Art Direction @ PhillyBASS’D

This semester I have been interning at Philly Bass’d Entertainment as a graphic designer. I have one week to go and wanted to talk about first impressions, projects I have worked on, the atmosphere here and the people I have had the pleasure to work with.
As a senior on the Art Direction track, I was excited to participate in my first internship. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but found myself at a place where my work is used and produced for the different clients that Philly Bass’d represents.
Some of the work that I have completed so far have been album art, promotional materials, book covers, logos, corporate brochures, stickers and so much more. Although this isn’t an advertising agency, this up and coming company is driven by the excitement that only the music and entertainment industry can offer. Whether you are into social media, media planning, graphic design/art direction, film and video, account management – there is a place for you here and you will always be busy.
Some of the work that I have done so far:

My next week will consist of finishing up projects and tying up loose ends so that the next person who will pick up where I left off will have an easier time adjusting to the way things are done here. I will say this: Philly Bass’d is less of an internship experience and more of a professional work experience. Take that as you will, but being responsible for your actions, showing up on time for work, doing the job…these are all expected. Interns aren’t even allowed to make coffee. I had to ask to make some…so there is that too.
If you are interested in the music and entertainment industry, are looking for a diversity in your work repertoire, or are looking for a place that has an intern program that is designed with you in mind…look toward Philly Bass’d. Look for my next post in a week with some other thoughts, gripes, loves, and experiences that I found at my internship.
Layla O’Showy