A Learning Experience at Slice Communications
Hello! My name is Andrew Shober and I am the Communications Intern at Slice Communications located in Old City, Philadelphia.
At Slice Communications we specialize in three fields: Email Marketing, Social Media and Public Relations. As the Communications Intern, I did not focus my attention on one specific area, but instead I applied my skills in all three of the areas. Interning at Slice Communications has taught me many very valuable lessons and skills that I can add to my skill set when seeking employment upon graduation in May.
Working for a smaller company is not like working for a bigger company in the sense that everything at Slice Communications was very hands on. Rather than being the stereotypical “personal assistant” to the account managers, I instead was tasked with actual client-facing work. This pushed me to make sure that my work was always up to par, as it was often being shared with the clients, and eventually posted to social media or websites. Being exposed to this type of environment has more than readied me for what is to come following graduation in terms of workload and other daily agency tasks.
Interning with Slice Communications is an opportunity that I am very privileged to have had. Working in an agency where you automatically feel welcomed by everyone is not something you can say about every intern experience. Slice Communications is a very inclusive agency, that has the best interest of its interns in mind. The Slice Communications team is here to teach us valuable skills that can later be applied in the workplace, and for that, I thank Slice Communications for everything they have taught me!
Now, with all of the necessary skills in hand — Let the job search begin!