Saying farewell to a wonderful experience!

I am approaching the end of my internship at Clarisse Inc. I’m going to miss the staff here; we’ve all developed a very fast paced easy-going environment in the office and everything has just started to become customary. Although prom season is winding down, the office is still pretty busy. I feel bad that my internship ends when things are really hectic but I’m doing whatever I can to help get tasks done and out of the way. I can really see how my experience has flourished by looking at the tasks I used to have difficulty understanding and completing and seeing that it is now becoming like second nature to me. I used to get lost and confused in the stock room and now I can find my way around it with my eyes closed!

Also, it feels so comfortable talking to customers in the showroom because I’m so knowledgeable about the designers and dresses carried by the company; which makes it so much easier to make a sale.  I juggle way more tasks now then I did in my first month at Clarisse Inc. I was very inspired by the manager that used to work at Clarisse Inc for 2/3rds of my internship experience. She was responsible for so many different tasks, it was amazing to watch her swiftly multitask yet manage everything so thoroughly. I really admired her work ethic and tried to approach my work with the same manner.

However, one of the best parts of this experience is the friendship built between all the interns. Clarisse hired one intern from each college or university near by in Philadelphia. All of our hours are specifically designed so that we have opportunites to work with each other on a more individual level without all the interns being there at once. I realized that this kind of set up is essential to the process of creating a comfortable working environment. Instead of us interns asking the staff a million questions when we’re confused, we break up our concerns and teach each other whatever one of us doesn’t understand. We leave emails and notes filled with reminders, left over work, or unfinished tasks that someone else can tend to or help with the days one of us is not there. It is the perfect scenario for things to be done quickly and efficiently. This experience was incredible and as it comes to an end, I’m very thankful and wish the company and the staff all the best.

– Shanel



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