A New Appreciation for Event Marketing
Hello everyone! My name is Billy Mahoney and I am here to tell you about the wonderful experience I had throughout the course of the semester. When I first began my internship, I really did not know what to expect because not only was this my first internship, but it was also my first time working in an office environment.
I am currently interning in the Marketing & Events department at Philadelphia Magazine’s office in center city, and I work alongside 6 other interns, as well as 3 very helpful supervisors named Alicia DeFillipo, Nadine Enders, and Stepfanie McCaffrey. Although I have learned many things throughout the course of my internship, the most interesting/surprising thing that I learned was just how much planning and effort actually go into marketing events. I knew that I was going to be working in the marketing department so I assumed that I was just going to be able to sort of kick back and enjoy all of the awesome events that the magazine hosts/sponsored. Boy was I wrong.
In order to properly set up for an event, it takes about a month of endlessly printing COI’s, re-designing graphics, contemplating new strategies for social media platforms, touching up the signage for the events, assembling supplies, and constantly reaching out to clients just to make sure everything will run smoothly. There were definitely times where you could feel the tension rise around the office when there was an event coming up, but I appreciated that because it really let you see what people in the marketing field go through. I was honestly amazed when I saw how much work the employees at Philadelphia Magazine put into all of their events, and it most certainly paid off in the end because they were some of the nicest events I have ever had the pleasure of attending.
This internship has been a truly terrific experience, and working alongside of my fellow interns and supervisors has taught me a new-found respect for all of the effort that goes into planning marketing events.
And yes, the image attached is in fact a wall of donuts from our Philly Cooks event.