It’s almost here!

The countdown continues…3 more days until the big pitch Monday December 5. The high school students have worked so hard the last couple of months. It all comes down to Monday when their hardwork is revealed to the media, Philly Ad Club, Phillies Marketing Executive and many other important people that helped make this workshop a success.
I know that the high school students are nervous for the big day, but I and the other Temple students are so proud of them and believe that what they have created is truly spectacular. I know I have learned as much from the high school students as they learned from us. My hopes for them is that they continue their to follow their dreams and pursue their goals and not let anyone slow them down. They are intelligent, hardworking, motivated students. Anything is possible. I hope that they remember this workshop and take something away from our time together. Remember your slogan that you created for the Phillies and never forget it. Look for my post presentation blog.

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