Reflecting On My Third and (Hopefully) Final Internship

My name is Alex Richardson and I am currently a Senior Advertising Major in the Copywriting Track. As I am near my graduation and the end of my current internship, I have reflected on the three internships I have experienced in my college career. For the past three months I have been interning with KYW News Radio 1060 as an Ad Sales Intern/Copywriter and it truly has been an overall great learning experience. This was my third internship, and it wasn’t like any of my other internships (in a good way). The main difference with the internship with KYW was that I had two roles, which meant double the experience and learning. I never had any experience with Ad Sales, nor any interest in the career, before starting this internship. It has taught me a new perspective of advertising. Usually I am on the creative side with copywriting, so it was really great to learn more of the business side of advertising. But at the same time, I was able to get great experience with my copywriting, especially towards the end of my time at the radio station. In the last few weeks, the Account Executives trusted me more with my work and assigned more and more opportunities for me to write various timed radio spots for all sorts of different companies. There was not a better learning experience than being given these tasks and having to complete them within x amount of hours or sometimes even less. My previous two internships taught me a good amount, but I never had the experience or pressure to have to write an ad in a time limit. Having the pressure to meet the time deadline, as well as writing effective copy, has really prepared me for the next stage in my life and has provided me confidence that I am ready for the agency work life. I can easily say my internship at KYW has been my favorite one yet, as well as the most rewarding.



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