Tyler School of Art’s Restaurant Identity Exhibition

From October 31 through November 21, 2012 Tyler School of Art’s Juniors will be displaying their Restaurant Identity Projects in the Tyler School of Art Atrium. This project showcases the designs of first year designers at Tyler as they develop a complete brand identity for a restaurant straight from their imagination. The students were to create a theme, name, logo, and collateral for the show which was judged by Debbie Millman the Brand Queen and President of the design division at Sterling Brands.

I had the privilege of visiting the exhibition earlier this week and took some photos to share, however I recommend you take a look at it in person (it’s much better)!

Some that stood out and recieved recognition was Justin Nowak’s “Gettysburger” for first place for best name as well as typography.

Cafe Spark won Best Concept done by Carol Ly with drinks such as Sweet Concept, Aromaccomplish, and Berriliance.

First place overall went to Pamela Casey with “What Ales Ya?” a restaurant with an antique feel offering a variety of beverages under different categories including cures, remedies, preventions, and enhancements. It was amazing to see a complete idea materialized and put together.

There are plenty more extraordinary projects displayed in Tyler’s Atrium but you’ll have to go to see the rest for yourself!





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