Quite the Surprise Inside

As soon as you walk in to PHL 17 you are surprised at the size of the place. From inside it appears to be a small station but upon entering you realize that looks can be quite deceiving. Yet while it is bigger than you first imagine, it still maintains a level of coziness; as cozy as an office building can get. My first day at the PHL 17, I received a tour around the whole place. I must say, I was quite stunned to see the size of the studio and I was pleased to see the elaborate lunch…

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Philadelphia Marathon with Soko Inc.

A few weeks ago at my internship at Soko Inc., I was able to help work the Philadelphia Marathon. This allowed me to see exactly what those lovely ladies do first hand. We worked the award ceremony and had to keep tabs on all of the winning runners, which is a lot harder than it seems. What I enjoyed most about this event was seeing the presentation checks I designed for them get handed to each runner and learning just what it takes to pull off an event as big as this. From working with them all semester in the…

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Final Days at Soko Inc.

As the final days at my internship with Soko Inc. dwindles down, I look back on all of the experience I have gained. At Soko Inc. I was really able to put my own creative input on every piece I designed. They really allowed you to take the lead on your own designs and create what you felt inspired to make. This rare opportunity to be able to do just that is something I will miss most of all. I feel very proud to know that the women at Soko Inc. trusted my creativity and skills enough to allow me…

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Never Stop Learning

As my internship draws to a close I have learned many things about social media. I can also safely say I have put some things I have learned in my advertising classes at Temple to good use in a real life setting. But as I was reflecting these past few days I was trying to pinpoint what the most important lesson I have learned was. I know that the one of the most important things I could take away from my experience with ChatterBlast is that social media is more complicated than I originally thought. I never thought this internship…

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What’s New For Pinterest

As an avid Pinterest user I was very excited when earlier last month they announced the creation of secret boards. If your a familar Pinterest user as well you know that each image you pin to a board can be seen by your follows by showing up on their personal feed. While this is great because it promotes the entire point of Pinterest to share ideas, projects, and products it also doesn’t leave room for those pins that you wish were for your viewing only. This is where Pinterest decided to help out and create “secret boards”. This new addition…

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Never Stop Thinking

As the semester is ending, and my time at Focus Point Global is coming to a close, I’m confident in moving on to new opportunities and taking with me everything that the company has taught me. I’ve learned a lot of skills as an intern, such as social media tools, ad spending budgeting, and marketing strategies and buys. Looking back at the last couple of months, I think that the company, and in particular the women I have been working with during my days, have taught me one of the most valuable qualities that I can take away from this…

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Paving the way

My internship is very unique in the sense that I am the first person to create the job title of Director of Advertising/Marketing within this company. When I first started working with Gina’s Closet I was aware that they had somewhat of a Facebook page, and a small following. As I became more informed through my classes at Temple, I was able to go to the owner of Gina’s Closet and give some advice on how to better reach the target consumers. Shortly after making some useful suggestions the owner, Dawn, offered me this title of Advertising and Marketing Director.…

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Food Trucks Drive Through Swarthmore

Located in the heart of the Swarthmore Borough, the Swarthmore Co-op prides itself on its reputation as a community center. As a member owned market, we are always trying to engage members, the Borough, and surrounding neighborhoods.  Therefore, for Swarthmore’s First Fridays (similar to Philly’s First Fridays), we always try to plan something exciting and unique for the community. For November’s First Friday, the Co-op decided to host food trucks on the adjacent street. Later, the night was named the Food Truckathon. Because this was the first Food Truckathon in Swarthmore, there was a lot of pressure on us to…

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Braithwaite’s Best Kept Secret: Hugh Braithwaite

When I began interning at Braithwaite Communications I was doing a lot of work for various Account Executives.  I came to work looking forward to doing a new project and learning something new and relevant to my future career.  Being under the wing of various PR professionals gave me a view of “the other side of Advertising” as they call it.  I didn’t know that Hugh was the CEO until he introduced himself and  I put two and two together! Hugh is very humble and full of charisma!  He has so much insight on finding data and coming at a…

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So, what’s next?!

As I finished up my last day at my Weston Fitness Marketing/Advertising Internship on Friday, I found myself thinking back to what I have learned over the past semester. I have learned so much! From creating posters and guest passes to walking up and down Walnut Street handing those guest passes out by the hundreds, I see what it really takes to get people in the door. I have spent the past few months brainstorming new ideas with the Director of Marketing 3 days a week. It has been very interesting and helpful to see what marketing struggles they face…

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Radio is NOT Dead

As my internship at 93.3 WMMR is coming to an end, I can say with confidence that I am leaving with a sense of optimism. Radio is not going anywhere anytime soon. MMR has certainly had its share of hardships with the evolution of the internet, but business is still strong. Now, I am completely biased due to interning at a station with such rich heritage and consistency, but I see a strong future for radio. This is because radio provides something that the internet doesn’t: actual relationships with its listeners. Sure, you can pop iTunes open and choose whateversong…

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3 Things to Know About Interning in Advertising

I’ve learned a few valuable lessons in my internships, and I hope these three things will be helpful to anyone beginning an internship in advertising. Ask questions In the beginning of an internship it is often intimidating to ask questions. You might be afraid of annoying your boss or sounding stupid. Sometimes you might think the time for asking questions has passed or that you’ve already asked too many questions. Don’t worry about any of that. Asking questions is the best thing you can do as an intern. It is how you learn tasks and understand their purpose. That’s why…

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The Perks of Paying Attention in Class

Over the past sixteen years of schooling, maybe once our a thousand times I’ve sat in class and thought; “do I really need to know this in ‘real life’?” For instance in fourth grade when you were learning decimals and percents and thought “percentages are pointless.” These days I still wish I didn’t know percentages every time I look at my credit card statement, however learning them did become useful… eventually. With so many of these instances in life, it amazing how it still surprises me whenever something I’ve learned comes in handy, and that’s what this semester has been…

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After Interning, Brand Strategy Is Still Top of Mind

  Hey, everyone! My name is Andrea Cicio and I’ve spent this semester interning at Braithwaite Communications, a Marketing, Branding and Public Relations firm on 15th and Walnut Streets (in Center City). When conducting my search for fall semester internships, Braithwaite struck my interest because of their unique combination of service offerings. As an Advertising student who hopes to have a career in brand strategy, I felt their branding services, built on the motto of “stories worth spreading,” would allow me to learn how companies position and make themselves known. As an Advertising student who knows traditional lines between departments…

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“Jason JLabAudio”

How much would you be willing to sell your last name for? Jason Sadler, is willing to let his go for $34,500 to the headphone supplier JLab Audio as long as they stay the current top bidder. Some of you may remember him from IWearYourShirt.com but now he has taken his human advertising to a new level. Buymylastname.com address the issue of why businesses should be placing their bids now. Jason admits to never having any real sense of identity stemming from his last name especially after changing it three separate times throughout his life. So this new business venture…

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