Final Presentation is Tomorrow! On Edge.

We’ve been working for almost an entire semester to prepare for this presentation.  We’ve been working closely with Kensington CAPA students for about a month on the commercial, music track, and print ads and I’m still nervous.  The commercial/youtube clip/viral video is alright, but could be better.  The transitions are sloppy and the ending could be neater, but overall I’m happy with it.  I just hope that Philabundance, Shire’s and whoever else is judging our ad will look at it in more of a big picture sense than a final product, use our ads tomorrow, sense. On a more sincere…

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Arron Garcia Future “Music Producer” The last week before the competition, Temple students and the students of Kensington decided to meet two times. The last day we got to chill with the students and finish up everything. Before we left the school I had a chance to hang with the music group and I got time to meet Arron the mastermind behind the producing of the track (it’s his own original beat). The time I got to talk to him, I automatically knew he had a great passion for music and producing. One thing that caught my attention was he had an old school…

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Final Meetings

Our final class was hard for me. It made me realize how much I was going to miss the kids and working on our campaign. We did a lot of work this semester, getting them and the campaign ready, but we did it. Our whole concept still impresses me. We turned Philabundance into an even bigger idea and were able to give it a new meaning. I think working with the non-profit was a good choice. Especially considering it was one that was aimed towards high school students to begin with. They took a lot of away from that last…

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A Success Workshop & A Winning Campaign!

Monday, December 10th, marked the end of the Philly Ad club HS workshop. The turn out for the final presentation was greater than expected. The students from both high schools came together to present their final campaigns to Philabundance and they came well prepared. Prior to this experience students knew very little about advertising and they ended it with a strong sense of knowledge about what advertising is and how to put together a campaign. While our time with the students was cut short from hurricane sandy and holidays, each of them worked extra hard to achieve the deadline. Since…

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Jack of All Trades

My name is Michael Clementi and I am a Special Programs intern at the National Museum of American Jewish History on Fifth and Market Streets in Center City. Before it was moved to its current location in November of 2010, the museum was run by a local synagague which had collected many different artifacts from the history of Jewish people in America. When it got moved to its current address, the museum was able to expand its work base and create new positions at the museum. That being said the museum, which just celebrated its second anniversary at its current location…

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Learning Through Research: What My Semester-Long Project Taught Me

Hello again! For those of you who don’t know me, or haven’t read my previous blog post, my name is Andrea Cicio. I’m currently interning at Braithwaite Communications, a marketing, branding, and public relations firm in Center City. When I come into work at Braithwaite, I get a firsthand glimpse of all the services the account executives offer to their clients. As much exposure, and even knowledge, I gain of the tasks involved in each project, I always wonder how each service offering is developed. Braithwaite’s two internship advisors gave me, and the agency’s other four interns, the chance to…

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Promotion Machine!

What is sweet, delicious and goes great with a pint of beer? Chocolate! In fact, chocolate is a particularly great flavor enhancer when paired with certain styles of beer, especially stouts. How do I know this? I intern at a company called City Food Tours and it recently kicked off its Sam Adams Beer and Decadent Chocolate Tasting which takes place the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at the Sam Adams Grille near Allentown, Pennsylvania. It is one of the two brand new tours the company has launched during the past few months (I blogged about the Prohibition…

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Chemical Commute

I had the privilege of interning for a chemical distributor during this past semester. I learned a lot of information during my time there. The company has been around for over 140 years. Making the company one of the oldest family owned chemical distributors in the world. My daily journey began at the early hour of 6 am. I live about 1 hour from my office and I needed to drive 25 miles to be at the office at 8:30. I worked 8:30 until 5:00 pm five days a week. The days were long and intense and the amount of…

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Saying Goodbye to Red Tettemer

As my internship is coming to an end, I still have nothing but good things to say about my experience at Red Tettemer. These experiences have definitely been unforgettable. Red Tettemer is an awesome agency and the people who work there are amazing as well. I loved being right in the ad world every day. I learned a lot in the last few months that I will definitely take on with me into the next steps of my life that I absolutely would not have been prepared for just inside the classroom. Since my last post, I really have been…

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The Inter-workings

This semester I have been interning at Philadelphia Style Magazine. In the past, interning for them gave me wonderful experience in what it takes to get the magazine off the ground, from the advertising and publishing perspective. This semester, my knowledge of this area was reinforced and I learned a great deal more about that. I also had an opportunity to see what all goes in to putting out a magazine and keep the strong brand going. As an art direction track ad major, I don’t have much experience in writing, but have always felt that it is something I…

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Updates on My Activities in PHL

So sad I’m getting close to my end dates. Definitely looking forward to new opportunities though. In the process so far, I’ve learned how the radio station operates, how they make money, and how they maintain their brand. It feels really great to be able to delve into an experience and an opportunity like that. At the Philadelphia Visitor’s and Convention Bureau we passed out flyers for Philly Photo Day and attended an event with the Mayor. It was a really great opportunity and it was exciting to see how interested and curious  people were about Philly Photo Day. I…

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Advertising Workshop Wraps up Before Final Presentation

Yesterday marked the last day of our semester long advertising workshop at the Academy at Palumbo in South Philadelphia.  We ended up with a great group of students who were eager to learn about all aspects of advertising, from research to creative execution.   Our final presentation is set for next Monday December 10th, where the students will get a chance to explore Temple’s campus and present their hard work to executives of the Philly Ad Club, Philabundance, and local news outlets.  We feel confident that the creative work demonstrated by the students Great Food Fight campaign will lead us…

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where one life ends, a new one begins

  This is the second post here. My time at Karma is winding down, when I get called into the creative director’s office for an internship review meeting. She explains how much everyone likes to work with me, and how she approves of my simple but witty writing style. She goes on to tell me about some of the things I can improve on, sticking my neck out of my little office from time to time, asking for work before it’s given to me. She concludes the meeting by asking if I’d like to keep working there, as a freelance…

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A semester with the Flyers

As the semester is coming to an end luckily my internship is not. I was fortunate enough to be asked to stay another semester as an intern with the Philadelphia Flyers. Overall, this semester has been a wonderful learning experience. Being an intern with such a well-known organization has showed me not only what I want to do as career but also what I dont want to do. In light of the lack of a agreement and lock out situation of the National Hockey League, my internship duties changed a lot but nevertheless the experience has overall been extremely positive.…

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I am really into my internship at “Philadelphia’s Premier Party Radio Station” WIRED 96.5. I work for Casey during the midday programming. Working at the station so far has definitely been a great opportunity. Editing songs for :10 second samples, re-editing songs for airwaves, managing social media accounts, and coming up with discussion content not only keeps me on my toes throughout the day, but is really engaging and rewarding. It’s really great to have an internship where I am doing a lot of active work and using my own judgment. Not to mention there is great conversation happening throughout the…

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