A Damn Fine Cup of Copy
When I began my internship at Cohere, fka At Media, I hadn’t considered myself a writer. After months of writing “copy” for brands like HipCityVeg, Sampan, and NextFab, I now consider myself a proper copywriter. I wanted to air quote the word “copy” because it’s not like I’m not writing copy in a traditional sense, but rather copy of a different kind. I’m not the copywriting intern, I’m the social media intern.
It’s copy that is more conversational and attempts to attack consumers where they live today, in the realm of all things social. I’ve learned how to dissect a brand, down to the tone and proper verbiage, and act like I’m one of the consumers. Thanks to my superior Marissa Le, a social guru, I think I’ve gained a knack for it myself. Writing in long-form is something that I’ve never really been able to hone in on. My mind wanders from thought to thought, as does the mind of someone on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Social is here to stay.