Interning at TD Bank
In starting this role at TD Bank: Americas Most Convenient Bank, I was not quite sure what to expect and also a little scared. I started this internship the summer of 2012 after just recently completing my freshman year at Temple. Not only was I one of 112 selected from over 3000 applicants, but I was also the only freshman. This led to some criticism from the older interns who had some choice words for me after ranting about all the work they had done to get to this position and how I was practically handed this opportunity. It did not discourage me much because the truth was; I had probably done more work than anyone else there to ensure that I was one of those 112. I put in a lot of hours and spoke to a lot of people in order to get my name out and make them remember my face. I put myself way outside of my comfort zone just to give myself this opportunity and the results spoke for themselves. Today, I am one of only three interns who were selected to continue with the company and work part time under an actual title. One of us has already assumed a full time position and we are soon to follow after graduation. I started in a department named QPS and that is where I have stayed to this day.
QPS, or Quality Productivity Strategy, is a department under Payment Operations located in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. This is one of TD Bank’s headquarters locations where the back office or “behind the scenes” work often takes place. I often reflect on what a great opportunity I have for someone my age. It is astonishing to think about where I am in the company because one of my managers is only three reporting levels below the CEO of TD Bank America. This being said I have a lot of exposure to the corporate side of TD. The internship, along with the people I work with, has shaped me to be more responsible and have a better understanding of the workforce and what it takes to succeed.
Overall, I am extremely happy with where I am at today, I will be switching departments soon but I am excited to explore a new atmosphere and get even more exposure to the company so that I can pinpoint what area I want to pursue when I graduate. Other than a few problems within my department’s management, I have nothing but great things to say about the experience. TD’s intern program is run very well and a great program to be a part of.