Time Flies…

It’s hard to believe that the summer, and my time as an intern at CBS3, are almost over. It may sound cliche, but it feels like just yesterday I was at orientation, feeling overwhelmed, feeling like I might not be able to handle the pressure of working at a TV station in one of the largest markets in the nation. But now that I have excelled and grown throughout the summer, I have an extreme confidence that no matter where I end up after college, I’ll be ready to take on any challenge. My latest work for CBS3 is a…

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Commit To Fit

My name is Tony Lim. I am interning for a marketing/advertising position at Weston Fitness, a health club located in Center City Philadelphia on 19th and Market St. One of my tasks I was asked to complete was to create a marketing campaign for the month of August. My ideas for August had to associate with, of course, fitness. I decided to focus in on “Commit to Fit.” August allowed new members to join a commitment “package.” It signed them up for 3 Months and given a 4th month free. When I thought of commitment, I thought of tattoos. I…

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Learning the about different roles of an agency.

From being at Lunchbox, I’ve gotten to learn how chaotic the roles of Account Executives and Production Managers can be. Simply from a creative stand point, I am used to late nights of designing, searching for an interesting way to visually show an idea, long hours of extending research, and so on, but upon being able to be up close personal with the other role at the agency have given me a completely different perspective on their roles. The amount of time and energy that it takes to seamlessly edit together 30 seconds of film definitely rivals the hours that…

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I Wanna Work for Radio One

When I first applied for an internship with WPHI 100.3 The Beat, I had no idea what to expect, I honestly thought it was going to be trips for coffee and runs to the copy machine and printer.  I was definitely wrong, and that became clear at the interview.  The day of the interview I learned that this internship was not just for WPHI, but also WRNB 107.9 and Praise 103.9; this was an internship for Radio One Philadelphia.   I joke and say that the interview process was something like “I Wanna Work for Diddy,” but in all seriousness it…

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Speaking up

As an intern you think you know your place in the agency. There are preconceived notions before even going into an internship that in order to do well. You should do what you are told, to stay out of way of the higher ups, and just mind what you say your employers. Now most of that is true however, do not be afraid to speak up! If I have learned anything it is that your employers want to hear what your ideas are and what you have to say, that’s why they brought you on in the first place. Just…

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Survey Says!

  It is known that surveying and focus groups can give you valuable insight into consumer brand perceptions. They can also be used to test potential ad campaigns and positioning before they are fully developed to make sure they are in line with the targets interest. Surveys and focus groups can also be tricky as the way questions are asked can corrupt the thought process that would give you the most accurate information. You must also think about what type of information will be the most valuable to you. Are you looking for quantitative numbers to determine your plan of…

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When you assume…

Before I even my internship at D4 Creative Group I had preconceived notions about what my tasks would entail. Coming from another internship at Red Tettemer + Partners I assumed that every agency runs under the same set of blue prints and just tweaks them a little to fit their needs. Well I was seriously mistaken. While over at Red Tettemer + Partners job jackets ruled the world. It was the very first thing that you learned how to do when starting an internship with them. By the end of your first week you were able to properly label them,…

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Wouldn’t it be nice?

Hey! It’s Amber Volponi, and it’s my last week at Temple University, College of Health Professions and Social Work (CHPSW) in the Communications and Marketing department. So all summer, I’ve been working on the College’s office monthly newsletter. I was also given the task to update information on the website, and create new photoshopped banners for the Nursing Department and the Kinesiology department. Because the new website was being launched, I was also given the task to write some copy (and if you know me, I’m not that great with writing copy. I usually leave that up to my best…

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Smile, It’s a photo shoot!

Hi Guys, This is Jasmine coming to you from Teen Vogue. So you guys have have already heard about my tips from an intern’s point of view. Now I wanted to share with you some fun things that I have been able to do during my time here! Photo- shoots are a really big part of any magazine no matter the theme of the magazine. My second day at Teen Vogue I was invited to work on the set of an amazing photo shoot. When my boss asked me I was beyond ecstatic. I couldn’t believe this was happening on…

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  As my internship with Chestnut Hill LOCAL newspaper winds down I reflect on my experiences and find that I am very satisfied with my work here. Though it was a fairly smaller scale internship I got a chance to work on projects that bigger companies would not have so easily given out. Writing web pages, making ads, and designing banners for the new website has surely spoiled me for my next internship. As of now I am wrapping up the work I have left for the New Mt. Airy LOCAL website that CHL will be coming out within the…


Learning something new about new business

When I started my internship at D4 Creative Group I was under the impression that I would be taking on the position as an Account Management intern. However, as things progressed my title soon morphed into New Business intern and I am very glad that it did. In the account management track we briefly touch on the subject of new business within an agency. We grasp an understanding of what a request for proposal is and what to do once we have obtained one, in fact many project that we do throughout the program are based on this outline. But,…

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The Power of Pigs #1

I have an internship with Hatfield Quality Meats in their customer solutions department. Customer Solutions is split into three separate parts, Marketing, Sales, and customer service. I am the only intern in the whole department and I mostly help out the salesmen for the fresh pork team and help out with marketing for the entire company. Hatfield is the company that does the Philadelphia Phillies Dollar Dog Night. Hatfield is owned by the Clemens Food Group which is a branch of the Clemens Family Corporation. The Clemens Family Corporation owns many different businesses including pork production, real estate, transportation, cold…

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Office Politics

Interning at At Media revealed to me a role of advertising agencies that I had yet to associate with it. I had the opportunity to assist with the campaign for a candidate running for City Council in Philadelphia’s 2nd District (the area around Point Breeze in South Philadelphia). This was an election close to the owners of At Media as they are residents of Point Breeze and even have their own non-profit organization called Point Breeze Pioneers that aims to help the community.  I have never considered myself a political person and realized there are a lot of advertising campaigns…

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The Power of Pigs #2

The past 3 weeks have been very exciting. Three weeks ago, I was asked to help with Hatfield Meat’s Christmas holiday ham promotions. I was moved from the sales department to the marketing and promotional department. Along with helping them with their Ham promotions, I was asked to help the marketing people with different projects. Throughout the past couple weeks, we have had a few meetings as far as brainstorming and figuring out what the cost would be to implement any type of promotion. Once we decided that we were going with a certain plan, we had to go over…

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The next “Big thing”

Working at Ogilvy and Mather has opened my eyes to major trends emerging in the industry. I believe the next “Big Thing” in advertising is complicated given the array of pieces that are needed to create any great cohesive campaign over a number of mediums.  However, if I had to pick what I believed to be the next “big thing” I would say it would have to do with the production of creative content for the application of digital and mobile media along with the development of the web platforms and technologies that will be used to deliver them.  Over…

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