Agency of the Week: Qube Konstrukt

Qube Konstrukt, an Australian “do it all” agency has my pick of the week. With works using every medium and in every media I just couldn’t put them down in any way. Not only do they produce a ton of work, but they produce it with such aesthetic quality and attention to detail that I ask you to look over the agency and find a flaw. Another thing I can’t believe is their client list. From MTV to Honda they are grabbing up some big names in all different industries. Below is a bit of their work that I found…

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The Modern Telephone Concept

Not only is the video especially inspiring, due to the content and also the ambient soundtrack, but the concept is ingenious. If produced, this phone will be a huge step forward in application development and in design. We are talking about three touch screens here as opposed to our current standard of one. This leaves room for so much expansion that we all aren’t expecting out of a device that has been advanced enormously in a little over a decade. Here are some close up images for inspiration and analyzation. The designer who will most likely become rich within the…

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Temple Ad Club welcomes everyone back for Spring Semester with many exciting events!

Hello everyone! On behalf of TAC, we hope that everyone had a pleasant  break. It is good to be back though! TAC has a lot to look forward to this semester. First of all, our general board meetings will be kicking off next Tuesday, January 25. The time and location has been changed. Meetings will now be held every Tuesday in room 220 of the Student Center from 4:30-6. TAC Agency will be held on Wednesdays 4:30-6 (undetermined location) and NSAC is still Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-4:50. Please come out and make an appearance! TAC had an amazing time at…

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Target: Behind the Bullseye

Recently, I saw a Target documentary titled “Behind the Bullseye” a couple of days ago on CNBC and it explained how the brand has become such a power player amidst the ever changing economy. I posted about Target’s Black Friday campaign not too long ago. Watching the brand’s evolution from alternative discounter to national superstore, one has to wonder how it was possible. Target created a PR spin on discounted goods. People who could afford to, were in love with the shopping experience of an upscale department store. From intricate fixtures to elegant displays, it was very much an “in…

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The Hit Man…

Philadelphia Mob Hit Man John Veasey This composition would make an amazing outdoor installation, but I could understand neighborhood groups not wanting to glorify mafioso (especially since the fascination has died down). It’s credited to mosaic portrait artist, Jason Mecier. It would fit right in at the Magic Gardens (of crime). It’s like MacGuyver’s war chest. I’m really curious as to where this piece ended up. If I could buy it, I’d turn it into a coffee table. Not a single piece of Scarface power art can touch this. To this day, I don’t think I’ve had a class more…

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Shape-up for the New Year with Skechers

I don’t think there were any knockout holiday spots this year. There was some singing, dancing, and shopping, but nothing too memorable (at least not for me) until I saw this Skechers ad. This spot is clever in that it’s positioned for everyone. Getting your wife or significant other a treadmill, or any piece of workout equipment for that matter, as a holiday gift is like admitting she has a fault that you would like fixed. Although some would appreciate it, women generally don’t want to hear that especially not around this time. It’s like getting your mom a toaster…

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Norton: Deny Digital Dangers…

I’m no expert on Asian culture, but right away I picked up on something about this ad and I could be wrong about it. From my understanding, older women don’t wear their hair down (if it’s long). Instead they have a shorter “mom” haircut (mother or not) or they have it pinned back and up. So to see this woman like this I immediately thought 2 things. Either she saw a ghost or she is a ghost. I’m sure the former of the 2 is what the art director was going for. If she was a young woman (not wearing…

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Nikon Pour L’homme?

This certainly isn’t a vintage ad, but it’s older than you may think. Personally, I can never get enough of those earth tones. Not to mention it’s a beautiful shot. It has an air of sophistication about it. I dig the subtlety of the type. I actually used a similar concept for my first art direction project. The Nuvis S looks like cologne. I made a bag that looked like perfume. I suppose that’s why this ad just jumped out at me. I think this camera came out at a time when digital photography was still trying to find itself…

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Traditional Media in the Digital Era

Traditional media is having difficulty adjusting to the digital media environment. In this post I will discuss what adaptations I believe need to be for traditional media companies to continue to compete. My opinions are based on my experience interning at a newspaper and a digital ad agency, as well as other trends. In my opinion the most difficult problems traditional media faces are the continuous fragmentation of the media and outdated metrics for measuring advertising impressions. Historically traditional media has benefited immensely from being able to gather millions of viewers on television or reading a newspaper. With more and…

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Value Beyond the Message

Offering consumers value for their time is an essential aspect of good advertising. One thing I learned while interning at City Paper is that products with high demand receive the best response from advertising. If you are selling something people don’t normally care about, be prepared to up the ante of your offer. Today’s consumers are more sophisticated than ever; without adding value to your offer your advertisement it will be overlooked. Here are some examples of ads that blew away both advertiser and consumer expectations: Gap & Groupon: $50 voucher for $25 Guinness’ Passport to Greatness: mobile application…

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The conclusion or a new beginning

My time here at LevLane has been quite the experience. I’ve learned so much from so many different industries: Banking, Recycling, Law, Senior Living Communities, etc. I’ve done comparative analyses, I’ve attended status meetings for different clients, I’ve even got the pleasure of going on the South Philly Murals Tour to look at the beauty of graffiti rather than the tagging aspect. My time here has only been a short semester, but the knowledge I’m taking away from here is invaluable. Whether I stay on as an intern here for the next semester with the potential of being hired upon graduation, or…

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Last Day Interning at Cities2Night

Today was the last day of my internship at cities2night. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, it was just an average day in the office. Today was actually supposed to be the day where I present my final project to my manager but that didn’t happen which is kind of disappointing. The timeline of the project was not planned out properly and there was no time to fit the project in to the already busy schedules of everyone at cities2night. I was looking forward to the project though because I actually took the time to come up with some great ideas. Even though the last…

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You're as good as you make yourself to be

Both my advertising classes and internship have taught me a lot about the business.  But the truth is, you have to do more than just the basics.  As many people in college soon come to realize for a fact, it’s hard to get a job at a place you really want to work at. Hard, but not necessarily impossible.  Many people will doubt their talents, creativity, or ambition many times when their majors are such competitive ones.  Majoring in something that in tangled in creativity is also very challenging. You may feel stumped at times, not having any “good ideas”,…

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School's Over

What can I say – school is over. Other than that there isn’t much else. It was a fun ride but all good things come to an end. Now i’m ready to start something great. My time at LevLane has validated everything I believed before my internship. The work is what I expected: challenging, intensive, hands-on and addicting. Who else gets to write spoken work poems in the same day as an invitation for an elite investment firm (minimum investment $10mil)? Better yet how lucky am I that I look forward to waking up every morning? When I do, I…

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What's So Wrong with Being an Intern?

I did not run across many problems throughout the course of my internship.  Yes, there were some minor set backs, but not anything that I would really consider a negative experience.  However, there is one exception.  In once case I had an issue with communication, and I can only assume the reason is because I am an intern. I was working with a real estate agent aiding in his advertising needs, and had some ideas for new forms of advertising his business.  One idea I brought to the table was posting an advertisement for his services on a real estate…

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