Keeping the Pulse on Advertising Via Tumblr

(typical Tumblr post) Not to brag or nothin, but I’ve been on Tumblr for about a year now. I won’t wow you with how many followers I have either (more than 39, less than 41). But besides being a great place to dump random thoughts and cool things you’ve found on the internet, Tumblr is  a great place to follow creative types within the industry. It gives you an inside look at their interests and inspirations. Here are some of the people I currently follow within the industry: Adteachings (literally, lessons in advertising) Jonathan Moore Wolff Olins Stepa Christopher Copywriter…

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On my drive to Philly this morning I was listening to NPR, and learned that China has created it’s own form of Facebook, in english meaning “everybody.” The irony of the title? They were forced to create this social networking site because the Chinese government will not allow Facebook in China, with the fear that exposure to other walks of life will cause a rebellion among citizens. As a very-free American, this concept is bizarre to imagine! In addition to not permitting facebook, Google cannot exist in China because it will not limit it’s information to fit the requirements of…

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Fresh Branding

A fresh new branding campaign has been launched for Stack Architects. The creators of this clean and concise design are The Consult. “They were looking for a fresh brand identity that would reflect its craft and, being a new organisation, they also required name generation. With a nod towards most people’s earliest experience of architecture – building blocks – The Consult developed the name ‘Stack’. A crafted typographical treatment was established alongside a stacked logotype and solid icon, forming a unique graphical look to the identity.” It also looks like the Black Flag logo. Enjoy  

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The Final Curtain

To quote Frank Sinatra, “the end is here and so I face the final curtain”. As the semester comes to a close, so is this chapter in my Finch Brands internship experience. I’ve been asked to stay on for the summer, but I will be taking on new responsibilities and leaving behind my old ones. I will be saying good bye to my weekly business development tasks and hello to client Facebook page management! I will also be saying hello to the 3 new interns who are joining us for the summer and I can’t wait! Two are Temple students! All-…

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And the waiting begins..

So I have finished my internship at LevLane Advertising. I had an amazing time learning and getting to know some of the people there. I woke up today, without an alarm, to the time that i would have gone in. I am so glad I got to have that experience and learn so many things that will help me in my future career. I am writing out my thank you cards to all the people I worked closely with, and I find that I have to hold back what I want to really say because I don’t have enough room.…

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Once you tell them you can help, they know

Interning at the Brownstein Group has been a great opportunity.  It is an established agency in the city with big clients and innovative people.  As time has gone on, I have made a realization about interning.  Everyone is always busy.  From creating, to communicating, to meeting, it seems that people in the agency don’t have much down time.  That being said, as an intern, you are supposed to relieve some of their workload.  There are times I finish a project and need something else to work on.  When this happens, I either email account management or the strategy team or visit them directly.  I let them know if…

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My last Week

Thanks to MayoSeitz Media I will be considering a career in Media Planning! I am on my last week at my internship. Tuesday is the last full day and Thursday is the Cinco de MayoSeitz party. Something I am extremely excited about. People at the office keep on saying saying its a great opportunity to network and meet people that could help me in the future. I will truly miss going to the MayoSeitz Media kitchen and finding some donuts, hoagies, chocolates, banana chips, cake and veggie cream cheese bagels! On Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) many vendors will go to…

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OK! Magazine is More Than OK!

Right when I walked into the office on the 4th floor of the 44th and 6th ave. office of OK! Magazine, I knew it was the place I wanted to be. As a web intern at OK! Magazine, I feel right like a true employee. I had interviewed at Cosmopolitan Magazine also and knew that I did not want to be in an internship program, I wanted to get as much real world experience as I possibly can. At OK! I have my own desk, my own duties and write my own stories. The freedom I have there I never…

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Darwin’s Got Nothing On Us

If there is one thing I have gained from this internship it is experience. Before this internship all my knowledge of the advertising and marketing world consisted of theoretical situations and hypothetical in class clients. Finch Brands has really helped me conceptualize and give meaning to the material I am learning in my classes. This position has strengthened my decision to enter into the world of advertising and has really helped me understand what I was getting myself into. When it comes to my future in the business, I fully intend on taking a few pointers from our company symbol,…

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Knowing what you don’t know

As I look back on this semester as an intern at the Avenue of the Arts, I feel that it was a great start to my career.  I not only gained experience, but I also realized what I didn’t know, which I think is an important aspect of interning.  There’s a quote by Donald Rumsfield about knowing that I think really sums up what I’m trying to say. “There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also…

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The kitchen table internship comes to a close and a career unfolds…

I have a job. Sheffield Furniture & Interiors has hired me as their official Copywriter. The responsibilities that I have as employee are basically the same responsibilities that I had as an intern, which is doing almost all of the writing for the ads, their website, and their newest blog. I was extraordinarily excited when they hired me, because the owner of the company said that he has been through advertisers who’ve been in the industry for 10 years and he has never been pleased with any of them. He said that he rarely feels the need to correct or…

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Millennials…A Generation of Change

We have been told that if we work really hard we will succeed. We won trophies. We learned that everyone is a winner. 75 % of us use social networking sites that have started revolutions… (And stalked our ex’s). We grew up with color tv’s, cellphones, computers, iPods, and DVD’s. Let’s face it over 20% of us currently own iPhones. We are the Millennials. And to be honest, We ROCK! Yes I’m talking about those of us born in-between 1980 and approximately 1995. We are the most ethnically diverse and educated group of youth EVER and we are proud of…

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Lego Ambient

Above is a sample of an idea produced by Access Agency for Lego. Although it is just a concept, it is probably one of the better ambient/viral tactics I’ve seen in recent years. One thing I’m not sure about is the agency, I honestly think they’re fake. All of their work is just in concept form. They have a lot of sweet ideas, but I think they’re just waiting for some client to be stoked on their shit and start shooting bills at them.

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Saying Goodbye to a long Workout

    I just had my last day at Weston Fitness, it was a weird change to end, but it is nice to not have to go Center City every other day. As I mentioned in my previous post; overall, the experience was a worthwhile experience. However, it was not very advertising oriented. It taught me more about Marketing, which I found out I enjoyed a lot and I believe that is a big thing to learn in a internship. I came into this internship aware that it was at a gym and the lack of advertisements that would truly…

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The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (and yes fellow advertisers, we’re on here)

As us seniors come close to graduating and finalizing our career choices with actual jobs, freshman/sophmores come to a crossroads of choosing a major, we all spend much time considering all aspects of a job as it would affect our lives. A major factor in choosing a job is the stress that it might put on you. With perfect timing,  CarreerCast just released findings from research conducted to discover what American’s found to be the top 10 most stressful jobs. The results were uncovered by asking respondents to rate 11 stress factors found in the workplace: “outlook/growth potential, travel, deadlines, working in the…

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