#TornadoWeek Targets Interns
As the semester is winding down, a lot of use are finishing up our internships or on the search for one for the summer. We’ve all been in the position where we’ve had to work tireless hours and drain our…
The Experiences of Temple Advertising Students
As the semester is winding down, a lot of use are finishing up our internships or on the search for one for the summer. We’ve all been in the position where we’ve had to work tireless hours and drain our…
Vine, released just a few short months ago, has already made a big impact in the social and mobile advertising world. Vine has already been employed by various brands to promote their products. Advertisers now have 6 second spots to…
Throughout many of my classes, the majority of the teachers have been strong in pushing the professional use of social media. Facebook and Twitter are easy for us to use because they cross with our personal social lives. We know…
I recently came across an amazing project developed by Kelly Clawson, a fellow advertising student here at Temple and President of the Temple Ad Club. The Free Journal Project is a socially based art project founded in providing free…
A friend of mine actually tweeted about this great new company today called Gozaik, a social job application only that is saying goodbye to 8.5 x 11 paper resumes and hello to job-landing digital, mosaic-style multimedia resumes. Gozaik’s services…
This week has been quite an adventure for twitter fans, followers, tweeters, and oh right…hackers! Twitter account hacks have been a problem in the past, but this week, new hackers have taken control of major, public watched accounts in a…
Unfortunately this past week the East Coast experienced the wrath of the super storm Sandy. Leaving millions of people without power and thousands without homes, the social media frenzy began growing in size alongside the hurricane. It was no surprise…
In todays market finding a job can become a daunting task if you don’t know how to leverage yourself and use the tools around you. All our teachers stress the importance of keeping your social media sites clean because employers…
This summer I am working at Lorel Marketing Group in King of Prussia. Lorel is a full service marketing agency that has a main focus in commerce and the healthcare industry. I am working in the interactive department that focuses…
WE ALL DO IT. Sneak onto Facebook and Twitter in the middle of doing our work. Well here is something to make you feel less guilty about it. Make it …. productive… (GASP!!…FACEBOOK, TWITTER PRODUCTIVE???) How, you ask? Use Facebook…
I stand (sit, type) before you completely flabbergasted. The high level of intense media coverage of this wedding is unbelievable. (Just the fact that I didn’t have to mention WHAT wedding I’m referring to speaks for itself. For those of…
As indirect communication steadily becomes the standard form of communication these days, it is imperative that businesses and advertisers adapt to remain relevant in the consumer’s mind. A surefire way to lose a customer, in this new era of digital communication, is to overlook…
Yes, that’s right. Now you can follow Charlie Sheen and all that he has to say to out loud on Twitter. At 9 am yesterday morning, Sheen decided that he wanted to start a Twitter account to share his side…
In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg co-created a new definition for connectivity in his Harvard dorm room–He called it Facebook. He gave “people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” Today, 500 million users worldwide are connected…
Young copywriters, heed my words, embrace that unfamiliar technology you know as Twitter. Many advertising students scoff, laugh, and sneer at the suggestion of starting a Twitter account. Why? Its simplicity? Perhaps, it’s the stigma attached to it, that the…
Today JetBlue airlines surprised it’s Twitter followers by announcing that they would be giving out free airfare in Manhattan. The only perk is that you have to “find” them. This is a perfect example of how businesses are beginning to…
Social Media sites such as Myspace, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have changed the way we communicate with others and the way businesses communicate with us. Nowadays, any business large or small can create a profile on a social media site…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtOgrB4ZkgY&feature=player_embedded It’s funny that, one of the great powers of the internet is anonymity. People write things online that they wouldn’t dare say face-to-face to anyone. They’d be too embarrassed to act like that in public, but because there is…