The Experiences of Temple Advertising Students
TAC News and…Advertising Around the World
Hello! My name is Alex Brown and I am a Junior Advertising major. I am a new member to the AdLib team and I am pretty excited to be a part of AdLib. Expect weekly posts about TAC news, International Advertising, and my personal endeavors in the Advertising industry. To get started: TAC (Temple Ad Club) meets every Monday 4:30-6:30 pm in the Student Center Rm. 217C. So far we’ve had amazing guests such as Cyde Arcano for the Philly Ad Club Mentoring Program, Sheryl Kantrowitz from the Ad Department, and two Temple Alums who run Doodle (more on them…
Now Showing: A Play on Words!
At some point in your life you’ve been subjected to a pun. Whether or not it hit the mark is subjective. A pun doesn’t extend you too much comically. It’s generally a pretty safe way to go. If you do falter while using one, you’re probably going to be treated with empathy and not harsh criticism. However, if you’re thinking about making a comedic career out of it, you may end up looking like a red headed prop comic. “Does anyone want an autograph?….Anyone?” I want to draw your attention to a trend that I spotted in the copy of posters for children’s films…
First month in
It’s been about a month since I started interning for Harmelin Media. At first I was not so excited about my internship. I wasn’t excited to be working outside the city, in Bala Cywnd, and I wasn’t so excited for the commute. I was used to interning for companies in NYC where the offices and atmosphere are at a faster, more upbeat pace. But as time has gone on, I am actually pretty happy to be interning for Harmelin. Harmelin is more low key then the other companies I interned for. Everyone is friendly and willing to answer any…
Internship at the Sporting Club at the Bellevue
I am doing my internship at the Sporting Club at the Bellevue. I am primarily doing the ad sales for their new magazine. I never realized how hard it could be to sell an ad! Finally, late last week I received confirmation that the chocolate store in the Bellevue wants to put a half page ad in the second issue of our magazine. I will make 10% of the sale! This week I am going to a few bars/lounges around the city and I am going to try and sell this ad space. Will keep you all posted, hope everyone…
Red Bull: Flugtag on the Waterfront!
I've Got the Best Job in Philly
These people didn’t seem to be doing anything in particular so I guess their intentions were to show off their shirts. I wasn’t inclined to really ask questions. As far as I know the Sugar House Casino isn’t open yet… Courtesy of “The People of Flugtag.”
Eye for an eye, hand for a hand
Read MoreEye for an eye, hand for a handKraft Mayo: Sandwich Makeover!
Direct TV: Opulence, I has it…
Blue Ribbon Meets Blue Line
I actually took these photos on that first 100+ degree day we had this summer. I had some business to take care of, but I saw it as a good opportunity to snap some photos of the Pabst covered El station I mentioned before (see comments). I’m no fan of beer, but I’ve heard that Pabst is particularly popular in Philly’s hipster bars. If all you have to do is make some art to get some freebies it’s really no surprise. Septa’s Spring Garden station is the only outdoor stop that’s set up like an island (not including Frankford). The…