Real Estate Advertising and Change

Real Estate advertising can almost be an entity all to itself.  It seems that once a realtor finds a system that works for them, there is not much change.  Yes, as new mediums become prevalent, such as online vs. print, the location of advertising shifts, but in terms of format there is not change.  There is a standard used to advertise a property.  Anyone who has ever looked at the real estate section of the newspaper can tell you this.  All the ads look the same, a picture of a property followed by a brief description including details such as…

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Thank Goodness for My Internship or Else…

I could have ended up in an entry-level job that I absolutely despised! While I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent interning at ReminderMedia this Fall, and gained a lot of valueable skills and experience, I must say that the number one thing I learned there is that a job in Sales is NOT for me! I am in the Account Management track, and I have dabbled with the idea of perhaps going into a sales related position potentially in the future and so that is why I took this more marketing-focused internship in the first place. While of course my dream is to find…

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My last days at MOD….or not?

The fall semester is coming to a close. My student career at Temple is nearing its end. But it looks like my time at MOD has only just begun.  By the grace of the employment gods I have been offered a full time position at MOD Worldwide.  I could not have asked for a more rewarding opportunity. My internship with MOD has taught me and exposed me to so much of the advertising industry already. In the past few months I’ve been given the chance to help brand a company.  I took part in brainstorming names and logos for the…

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As it comes to an end.

As my internship is coming to an end with about 6 days left I have begun to assess some of the major things I have learned, skills I have refined and what I have truly got out of interning with W Magazine. What I have learned is that fashion is not always glamorous. A lot of effort goes in to making things look effortless. Long hours, extreme organization and disciplined focus are just some of the qualities I have learned make up a successful career in fashion. To develop the skills to endure long hours, become extremely organized and obtain…

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Social Media, An Essay

In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg co-created a new definition for connectivity in his Harvard dorm room–He called it Facebook. He gave “people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” Today, 500 million users worldwide are connected via this open world—the social networking site, Facebook. Twitter connects over 100 million users and over 200 million are tied through MySpace. There are only 308.4 million citizens living in the United States. There are more users connected to Facebook than there are citizens in America. Society, through social networking sites, has created a new way of maintaining and creating relationships—of staying…

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Wrapping up at p2n

Interning at philly2night this semester has been such a great experience. Before completing my semester  in the office I was asked to fill an internship evaluation. Here was what I had to say: My favorite aspect of interning was having hands on experience with planning and facilitating events. I thought this was the most helpful because it engaged me and showed me how to organize certain events and measure its success. It also gave me a chance to work on something different everyday which minimized boredom. I also enjoyed working on the research projects because the topics were interesting and…

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More Research Before Applying

Do some research about the company you’re interning with and then do some more. When I started applying for internships I was just sending out my resume like crazy. I would go to the company’s website and poke around for a bit and as long as they seemed interesting and legit I was sold. I’m an advertising major in the art direction track but I do a whole lot of graphic design work so when I saw that Skai Blue Media was looking for a graphic design intern I hopped on it. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem…

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All good things must come to an end…

PHL17 has been a very fun and rewarding experience. After only a week of interning, I found my own artwork on the side of a Septa bus! A few weeks later, I worked a meet and greet with Charlie Manuel for the clients of the station, got pictures with the cherished Phillies’ trophies, and did a Better Philly segment. PHL is a small station and during my sales internship with them in the summer, and my creative internship with them this semester, I feel like I became part of the team. For Halloween we had an awesome party where we…

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The True Teachings Of A Good Internship

When students hear the word internship, they assume that it will involve a lot of doing the work that no one else wants to be any part of. Running errands, getting coffee and drinks and being the one to run out and fetch lunch for everyone. This is what every intern fears but this is not the way they treat interns at Stream Companies. From the first day that I entered the doors I was given a logo assignment to do for a new client called “freeonehand.” After that I was always given assignments that were in some way involved…

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Social Networking vs. Traditional Networking

Here’s a question that was thrown around at Maiden Media (originating from their PR guy): Is social networking taking away from the value of traditional, face-to-face networking. Or, to present the question in a different manner, is internet networking making people interact less in-person with people?  Social networking is usually more convenient and less time-consuming, but do you get the same effect as you would while interacting with a person in front of you? Have you ever had a conversation with someone online and felt that it wasn’t as valuable as it would be in person? For example, you were…

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Digital Component

While interning at W Magazine I have strengthened pre-existing workplace skills, developed a thorough understanding of the editorial process and learned about the overall functioning of a magazine. I have also learned that while the magazine industry is a profitable and long-lived one, there absolutely is a need for a strong on-line component. In order to connect with the younger generations to continue to gain readership an updated daily blog or website is crucial. A blog or website does have the power to replace a magazine nor does it negate its presence on newsstands. An online component simply fills in…

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English Dept. Internship Update

I’ve learned a lot during my internship with the English Department. The biggest learning experience was discovering everything that goes into producing a complete project. Not only does the project need to be completed it still has to be produced and distributed. And then you need to measure how the success of the project. After that, you have to evaluate it and learn how you can improve for the next time. I also posted earlier in the semester about introducing social media to the Department. And I mentioned looking at Facebook Insights to get a better understanding of our users.…

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Maiden Media: Small Agency Experience

This week will mark my final week at my internship as an account manager for Maiden Media. This was my first internship experience and I can say that it will be one I will value for a long time and never forget. For those of you who haven’t read my previous posts or are unfamiliar with Maiden Media, they are a start up interactive ad agency who just celebrated their 1 year anniversary this past October. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of Maiden for the semester. And when I say a part of,…

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Management, Time Management

I have been diagnosed with procrastination, and it is not a case of the mild variety. I’ve been procrastinating since the third grade. It has only gotten worse over time with longer deadlines for assignments in college. I knew it was something I needed to work on, however, I procrastinated on that as well. That was until this semester. With a full course load, interning at MOD nearly 20 hours in two days a week, as well as working at home most weekends, I did not have much free time this semester. MOD was actually pretty busy during the time…

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I Thought I Knew What I Liked..(Mod Worldwide taught me otherwise)

Layouts. Design. Layouts. Design. Layouts. Print. TV. Layouts. Design. These were the only things I knew I loved about advertising. However, other than a few layouts, I didn’t do much of any of that in my internship. I got to experience projects I would not have encountered at school. I did some e-blasts to send to mailing lists of the clients’. Those weren’t half bad, almost like print. Other days I got to cut images from their backgrounds. Not my idea of fun, but it has to be done. I resized images for the web, found images on the web,…

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