Relay for Life: April 5th!

This Friday, April 5th t 6:00 PM in The Student Pavilion, Temple University will be hosting Relay for Life! This is a great night for the Temple community to come together to raise money in the fight against cancer. The night isn’t even here yet and e have already raised over $30,000 together! Relay for Life is an incredibly unique event. Different teams, many of which are made up of student organizations, work together to raise money through donations and different fundraising events before Relay. Throughout the night of the actual relay, all the teams gather together at the pavilion and…

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Through the Eyes of the Future

  Google released news several weeks ago on their new contribution to the technology world, Google Glass. As seen below in the video they released on their YouTube account, Google Glass is a pair of glasses that connects to your phone, enabling you to record, share, and view live data directly on your glasses. They look like they came straight out of a Sci-Fi movie and connects people to their content so quickly and effortlessly that it’s hard not to envision this becoming the future of technology. Knowledge of when this product will be released worldwide is still under wraps, but Google…

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P&G Takes a Swing at an MLB Campaign

As part of a campaign behind Procter & Gamble Co.’s Head & Shoulders with Old Spice, P&G wants to own the strikeout in MLB baseball. P&G is attempting to play on the double meaning of scent and strikeouts with their innovative MLB campaign. For every strikeout, P&G will give $1 to Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities. The company also plans to fuel social media with the hashtag #Whiff. For every month, the MLB club whose fans tweet most often using #Whiff, P&G will donate an additional $10,000 for local chapters. P&G has always been strong with their campaigns and their…

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The Start of Something New for Pepsi

Pepsi’s newly redesigned bottles are expected to hit the shelves next month. The new bottle will be the first time Pepsi has changed the look of their bottle’s shape in 16 years. The newly designed bottles act as the beginning of Pepsi’s brand makeover that’s goal is to create a more cohesive look for the iconic soft-drink brand. Pepsi’s logo will remain the same, although it will appear much larger on the new bottle. The new design of the bottle features a swirl grip at the bottom of Pepsi’s 16 and 20 oz bottles. Just as Coca-Cola has successfully created…

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Nasty Gal; The Cinderella of Tech and Social Media

Philly based clothing and retail powerhouse, Urban Outfitters, is being rumored to acquire web retail company, Nasty Gal. Although this is exciting for all you fashionistas out there for obvious, material reasons, what I find to be far more interesting, and inspiring, is the story behind the start-up ebay company turned one of Fast Company’s top 50 most inivative companies and the young female mind behind it all. Sophia Amoruso was a 22 year old community college drop-out and aspiring photographer when she began selling vintage, name brand clothing on ebay for exponentially more than the thrift store price she paid. After she found that ebay…

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The Value of Mobile

As technology becomes more and more necessary in our lives, we have recently turned our focus from print to online advertising. Mobile ads have been significant parts of ad campaigns for many advertisers. As advertisers, we are inclined to desire a way of measuring the effect these mobile ads have on consumers. Today, Google announced its idea of how exactly to measure the effect of these mobile ads in order to show marketers the true value of online advertising. This is not only a big opportunity for marketers but also for Google itself. With this information, Google will be able…

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Absolut Support

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many other media outlets this week are showing strong numbers of supporters in marriage equality this week as the Supreme Court is making a decision on the topic this week. Many supporters have been posting pictures, words or support, or changing their profile pictures to the red equality sign to stand up for their beliefs on the issue. However, this support isn’t isolated to individuals but full companies and brands as well. Absolut showed their opinion on the matter on their own Facebook page by posting a new cover photo fully showing support in equality.  …

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Watch Out Santa, Nielsen Is Now Watching Everything

Nielsen is going beyond tracking what you watch to tracking all of your purchases as well. Linking TV viewers to their individual purchases has been available to packaged-goods marketers for a few years now, but Nielsen is now making this data available to telecom, restaurant, travel, entertainment, financially services and almost all retail advertisers, according to Adage. Senior VP Global Product Leader of Nielsen Buyer Insights said that this tracked data represents over $37 billion in transactions, $4 trillion in sales and $10 billion in advertising spending annually. This doesn’t mean Nielsen sees absolutely everything you buy, but they can…

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Bloomberg Online Advertising Visits Temple!

The Professional Sales Organization presents: “Building Relationships” with Liz Miller from Bloomberg. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear Liz Miller from Bloomberg Online speak about the power of networking. Bloomberg Online covers the business world with more than 15000 multimedia professionals present in 192 locations. Global businesses from all over the world turn to Bloomberg Online for breaking business and financial news and analysis. Liz is a top consultant at Bloomberg Online and has experience in business, marketing, and advertising fields. Liz will be discussing the importance of building relationships and networking in the business world. This is yet…

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If you have heard the phrase “FREE DESK HERE” being talked about on Twitter or Facebook and had no idea what they are talking about, here’s the scoop. London based company, Open Studio has begun a new project called Free Desk Here Project, that puts young, aspiring creatives in agency desks for free with no commitment, no pressure, and no distractions! The goal is to have agencies that have open desks and/or spare space to offer it up to aspiring creatives so that they can create their own (not the agencies’) personal, high caliber work in a facility that is…


Comm Arts; A Must Have Subscription

One thing us advertising students have learned time and time again is that magazine and print-based-medium subscriptions are becoming an outdated media outlet. In the new age of iPads, podcasts and blogs, there are very few reasons for us, or anyone to commit to having a hard copy of our favorite publications sent to us by snail mail. But I have found my exception; Communication Arts. My Art DirectionI professor recommend that we all check out the magazine and consider purchasing a years worth of content (available on-line and in print!) in place of a textbook. Well it was the best $50…

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Doing Good in Philly

Year after year, businesses turn to public relations for brand revitalization and to enhance and optimize their exposure. Skai Blue Media, a full-service public relations agency, specializes in doing just that.  With a large experience base, Skai Blue Media represents clients from a multitude of different backgrounds including retail, non- profit, technology, entertainment, beauty, restaurants, and fashion. By taking on each client with an individualized approach to garnering press and creating unique collaborations, the team is able to provide successful public relations campaigns for all their clients. Having been interning at Skai Blue Media for a little over a month…

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‘Mad Men’ Returns April 7th

Wise words from Don Draper. On April 7th, AMC will begin the highly anticipated Season 6 of it’s hit series, Mad Men, with a two-hour premiere packed with all of our favorite Ad Men from seasons past. To the dismay of the shows loyal creatives and followers, AMC has given away very little when it comes to promos, clips, and plot twists. The trailer released only tells us that “This season will be a real in-depth look into Don,” and will reflect the era that the series exists; The swinging sixties and into the summer of love. John Hamm say’s that this season will…

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George Lois visits the MET every Sunday

You can read the article here:  I’m an avid reader of the GOOD blog, whose tagline is: What’s good to learn and do today. I would love to share all their posts with you but you can check it out and if it speaks to you, subscribe to the blog yourself (of course!) Today’s post by George Lois, an American art director, designer and author really struck a chord with me as I have felt and will continue to feel that it is extremely important for students in the Advertising program to experience all types of culture while studying at Temple University.…

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UNICEF’s “Tap Project” Goes Social

For Marc’s World Water Month, UNICEF and Droga5 launched a social campaign to strengthen their existent “Tap Project”. This campaign is designed to “turn the world’s largest social network, Facebook, into the world’s largest water network”. Taking a social cause campaign to the social medium is a tricky move but one that can be really effective. Everyone is already on social networks, so why not go directly to them? The concept of the campaign is well thought out and simple enough to get across on the Facebook app. It was smart of UNICEF to focus on the sharing tool…

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