hours. My continues contribution is not only because I want to finish the projects, but as I explained before, SquashSmarts has been a big part of my life, so I want to make sure I leave something behind that they can use for a long time.

During my time there one of the main things I learned is how to compromise. A lot of the time SquashSmarts wanted something that basically would not work with the layout they are trying to produce. Also, some of the designing would not work with the audience they were trying to reach out to. So learning how to combine their thought into a design that would work both with the program and the audience was one of the biggest things I learned. This concept that I learned did not only apply to one situation, but it came in use when I was working on every project across the board they assigned me to. I also think this is the most important thing to learn when working at an agency. A client might want something that conceptually works, but in reality it might not be their best path. So to explain and come to a mid-ground where both needs are met is very important, and from this internship I learned that.

One of my successes and finished work at SquashSmarts is their flyers I produced for them. It will be passed on to the neighborhoods around their main office as well as school, and it will also be provided to people for a brief overview of the program. I will be attaching that to this blog, check it out! I am also working on their website right now, and hopefully it will be up in running in a couple of weeks.

SquashSm flyer      squashsm flyer2

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