A fresh JOLT of energy
Early on I was always told that the geographic location you establish yourself in can be just as important as your major. Coming in as a freshman at Temple university to study Advertising with a Brand Strategy track, I took this into consideration. Being from Philadelphia, my loyalty and hope for the city runs deep on every spectrum. Including professionally. Even though NYC would have clearly been a more lucrative option. Looking back in retrospect as a senior, im happy with my decision and as well as the way Philadelphia has grown in terms of the amount of Agencies and Advertising/ Marketing work.
Working with JOLT has opened my eyes to how an Agency actually operates. It’s one thing to hear experiences from fellow peers and browse the internet for different stories on companies. But this was my formal introduction to a functioning non-academic Marketing environment. Some of the main things this experience taught me was how to efficiently work with a team, how to handle due dates/ properly distribute my workload and lastly how to how to apply other skills and experiences into your work. Whether they are related to Advertising or not.
Having brief stints in every department of JOLT was refreshing and gave me great perspective on the different moving parts of an agency. But my core work only reassured my decision to study Brand-Strategy. It’s what I naturally gravitated towards ultimately got the bulk of my attention.
The CEO Jason definitely inspired me, having created such an impressive company at such a young age was something I admired every day spent working at the office. It was a constant reminder that no matter our initial age, circumstances and skillset, as long as your time is used efficiently and matched with drive. The opportunity exists.
The experience not only met my expectations but exceeded them. The lax environment in the workplace was one that I thought could be counter active but actually evoked a more natural work ethic as a result of no formal barriers. The corporate culture ran deep and made my experience a lot more pleasurable.
As far as Hard skills, some important things I picked up on the way were Competitive Mapping, Creating A Landscape Analysis and curating a client consultation. If anyone in the Marketing/ Advertising Field is looking for an internship that is young, innovative, hands on and personable. Do not hesitate to contact the JOLT team.