“Pick Me: Breaking into Advertising and Staying There” Book Review
There are many different ways to break into the business of advertising.
- Know someone, that knows someone, that knows someone important
- Have a kick-ass portfolio and/or resume that would have any recruiter salivating to have you
- Stalk a recruiter
- Get internships
- Go to more networking events than there are days in a year
Some are more effective than others, and Jancy tells you how. The creative team turned Creative Director team from Oglivy and Mather, Montreal tells you which ones work and more in their book “Pick Me: Breaking into Advertising and Staying There”. The executive creative director at my internship this summer recommended it to me. It’s a great and easy read. Their book answered all my questions I had about getting in to the industry and even some questions I hadn’t even thought to ask. Also, this book unlike most other books isn’t only for aspiring creatives. They wrote a whole section just for “the suits” of the business.
Below are sample pages from the book and a link where you can find it online.