MAY 19: The ADCP wants you to *EXPOSE* yourself.

Creative, exposed to a city filled with voyeuristic agencies. MAY 19th :: PORTFOLIO REVIEW!!!!! Can you handle the truth about your art? Put it on display in front of critics that will play no favorites and spare no punches? There’s a harsh reality to this industry. Not everyone “has it.” Are you willing to lay it on the line, let your work speak for itself? No back stories, no “the client wanted us to do this, so we compromised.” Nada. Just stop talking. Your work Their eyes Their Accolades or Crushing Blows Your Fragile Ego Sound like a good time?…

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Working at SA VA

At the end of my internship,I can confidently say that I have learned a lot  from SA VA.I can also say that I have contributed substantially to the progress of the company.It broadened my mind on retail businesses and the fashion industry even though I wish it would have sharpened my Art Direction career. Prior to leaving SA VA, I was offered to stay through the summer to continue working but I had to reject the offer because of other plans and potential opportunities even though I really would have loved to stay.The offer made me realize I was of…

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Graphic design at SA VA

Art Direction has always been my passion given that it presents a variety of fields one may choose to specialize in, be it film/video editing,graphic design etc.I have always had a passion for Art direction because I don’t get bored with work that involves using my creativity and imagination.With Art Direction,there is always something fun to do.Interning at SA VA fashion was an exciting and fun experience for me.I began my internship on the 19th of January and worked until the first week in April.At SA VA I interned as a graphic designer. I  have come a long way and…

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Internship in fitness center

As a local fitness center intern, there were limited opportunities compared to working in an agency. Though I still had  a lot to learn.  The people who worked in the fintess center all had good personalities and they enjoyed getting along with people and the director was fully understanding the importance and the role of marketing and advertising.   The image is the work station I worked in, and most of the time, I created photoshop images for the monthly posters and sometimes flyers. Also, I was able to learn some information about SEO, while I was in this desk.…

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KPMG, westonfitness cross promotion.

The image was the poster used for Weston Fitness and KPMG cross promotion. For the KPMG employees to get a discount from the fitness center, the fitness center provided a customized schedule for a variety of classes and a close, convenient location for them. Other than this company, there are various local stores and companies that are willing to do cross promotion with the fitness center because the prices get cheaper monthly, and on their lunch time or after work employees have time to go work out.  Many of the instructers here are more than willing to help with the…

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Internship in Weston Fitness

I started working for Weston Fitness, which is a fitness center that is located in the center city. The fitness center has a limited target market, where it only targets individuals who earn a high income, and people who need a work out session during their workday, and lunch time. In the fitness center, my duty or job is to distribute hundreds of flyers into local stores or to people, and other job is to design the monthly poster to advertise to the local residents to notify such fitness center resides in the center city. By creating copies that is…

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Summerwood Corporation-Marketing Intern

I am currently a marketin intern at Summerwood Corporation in Conshohocken, PA. It is a corporation that manages and operates over 70 fast food restaurants (Taco Bell, KFC, Long John Silver’s, Pizza Hut Express, and A&W) in PA, NJ, and DE. Although my major is Advertising, I have found this internship very helpful in various ways. Working alongside the Marketing Director has given me insight into the interaction with LevLane; the advertising agency that handles Summerwood’s local advertising for Taco Bell and KFC. During a ‘State of the Union’ awards ceremony, I had the opportunity to introduce myself to Mr.…

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MTV’s Lo Bosworth Interview!

February 17, 2011 Earlier this week at OK! Magazine, I got the pleasure of interviewing Lo Bosworth of MTV’s The Hills. Yes, I am a total MTV junkie and grew up on Laguna Beach so this was major for me. It was so nerve-racking coming up with the perfect questions that she would feel comfortable answering. Lo is promoting her new website and her for Valentine’s Day she is the spokeswoman for ATT’s “Shout Your Love” campaign. I asked questions about the ATT campaign, veered that into Valentines Day questions and that went smoothly into questions since her…

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Melissa Joan Hart Loves Breakfast!

March 8, 2011 One of the MAJOR perks to being here is all the cool people I get to meet and talk to . This morning I got to interview Melissa Joan Hart and talk to her about her campaign with Kellogs to try and get kids worldwide to start their day off with a nutritious breakfast. You may remember her from Clarissa explains it all, Sabrina the Teenage Witch or Melissa & Joey. Usually, when there is a celeb coming in for an interview, it’s not because OK! needs it, its because the celeb needs it. They are 99%…

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One of my main jobs as an intern at Summerwood Corporation was to research the competitors’ current menu pricing. This involved traveling to the various stores in PA, DE, and NJ that are part of Summerwood.  In order to make wise pricing decisions (increase or decrease), the corporation had to be aware of the competitors’ pricing for combos, value meals, and beverages. The most effective way to gather such information was to take a picture of their drive thru menu board. At first, this task felt weird and it was uncomfortable getting all kinds of weird looks, but it was…

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New Intern Excitement

I think the most rewarding thing I gained from SA VA was the affirmation that I can be successful as a designer. The fashion industry is something that is extremely difficult to get into without proper connections, and even someone who is talented can be overlooked in the over-saturated market. The feeling that ran through my body as I first entered the elevator at 1700 Samson Street can only be described as electric. Each passing floor brought me closer to my first look into the garment industry and each day at SA VA brought me one step closer to realizing…

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Social Media Saves the Day

Having problems getting the biggest advertising bang for your buck? Your client working with a small budget with big expectations? Let social media help you out. Social media has proved in the recent years to be a great tool for advertising. Though at times difficult to moderate, it gives even the smallest company the potential to have a big voice in the advertising landscape. Even more exciting is the emerging niche social media sites. These websites, though not as heavily populated as Facebook or Twitter, cater to specific interests such as fashion or cooking. These websites are a great way…

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While interning at SA VA, a small fashion company based in Philadelphia, I met many current and previous interns. I saw them not only as lunch buddies and elevator pals but as opportunity to network. Through working so closely with the fashion interns I gained a better understanding of the brand and also now have friends in other fashion companies if I would like to take a look at moving somewhere else. Interns often stay in contact with the company they interned with long after the internship is over, but what about their fellow interns? Just as the company has…

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Slang in Advertising

We see and hear more “slang” and “street talk” used in advertising than ever before. How do you know when to use slang and when to adhere to the established rules of English, including grammar and spelling? Start by realizing that there there are several kinds of slang. Playful vocabulary words, phrases, or figures of speech that are substitutes for more established words), i.e. geek (intellectual), brewski (beer), jock (athkete), rubber necking (gawking), perp (perpatrator), weed (marijuana). Informal words and phrases are considered slang until they become so common they become widely accepted as part of the standard lexicon.  “Yup”…

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Busy, Busy, Busy

Things at the National Museum of American Jewish History Museum have been busy lately. We have hosted several events, some at the museum and others off site. We had a reception for the Hussian School of Art, located behind the museum in The Bourse  behind the museum, for some art work they produced to welcome us to the neighborhood. The event was covered by several papers and even received a spread in the Inquirer. Also, the museum had a table at the Philadelphia 76ers game for Jewish Heritage Month. Our next project/event is spreading the word to teachers that the…

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