The War Of Art

A vital gem . . . a kick in the ass. (Esquire) Anyone who has encountered this book seems to be affected by it deeply. Check the reviews on Amazon, they’re frighteningly positive. How about that title, too? Classic switcheroo. I’m going to be honest with you- I don’t like to read. I know I should, but I don’t. So the idea of reading some sort of self-help book would normally be repulsive to me. But this book is truly invigorating. It’s a must have for anyone entering a creative field. Do it.

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Unmotivated? I’ve got the site for you…

It goes by many names: writer’s block, apathy, brain freeze, brain fart, uncreative, unimaginative, and most of all unmotivated. We’ve all been there. In our line of work it’s important to be able to flick on the creativity switch at any given time. I recently came across a quick single-serving website that may be just what you need. It’s aptly titled: I’ve been on it for about 30 minutes and I’ve watched a scene from Glenngary Glen Ross, read a quote by Sid Vicious, and saw and awesome picture of a polar bear. It’s a random collection of all…

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Electronic Paper – The Note Slate

Stated to not be available until June, the $99 tablet for taking “digi-notes” won’t necessarily compete with the iPad, and that’s not the point. At least I don’t think so. The idea is something that has been exaggerated about for years in movies and publications, now we are finally shedding some light on an actual product. It will come in the standard black on white, white on black, and blue, green, or red text and pictures. 13 inches tall with a 750 x 1080 pixel display, weighs about half a pound and apparently 180 hours of battery life make this…

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Sneak Peek at ‘Visit Philly’s’ Upcoming Campaign; Enter ‘Write Your Own Billboard’ Contest

Visit Philly’s upcoming ad campaign features advertisements for the Philly Fashionista. The new campaign focuses on retail and fashion in Philadelphia. A few of the ads in the new campaign will be featuring imagery from the upcoming Roberto Capucci exhibit that will be opening at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in March 2011. With the launch of this campaign, this will be the third launch of the “With Love” ads for the GPTMC, and feature the instantly-recognizable handwriting font and “With Love” signature. Some of the new ads intend to spur interest in Philadelphia as a shopping destination; the others will be promoting…

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Forever Begins When You Say Yes

Mural Arts Program’s ‘Love Train’ Tours

Have you heard about the Love Letter Mural Project? Love Letter is a project by West Philadelphian native muralist Stephen Powers in conjunction with the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. What is this Love Letter Train Tour? Philadelphia’s official Love Letter Train Tour, leads visitors on an urban adventure on SEPTA’s Market/Frankford evaluated train line to view 50 rooftop murals along the Market Street corridor. The project collectively express a love letter from a guy to a girl, from an artist to his hometown, and from local residents to their cherished neighborhood. Mural Arts guides will provide riders with detailed stories…

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AT & Teapot

As far as I’m concerned, this is the first funny commercial of the year. AT&T takes a stab at repositioning its intentionally unmentioned competition. There has been much back and forth between AT&T and Verizon legally and commercially about who’s fastest and I still don’t know honestly. From my understanding, Verizon has infrastructure on its side and there wouldn’t be so much complaining about the iPhone if AT&T was really the fastest. That’s why AT&T isn’t naming names. This campaign seems to be more about prevention and lessening buyer’s remorse than an actual benefit. You’re going to get the message…

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The Shack…

Radio Shack is one of those brands that makes me wonder how it’s still around. I’ve never purchased anything from there that lasted more than two years. Before I found a better option, I was using earbuds that required a converter to work with my phone– a converter sold only at Radio Shack. I’ve had the phone two and a half years now and I’ve been through several converters. I tried to get a coverage plan for it and they wouldn’t play ball. The clerk told me quite honestly, “We know it’s cheap. Sorry.” It’s not unusual to pick up…

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Explore art museums worldwide (from home).

(In high-resolution, too!) The Art Project by Google offers you the opportunity to explore art museums from NYC to London to Prague using “Street View” technology. You can zoom in to artworks of interest and expand the information panel to read more about an artwork. You are given options to explore more works by artists you see in these museums as well as watch YouTube related videos. Haven’t been to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam yet but you love Van Gogh’s work? No problem. Take a stroll through the museum here. This is an amazing project. Google never ceases…

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I Heart Logos: A truly unique (and amazing) design competition

I heart logos season two has just begun. This is the only design competition of its kind. Anyone can submit. ($10 submission fee per logo entry). You can submit as many as you’d like. And the submission period goes until August 31, 2011. After the submission period ends, the voting begins.  There aren’t ‘famous judges’ in this competition. Anyone who joins the “I heart logos” community can vote and/or submit a logo design. The design world’s voice will be the one who will choose the winning logos in this competition. All designs have to stand on their own merit. No…

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Hot Soup Coming Through: Campbell’s Soup iAds More Effective Than TV Ads

With winter in full swing, many individuals–including this author–are seeking the solace of comfort foods. It only make sense for advertisers to try to appeal to this hankering–or in my case, weakness–of cold weather commuters to try a warm bowl of soup. Today, Apple released results from a self funded study that claims its new iAds service–which runs ads on the iPod and iPad–is twice as effective as traditional television ad placement. This assertion is based on comparing Campbell’s Soup iAds to those shown on television. The results yielded a greater recall rate by viewers who watched the iAds over…

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What’s up with Egypt?

Egypt and Tunisia keep getting mentioned both on the news and on campus. We hear names like Hosni Mubarak and Ben Ali but who are they and what have they done to piss so many people off? Get into the loop of what is potentially history in the making. PANEL DISCUSSION AND OPEN FORUM: Egypt and Tunisia’s Popular Uprisings ON PANEL :: Peter Gran (Department of History), Sean Yom (Department of Political Science), Alexa Firat (Department of Critical Languages) Friday, February 4, 2011, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm  in Anderson Hall WHY SHOULD YOU CARE :: “Students (and members of the community alike) may learn…

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Are You Inked?

If you love body art or have a tattoo, the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention can be a chance for you to meet like-minded people. If you’re looking to get a tattoo, what better place than a convention where there will be professionals coming in from all over the world? Hey, it beats your nearest sketchy tattoo parlor! Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention : A showcase of body art February 4th – 6th 2011 Friday 2 pm – midnight Saturday 12 pm  – midnight Sunday 12 pm – 8 pm @ The Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel 17th and Race St. Philadelphia,…

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CopyWRITING: Yes, you are a writer.

If I could have the attention of all the copywriters for a moment, please. Art direction, account management, research: you can stick around if you’d like. I still love you for who you are. As my first blog post for Temple Adlib, I figured it’d only be fair if I did it on the essence of our major- that being writing. “I’m a writer.” Say it out loud. Feels weird, right? It’s almost like a dirty little secret. Something you don’t want your parents to know about. But the truth is, you are one- and if you stay within this…

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Back to the Basics Volkswagen is releasing a new 30 second spot for their second generation “neue” beetle. Created by Deutsch Inc., located in New York and Los Angeles. Unfortunately they have a flash site, which isn’t very up on the times, but I’ll look past that after seeing this spot. Generous use of 3D rendering without making it look fake. The quality looks on the level of Pixar studios, amazing to me. It is pretty easy to make 3D motion spots look cheap and cheesy. This isn’t the case for Deutsch Inc. and their back to the basics spot for the 21st…

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