All work and no play makes interns drab.
Hello fellow interns! I am Rachel, a Senior in Advertising interning at 93.3 WMMR. With all the hustle and bustle that happens in our day to day lives between school, work, and internships, it is important to remember that sometimes you just need to have fun with it! I got to intern on my favorite day of the year, Halloween! It was great, everyone got to dress up and show off costumes. The radio personalities brought treats in for the interns, even setting time aside on the show to discuss what we were wearing. It was really nice because it was little tokens that show us they are thankful for us (and the coffee we get them). Although we still had our same busy day, everyone was just in a happier, sillier mood because it was a great, but simple change from the norm.
So with the end of the semester just around the corner and stress levels at an all time high, just remember: even a small change or a small token of appreciation can really change the mood and mindset of someone for better!