Self motivation when working

            I have just a week left on my internship at NBC 10. At first, I did not know what to do or how the media industry work on a large organization environment, but since September, I learned much about the environment of the multi-tasking organization. Most importantly, I learned much more on responsibilities. Self motivation was very important in the job, and every employee on the company was self motivated when working. Having marketing meetings every Thursday, although the meeting was limited to a particular show, other interns collaborate actively to submit ideas in…

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Anthropology vs. Anthropologie

Often when I explain to my distant relatives what it is I do at the internship they’ve got wind that I received, they reply with a short story about how their cousin so-and-so got his degree in Anthropology as well.  I have to clarify then that my Anthropologie ending in that differentiating “ie” is vastly unique from its homophone counterpart: Anthropology, the study of humanity.  I have come to realize, however, that Anthropologie is the most fitting name for a store that can truly transform a woman’s view of herself with a cultural and worldly experience otherwise unmatched in retail.…

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Dare to Dream

This past Thanksgiving, I was able to relive my childhood while participating in a grassroots marketing campaign.  Disney on Ice is one of the Wells Fargo Center’s annual family shows, and I was able to attend the Thanksgiving Day Parade in Philadelphia to help advertise the event. Leading up to the event, I have contributed to the marketing efforts with the group sales department for Disney on Ice, Dare to Dream. Specifically, I researched local scout troops and organized direct mailers to advertise “Scout Night” and special discounts the groups could receive. I have also processed countless Disney on Ice…

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It’s almost here!

The countdown continues…3 more days until the big pitch Monday December 5. The high school students have worked so hard the last couple of months. It all comes down to Monday when their hardwork is revealed to the media, Philly Ad Club, Phillies Marketing Executive and many other important people that helped make this workshop a success. I know that the high school students are nervous for the big day, but I and the other Temple students are so proud of them and believe that what they have created is truly spectacular. I know I have learned as much from…

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The End of the Trail

The last three months have flown by and only two weeks remain of my internship at Red Tettemer. I decided to pursue an internship here a long time ago. I took a job in advertising sales, an un-paid (and unorganized) internship with a start-up clothing company, and volunteered for the Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts in the 6 months leading up to my application for an account management internship. Each time I took on a new challenge, I wondered if it would help me get my foot in the door at Red Tettemer. In late August, I felt like…

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A Change of Heart

      Being a circulation intern at Philadelphia Magazine has taught me a lot about myself, the advertising world, and other people. For awhile I was very skeptical about the internship that I had. It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. Even if you are not too keen on the work that you are doing, IT IS AN INTERNSHIP! Anywhere you start is a good foot in the door! I took this advice from the people around me and decided that I needed to go take advantage of this opportunity, instead of dwell on the un-related work that I…

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To Twitter or Not to Twitter

Hello, my name is Brittany Welliver and I am currently the Marketing Intern at Corporate Synergies Group.  It’s not a fancy-shmancy advertising agency, but it’s the experience that counts, people!  Anyways, recently I was presented with the project of creating a social media presence for the company.  Previous interns attempted, but did not succeed in following through with the maintenance of keeping the sites updated.  Being the social media junky that I am, I was thrilled the company trusted me with this entire project, but I knew it was going to be difficult. A little background on Corporate Synergies: they are a health care…

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How Time Flies

It was just 110 days ago when I got a call from Craig Kaplan, the owner of MilkBoy Communications,  to come in for an interview.  I knew this was going to be a different experience from the rest when he ran off the names of three clients and told me to come in the following day with campaign ideas for one of them.  I am a person who does not like the interviewing process but I remember feeling excited about this one.  The next day, I went in with my ideas and left with an internship that started the following…

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Fan turned Intern. Behind the scenes.

Hello Everyone, My name is Mike and I am in the account management track at Temple University. I am currently interning with the Philadelphia Wings Marketing Department at the Wells Fargo Center. Since I grew up in South Philadelphia, as a child I had the opportunity to go to many sporting and concert events at The Vet Stadium, The Spectrum, and the Wells Fargo Center. The experience working with the Wings has been very exciting because of all the various employees, clients, and interns I had the privilege of working with. Before I began working as an intern, I did…

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Teaching Advertising in High School

I always wanted to somehow teach younger students that were not in college, but I did not want to become a teacher. When the opportunity came to be part of the Temple High School Advertising Workshop, I was quick to jump at the opportunity. The workshop was assigned to teach at Palumbo in South Philadelphia. Before we started to teach, we prepared at Temple as a group to see how would we teach and handle things as we went along. On the first day of meeting the students I was very excited. The Palumbo students turned out to be very…

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Happy Holidays from Anthropologie! The Holiday season is extremely important for Anthropologie meaning that every department gets a little more hectic to prepare the perfect experience for shoppers.  From the embellished merchandise to the glistening display, an Anthropologie Holiday is truly special. Holiday at Antropologie gets extra attention as it is one of the biggest selling times of the year and is expected to be a grand experience with new surprises around every corner.  Because of the over the top display concepts, the store was home to Visual Teams who traveled from across state and country to assist in the…

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The Final Presentation

Yesterday, on Dec. 5 we had our final presentation at Palumbo. I got there early to prepare with a few others. I was a little bit nervous because I did not know what to expect. My only hope was for everything to run smoothly and I am glad that it did. Everyone showed up little by little. We were also able to have the students practice what to say before we started. Our special guests arrived and we prepared to begin. We showed them a presentation of everything we worked on during the workshop with the students. Luckily, no problems…

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The Big Reveal

After 2 months of subway rides to South Philly, teaching high school students advertising and developing a campaign for the Phillies, the day had finally come to showcase all of our hard work. On Monday, December 5th the Temple and Palumbo students presented their idea for a Phillies Teens Club Program to the Phillies Marketing Director and top officials from the Philly Ad Club! The presentation consisted of a PowerPoint of our campaign from start to finish. We presented research findings, creative executions and shared our experiences about the program. Each Palumbo student had the chance to present the part…

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Happy Holidays!

Its that time of year again folks–that festive part of the year when people will take any excuse to throw a party involving ugly sweaters or the phrase “potluck”. At this time of year more than any other I think its easy to get lost in the design shuffle; all the colors and themes are the same and it often feels like everyone has had every possible holiday idea at least twice. On the other hand, I think that such a huge commercial emphasis is placed on the “feeling” of these holidays, (especially in the U.S) that its very easy to…

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Photography vs. Illustration

Although both have their place in posters, sometimes it can be a tough call which to use. The size of the poster/flyer and its placement are factors, and so is the kind of event you are promoting. College party promoters usually use pictures of women; they appeal to a very wide audience and easily catch your eye. We’ve all seen the flyers for different sponsored and themed parties like Ride Dat Wave or the Naughty or Nice party: they feature heavily on neon letters and Photoshopped, half-naked and oftentimes ridiculously costumed young ladies, (had to get my Disapproving Grandma on for…

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