Adjusting to Working from Home
At the beginning of the summer I was given the opportunity to work at a start-up laundry delivery service company as a Marketing and Sales Coordinator. This was a full time job where I was going to work on market research as well as the marketing and advertising for a new company that was trying to break into the Philadelphia market. Due to COVID-19 all of my work would be entirely online. I didn’t think this would be a problem as classes in the spring had moved online and I was taking summer classes online too. However when working for a new company was very strange adjusting to online work when you don’t know how the company operates. I have had other internships and jobs in the past where there would normally be an orientation or first week where you would go around the office and meet the people you were working with. Going into an office you would figure out the company culture as well as what the company environment is like on a day to day basis. While working from home definitely has it’s pros and is the safest way to work right now, it was strange starting a position and not meeting anyone you work with face to face. I have adjusted to remote work now, but I hope that everything will go back to normal soon.