My Internship as a Marketing Rep
This past December I landed an internship position as a Marketing Rep. with SuccessFuel. Successfuel is a small B2B demand generation and business insights company that connects professionals with monthly newsletters filling them in on what’s going on within their field of work.
The first day I began my internship I thought it was going to be a walk in the park, and boy was I in for a rude awakening. Remind you, as a marketing rep. my job is to cold-call businesses across the United States with hopes of acquiring a lead generation, and I must say it’s not as easy as it seems.
The number one thing my internship taught me is that patience is key. When making these cold calls you run into a lot more rejections than you do approvals, and keeping your cool and staying calm and patient is the only way you can effectively execute a lead. There were points where I wanted to give up. When I reached that low point in my internship, my supervisor Colin encouraged me to keep going. He motivated me by telling me how much potential he saw in me and that I had the tools to become a great salesman. That’s when I realized I needed to remain cool and stay calm because it was the frustration of rejection that was defeating me.
Overall, it was a rollercoaster ride of an experience, with its ups and downs. It taught me a lot about how to effectively communicate with clients, and how to effectively perfect “The Pitch.”